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Unleash Your Employees’ Hidden Problem-Solving Skills with This Easy 3-Step Plan!

How to Build a High-Functioning Problem Solving Team

As a growth advisor, I work with leaders looking to scale their businesses, and one of the most significant concerns I discovered is that problem-solving was solely left in the hands of leaders. Team members lacked the confidence to take action due to the leader’s absence or the lack of trust in their capabilities. Thus, companies need to create high-functioning teams that foster a problem-solving culture. In this article, we will explore ways to build a team that solves problems effectively, unlocks employee potential, and prepares your business for rapid growth.

Building a Problem-Solving Culture

The foundation of building a high-functioning team lies in your company’s culture. Culture is the unspoken set of values, beliefs, and behaviors that influence how employees work. To build a culture of problem-solving, your team needs to share a mindset that embraces challenges, owns solutions, and continuously improves. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Encourage Autonomy and Accountability

To develop a culture of problem-solving, your employees need to know what is expected of them. You need to empower them to take ownership and make decisions without necessarily consulting their leaders. Encourage autonomy by delegating responsibilities and holding employees accountable for their actions.

2. Foster Open Communication

Clear and consistent communication is the backbone of a problem-solving culture. Team members should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas without fear of criticism or ridicule. Encourage healthy debates and discussions and listen actively to everyone’s opinions and perspectives.

3. Embrace Innovation

Sometimes, traditional problem-solving methods may not work well for your team. Embrace innovation and encourage your team to think outside the box. Allow them to experiment with new ideas and technologies and be open to adapting to changes that will positively impact your business.

4. Lead by Example

As a leader, you need to lead by example. To create a culture of problem-solving, you need to model the behavior you want to see in your team. You need to be open to feedback and criticism, willing to make difficult decisions, and take ownership of your actions.

Developing Problem Solving Skills in Your Team

Problem-solving is a skill that can be learned and developed. As a leader, you can foster a learning environment that allows employees to develop and improve their problem-solving skills. Here are some ways to achieve it:

1. Encourage Continuous Learning

Encourage your employees to pursue personal and professional development. Offer training opportunities, encourage workshops, and support ongoing education. Encourage them to learn from their mistakes and successes, and continuously strive for improvement.

2. Provide Resources

Equip your team with the resources they need to solve problems effectively. Whether they need access to information, technology, or data, ensure they have what they need to make informed decisions.

3. Reward Creativity and Innovation

Recognize and celebrate creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities. Offer incentives for employees who come up with unique solutions, and let them know their input is valuable.

4. Promote Collaboration

Collaboration is essential to problem-solving. Encourage your employees to work together, share knowledge, and leverage each other’s expertise to solve complex issues.

Building a High-Functioning Team that Solves Problems Effectively

A high-functioning team that solves problems effectively can help your company achieve its goals faster and better. Building such a team requires cultivating a culture of problem-solving, developing problem-solving skills, and fostering collaboration. Here are some tips to get started:

1. Identify the Right Talent

Start by identifying the right talent for the job. Look for candidates who have a problem-solving mindset, exhibit a willingness to learn, and show a track record of taking ownership.

2. Foster an Inclusive Environment

Create an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Recognize and celebrate diversity, and leverage everyone’s strengths to create effective solutions.

3. Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Set clear goals and expectations for your team. Ensure everyone knows what is expected of them, and empower them to take action to achieve their goals.

4. Encourage Flexibility

Encourage flexibility in how your team works. Provide them with the resources they need, but give them autonomy on how they utilize them.


To build a high-functioning team that solves problems effectively, companies should cultivate problem-solving culture, develop problem-solving skills, and foster collaboration. Leaders need to model the behavior they want to see in their teams, encourage autonomy, open communication, and continuous learning. To achieve better employee engagement, diversity of thought, and creativity, companies must encourage inclusivity, set clear expectations, and encourage flexibility. Building a high-functioning team that solves problems effectively can make your business more competitive, innovative, and prepared for growth.


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As a growth advisor, I work with leaders looking for grow and scale their businesses.

One of the biggest problems I found that prevented companies from scaling was the fact that all the Problem resolution was left in the hands of the leader. If he took the leader out of the equation, it seemed that team members lacked the agency to solve problems on their own. And on top of that, some of the leaders often lacked the confidence to trust their teams to make decisions.

So what is the million dollar answer to fix this problem you ask? Well, it’s not simple, but it’s certainly worth the effort. If you want your business to scale and grow, you need to build high-functioning teams. And to do that, companies need to build a problem solving culture. As a leader, it is your responsibility to create a space where your team members are not afraid to speak up, feel empowered, and know what is expected of them. Only then will you be able to effectively scale and grow your business.