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Unleashing the Power of SquadTrip’s Jaw-Dropping $1.5 Million Launch Rig!

Title: “Squad Trip: A Promising Startup’s Journey Towards Revolutionizing Group Travel”

In this pitch deck teardown, we will closely examine the $1.5 million pre-seed round and the accompanying deck that successfully secured funding for Tulsa-based startup, Squad Trip. With a pre-money valuation of $6 million, Squad Trip aims to disrupt the travel industry by offering a novel solution for group travel. The pitch deck received positive rankings, and we will delve into its key elements. Additionally, if you are interested in submitting your own pitch deck for analysis, we will provide guidelines on how to do so.

1. Where it all started: Identifying the Problem
Slide “Where it all started” highlights the underlying problem that Squad Trip intends to address. By presenting the pain points faced by travelers and travel agents in planning group trips, the deck effectively establishes the need for their platform.

2. Impact: Addressing the Problem
The Problem Impact Slide sheds light on the magnitude of the problem and emphasizes the potential market demand for Squad Trip’s solution. By offering statistics and relatable scenarios, the pitch deck demonstrates the relevance and importance of their platform.

3. Solution: Unveiling Squad Trip’s Innovation
The Solution Slide presents Squad Trip’s platform in a clear and concise manner. By showcasing what travel agents and travelers see and listing the features below, the deck clarifies the purpose and functionality of their solution. While benefits for both travelers and agents could have been highlighted, the initial impression proves promising.

4. Market Size and Target Audience: Identifying the Opportunity
The Market Size and Target Audience Slide provides crucial insights into the potential market size and target demographic. This slide enables investors to assess the scalability of Squad Trip’s business model and target audience reach.

5. Go-To-Market: Strategies for Success
The Go-To-Market Slide outlines Squad Trip’s strategies for reaching its target market effectively. This slide showcases the company’s understanding of marketing and distribution channels, helping investors gain confidence in their ability to penetrate the market.

6. Traction: Demonstrating Early Success
The Traction Slide serves as evidence of Squad Trip’s progress. By showcasing milestones, customer acquisition numbers, and revenue growth, the deck effectively communicates the company’s traction and validates their potential.

7. Business Model and Pricing: Revenue Generation Roadmap
The Business Model and Pricing Slide provides investors with a clear overview of the revenue streams and pricing structure. This slide presents a roadmap for revenue generation, creating a compelling case for the profitability of Squad Trip’s platform.

8. Competition: Analyzing the Landscape
The Competition Slide acknowledges competitors in the market and showcases how Squad Trip differentiates itself. By highlighting their unique value proposition and competitive advantages, the deck instills confidence in the sustainability of their business model.

9. Team: The Driving Force
The Team Slide, while visually cluttered, emphasizes the expertise and experience of Squad Trip’s founding team. With two decades of experience in the travel industry, $5 million in sales, and a deep understanding of their clients’ challenges, the team instills confidence in their ability to innovate and succeed.

10. Application and Use of Funds: Clear Financial Plan
The Application and Use of Funds Slide demonstrates Squad Trip’s clear financial plan. By outlining their specific goals, including customer acquisition targets, new product features, and key hires, the deck showcases a well-thought-out strategy for utilizing the raised funds.

Additional Piece: “Unlocking the Power of Group Travel: Squad Trip’s Revolution”

Group travel has long been a popular way for friends, colleagues, and families to create lasting memories. However, planning and organizing group trips can be a daunting task, plagued by logistical challenges, communication gaps, and coordination issues. This is where Squad Trip comes in, aiming to revolutionize the way people travel in groups.

As the Squad Trip pitch deck highlights, their platform offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the pain points faced by both travelers and travel agents. By seamlessly connecting travelers and travel agents, Squad Trip simplifies the planning process, enhances communication, and streamlines logistics. Their innovative features empower travelers to customize their itineraries, manage payments, and collaborate efficiently with their travel agent.

Furthermore, Squad Trip recognizes the importance of a talented and experienced team. With a deep understanding of the travel industry and a proven track record in sales and travel bookings, the founding team instills confidence in potential investors. Their expertise positions them favorably to tackle the challenges of the market and deliver meaningful innovation.

In conclusion, Squad Trip’s pitch deck successfully conveys the business need for their platform, captures investors’ attention, and outlines a clear roadmap for growth. While some areas could be improved, such as the visual clarity of certain slides and providing additional benefits for travelers and agents, the overall impression is highly promising. With a compelling product offering, a dedicated team, and a well-defined financial plan, Squad Trip is poised to revolutionize group travel as we know it.


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for our 60 (Yeah, there are 60 of them now!In the pitch deck teardown, we’re taking a closer look at a $1.5 million pre-seed round and the deck that helped raise it. Tulsa-based startup Squad Trip he tells me he got his first institutional financing from Atento Capital, Forum Ventures and others at a pre-money valuation of $6 million.

The company is building a new way for people to travel in groups. Let’s take a look at how it ranked!

We’re looking for more unique pitch decks to tear down, so if you’d like to submit yours, this is how you can do that.

Slides in this deck

SquadTrip tells me that the platform is not redacted, and they even included their addendum slides. This is how it breaks down:

  1. deck slide
  2. Slide “Where it all started”
  3. Problem Impact Slide
  4. Problem details slide
  5. solution slide
  6. Market size and target audience slide
  7. Go-To-Market Slide
  8. traction slip
  9. Business model and pricing slide
  10. competition slide
  11. team slide
  12. Application and Use of Funds Slide
  13. summary slide
  14. appendix cover slide
  15. Appendix I: Recruitment Roadmap Slide
  16. Appendix II: Product Roadmap Slide
  17. Appendix III: Sales and Marketing Roadmap Slide
  18. Annex IV: Income projection slide

three things to love

This is an attractive deck that goes a long way to show the business need for a tool like SquadTrip.

Clear request and use of funds

[Slide 12] I like the ‘unlock’ approach! image credits: squadron trip

It’s obvious this slide was updated during the fundraiser; It’s a good idea to do this if you have a lead investor and a term sheet while your fundraiser is still going on.

The slide deck doesn’t show an operating plan, so I’m curious what the path to earning $2.5 million in revenue is. while i don’t love which lists how much track they have, It’s all about milestones, baby — overall this is a good clean slide. In addition to the runway, it shows what the company plans to work towards over the next 18 months: 600 paying customers, specific product features, and the key hires needed to get there.

The percentage breakdown is a bit confusing, but in general, if all of my pitch coaching clients began with a request and use of funds slide that was put together as well as this one, I would not have to send this link to almost everyone I’m talking about pitch decks.

clean solution slide

[Slide 5] This clears things up as to what the company does. image credits: squadron trip

This is a great way to tell the story: show what travel agents and travelers see, and list the features below.

I would have loved to see the benefits for both travelers and agents as well, but this is a great start.

Building a talented team

[Slide 11] Hi team! image credits: squadron trip

Can I be honest for a moment? He was really confused why this company was able to raise money. Suffice it to say that there is a batch of words behind the paywall this week in the section ‘3 things SquadTrip could improve’.

But. This team makes up for my doubts and misgivings. Sure, the slide could be cleaner (I don’t know who the logos at the top represent, who the majority of the people on the right are, or why I should care), but reading the text at the bottom helped me realize that this makes sense.

Twenty years of experience in the travel industry, $5 million in sales, and plenty of travel booking experience all point to one thing: this is a founding team that truly understands their clients’ challenges. If they can tell a coherent story about how they will innovate in this industry, they can be a smart investment.

In the rest of this breakdown, we’ll look at three things SquadTrip could have improved or done differently, along with their full presentation!

Pitch Deck Teardown: SquadTrip’s $1.5M pre-seed deck
