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Unlock Better Sleep Tonight with Morning Light – You Won’t Believe the Results!

The Power of Morning Light for Better Sleep and Energy

The Power of Morning Light for Better Sleep and Energy

The Morning Routine of The Sleep Doctor

When it comes to optimizing your energy levels and improving your sleep, starting your day right is crucial. Clinical psychologist Michael Breus, PhD, also known as The Sleep Doctor, swears by his morning routine to set the tone for the day. He rises at 6:15 a.m., drinks a large glass of water, and meditates while basking in the early morning light. Walking his two dogs, Hugo and Moose, at 7 am sharp without sunglasses, completes his energizing start to the day.

Breus emphasizes the importance of exposure to natural light early in the day, advocating for at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight upon waking up. This simple practice sets the circadian clock, promoting better sleep, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

The Science Behind Morning Light

Research supports the idea that morning light exposure positively impacts various aspects of health, from improved sleep quality to better cognitive function. A study of 700 individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that those who spent time outdoors or in well-lit environments reported fewer sleeping problems and less anxiety.

Furthermore, the synchronization of the body’s internal clock, influenced by morning light, plays a vital role in hormone regulation, appetite control, and overall energy levels. Light exposure early in the day triggers the production of cortisol, preparing the body for the day ahead.

Optimizing Your Light Exposure

To maximize the benefits of morning light exposure, it’s essential to incorporate outdoor time into your daily routine. Spending at least an hour outdoors, particularly in the morning and early afternoon, can help align your body clock with the natural day-night cycle.

  • Seek natural light for at least 15 minutes after waking up
  • Consider a midday walk for an additional melatonin boost

For those unable to access natural light easily, light therapy lamps or sunrise simulators can simulate the effects of sunlight, promoting alertness and mood regulation.

The Impact of Evening Light and Screen Time

While morning light is beneficial, excessive exposure to artificial light at night, particularly blue light from screens, can disrupt the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Limiting screen time before bed, using blue light-blocking glasses, and creating a calming evening environment can enhance sleep quality.

Consistency and routine in sleep schedules are also key factors in promoting restful sleep. Establishing a regular bedtime and wake-up time can help regulate the body’s internal clock and improve overall sleep quality.

Embracing the Power of Light for Optimal Health

By harnessing the power of morning light and respecting the body’s natural rhythms, you can enhance your energy levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being. Prioritizing outdoor time, optimizing indoor lighting, and maintaining a sleep-friendly environment can transform your health and vitality.

Remember, the simple act of stepping outside and soaking in the morning light can set the stage for a vibrant and energized day ahead.


Morning light exposure plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s internal clock, promoting better sleep, enhanced cognitive function, and overall well-being. Incorporating outdoor time, limiting evening screen exposure, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule are essential practices for optimizing health and vitality.


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If you ask clinical psychologist Michael Breus, PhD, also known as The Sleep Doctor, his number one tip for having more energy and sleeping better, he doesn’t hesitate to share his own morning routine: He gets up at 6:15 a.m. every day , drink a large glass of water and meditate while waiting for the sun to rise. Then, at 7 am sharp, he walks his two dogs, Hugo and Moose, around the block, making sure to leave his sunglasses at home.

“Every human being, as soon as possible after waking up, should go outside and receive at least 15 minutes of direct natural light. Period,” says Breus, a Los Angeles-based sleep medicine specialist and co-author of the new book. Energize!Go from dragging your ass to kicking it in 30 days.

Breus’ simple life hack reflects a growing body of scientific evidence linking ample exposure to bright light early in the day with everything from sleeping better and thinking more clearly to better mental health and a lower risk of obesity and diabetes. .

A study of 700 people, conducted at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, found that those who spent 1 to 2 hours outdoors a day or spent their days in a well-lit room were less likely to have sleeping problems or report anxiety.

Another found that when people let natural light into their apartments during the day for a week, they fell asleep 22 minutes earlier, slept more regularly, and were happier and more alert during the day than during a week when they lowered the blinds. .

“Light is the most important element in setting our circadian clock, or internal 24-hour rhythm, and morning light is key,” says Nathaniel Watson, MD, a sleep specialist and professor of neurology at the School of Medicine. the University of Washington.

Each of us has not only a master clock deep in our brain, but also a series of other clocks within our tissues that control when hormones are released, maintaining our sleep-wake cycle, hunger patterns, and other rhythms. daily working in a predictable manner. cycle.

If you lived in a cave with no light at all, the hands of the master clock would still click, but on a cycle of approximately 24.2 hours, slightly out of sync with the clock that society operates by. Every day, you would become more out of sync.

“Today, your clock would say it’s 7 a.m., but your biological clock might say it’s 6:50 a.m.,” says Mariana Figueiro, PhD, director of the Light and Health Research Center at the Icahn School of Medicine in New York. York. “Tomorrow, your biological clock could say it’s 6:40 am, and the next day it’s 6:30 am and it would be increasingly difficult to get up.”

Open the blinds or go outside, and the instant the morning light hits your eyes, you’ll synchronize your body clock with the 24-hour day in two critical ways:

  • Specialized cells in the retina tell the brain to stop producing melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  • Your brain’s master clock sets a sort of internal stopwatch, telling the body to start producing melatonin again about 14 hours later.

Morning light also pushes the body to increase the production of the stimulating hormone. cortisolactivating your brain for the day.

In one experiment, office workers got more morning light for 5 days. They found it easier to make decisions and scored 79% higher on cognitive tests.

Studies Show Morning Light Can Also Affect Hormones leptin (the satiety hormone) and ghrelin (the hunger hormone) so that they promote a healthy body weight.

And researchers at Northwestern University found that people who were exposed to the most bright light before noon weighed slightly less (1.4 pounds, on average) than those who were exposed to the brightest light at night. .

On the other hand, it is best to minimize bright light at night, as it has the same wake-up effect as in the morning.

“Light is like a cup of coffee,” says Figueiro. “It has a direct and acute effect and that is to maintain alertness, and that happens day or night.”

Bright, short-wavelength light or “blue light” (the bright screen of your laptop or smartphone) is particularly disruptive to sleep, as it more closely mimics the natural sunlight we evolved to wake up with.

Unfortunately, today people spend about 87% of their time indoors, where environments are darker than they should be during the day and lighter than they should be at night.

And the pandemic, which has led more people to work from home, has made things worse in many ways.

“A lot of times, you can enjoy the morning light during your commute,” says Figueiro. She notes that a bike ride or walk from the train station to work can provide enough morning light to keep your circadian clock on time, even on a cloudy day.

Instead, many of us now simply walk from our bedroom to our computer. “People are missing the morning light. “It worries me,” says Figueiro.

But the remedies are simple.

Do your best to spend a minimum of 1 hour outdoors each day.. That includes at least 15 to 30 minutes in the morning after sunrise. Another good time to walk outdoors is between 1 and 3 p.m., when the body produces another brief surge of melatonin.

“Instead of grabbing coffee when you start to feel sluggish in the afternoon, go outside and take a sun break,” says Breus. Leave your sunglasses on to get the full effect.

In front of a window. If you spend most of your time indoors during the day, face the window and open the blinds whenever possible.

If your day room has no window, or only a small one, add more light. Figueiro recommends a table lamp on either side of his computer (1,500 lumens each) with a light-colored shade that diffuses light. A white bulb will suffice, but for greater effect, opt for a blue light or place the light closer to your eye.

Get an extra boost. If you drive to work in the dark, travel across time zones frequently, or have trouble getting natural morning light, using a “sunrise simulator” or “light therapy” lamp in the morning can also help. , says Watson: They can give you a whopping 10,000 lux of bright light. That’s about five times the brightness of outside light on a very cloudy day.

Set a curfew for screens. To minimize light at night, turn off your electronic devices (or at least dim the screen and set it so that words appear in white on black) 2 hours before bed. If you really have trouble relaxing, consider wearing blue light-blocking glasses 90 minutes before bed. Also use warm, soft, low-level lighting in your bedroom and living room at night.

And yes, you also need to maintain a consistent schedule: going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every day. It’s simple, but not easy.

“Sleep is nourished by consistency and routine.” says Breus. As a sleep coach for celebrities and athletes in Los Angeles, he knows how difficult it can be. But, as he himself says, if you want to sleep better, it’s worth it.
