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Unlock Explosive Business Growth and Maximize Talent Potential with External Trainers!

Why External Trainers Can Benefit Your Workplace Learning and Development

The 2023 Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn Learning found that continuing training and development of employees will be crucial for organizational growth, innovation, and sustainability. With an anticipated need to retrain all employees worldwide by 2025 and over 85 million job vacancies by 2030 due to a lack of qualified candidates, organizations must prioritize talent development. Investing in the workforce now can save millions in the future.

Learning and development teams must find ways to engage employees in flexible work environments, create learning experiences to attract new recruits, and expand capabilities to change organizational culture. However, organizations struggle with creating effective L&D programs, especially when there’s a knowledge gap in the current L&D team or when they don’t have one. This is where external trainers come in handy.

Here are three reasons why external trainers can help transform your L&D programs:

1. Knowledge and Experience: External trainers have real-world experience with various organizations and perspectives on what works and what doesn’t. They offer valuable insights and advice on the most effective training methods and strategies for today’s volatile, complex, and ambiguous environment. By leveraging their expertise, organizations can save money and avoid costly mistakes while implementing best practices.

2. Personalized Training Programs: Customized training programs tailored to the organization’s unique requirements and goals increase the chances of employees retaining and applying the information they learn. Using external trainers can help break groupthink and stagnation, affecting company culture and innovation. Personalized learning is no longer just a buzzword; it’s essential to drive business results.

3. Accountability and Monitoring: External trainers provide accountability and follow-up to ensure hands-on training drives behavior change. By tracking ongoing progress, organizations can ensure that training is hands-on and retained while achieving the desired results and outcomes.

Delaying key training initiatives can increase frustration, decrease retention and productivity, and cost organizations potential business or market share. Investing in L&D empowers employees, improves retention, changes culture, unlocks innovation, and has a significant impact on the bottom line.

External trainers can help fill in the knowledge and experience gaps, create personalized training programs, and provide accountability and monitoring. By prioritizing your training and development budget and investing in external trainers, you can meet the current and future employee skill development needs in real-time while ensuring a viable workforce for the future.


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Ongoing training and development of today’s workforce will play a crucial role in organizational growthinnovation and sustainability. LinkedIn Learning’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report, Building an agile futurefound that top management’s top priority is to motivate and committed employees. Since it is anticipated by the World Economic Forum 2021 report that all employees around the world will need to be retrained by 2025 and by 2030, more than 85 million jobs vacancies are anticipated because there are not enough people qualified to take them, organizations must make talent development a key priority agenda. Investments made today by business leaders in their workforce will save millions in the future.

In addition to turning staff into organizational superstars, today, learning and development (L&D) teamsmust find ways to improve employee engagement in flexible work environments, create learning experiences that can serve as a recruiting tool, and go beyond knowledge transfer to truly expand capabilities and change organizational culture. That’s a difficult (and expensive) task for any well-staffed L&D department, and it’s an even bigger challenge when there’s a knowledge gap in your current L&D team or when you don’t have any at all.

To meet the current and growing demands to create learning programs that deliver results, organizations must spend significant revenue creating and ensuring that their L&D departments are adequately staffed. However, external trainers can save money by negating the cost of hiring and training new staff, and using external trainers can lead to the significant behavior changes needed to see a lasting impact on learning outcomes. Here are three reasons why.

1. Knowledge and experience

External trainers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, which organizations can access instantly. according to a Training Industry, Inc. Report, 87% of organizations that use external trainers say they do so to access expertise and expertise. “External trainers can bring a new perspective and experience that may not be available internally. They can help organizations stay current and competitive.” External trainers and consultants have worked with various organizations and have experience with what works and what doesn’t. Because of their real-world experience, they can offer valuable insights and advice on the most effective training methods and strategies in the volatile, complex, and ambiguous environment that organizations navigate today. His experience implementing leadership development initiatives, both as a trainer and as experienced leaders, makes it easy to identify areas for improvement that may have been overlooked. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of external trainers, organizations can save money, up to 30%and avoiding costly mistakes and implementing best practices. TO Society for Human Resource Management The study found that 72% of organizations say that using external trainers and consultants helps them stay competitive.

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2. Personalized training programs

There are five essential elements to creating a leadership development program that generates results: customizable, measurable, integrated, applicable and experiential. Personalized training helps the company’s workforce perform more effectively and efficiently, leading to better results. To advance innovation, McKinsey research urges L&D to stop creating one-off trainings that tick the box but don’t produce long-term change, but instead “invest in leadership development experiences that are emotional, sensory, and create wow moments.” Learning experiences that are immersive and engaging are remembered more clearly and for longer. Human behaviors are not easily changed overnight, and customized training programs—tailored to fit the organization’s unique requirements and goals—increase the likelihood that employees will retain and apply the information they learn in their work, resulting in better performance and increased productivity. Using external trainers in this regard can also help break groupthink and stagnation, which drastically affects company culture and innovation. personalized learning It’s not just a buzzword in L&D anymore. It’s essential to how adults learn, engage today’s workforce, and drive business results.

3. Accountability and monitoring

External trainers provide accountability and follow-up to ensure hands-on training drives behavior change. In Study Transforming Learning for the Future of Work by Brandon Hall Group, challenge number three facing L&D teams is that they “don’t know how to measure learning well enough to ensure that necessary future skill development is achieved.” To create these on-demand learning experiences in response to the changing landscape in the workplace, L&D departments may find themselves packing too much information into a single training session. There needs to be more time to engage in effective follow-up to reinforce learning and ensure it is consistently applied, which can be problematic if there is a lack of staff or experience within L&D teams. Accountability and follow-up ensure that any training initiative is not just a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process of learning and development that leads to real behavior change. Training strategies should be built around opportunities with time to practice newly learned skills and less time to introduce new concepts. External trainers are equipped to create the accountability mechanisms necessary to reinforce learning content, making it part of the daily work of leaders, as well as to track their ongoing progress because they are not being pushed in multiple directions or for many priorities. . By providing sustainable accountability and follow-through, external trainers can again help organizations save money by ensuring that training is hands-on and retained, leading to the desired results and outcomes. According deloitte research“Organizations with strong learning cultures are better equipped to manage change, stay competitive, and drive innovation.”

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cost of delay

He Ken Blanchard Enterprises surveyed more than 700 leadership, learning and talent development professionals to find out how they are coping with changes in the work environment and what they are doing from an HR and L&D perspective. They found that 79% of those surveyed believe it will be more difficult to retain their best people in 2023 due to limited budgets and a lack of resources to develop good content. Hiring outside trainers will help avoid missed opportunities and lost income.

A delay in implementing key training initiatives can increase manager and employee frustration, and decrease retention and productivity, which can significantly impact an organization’s bottom line. You also run the risk of employees continually reinforcing bad habits or incorrect techniques that will cost them more time, effort, and money to undo. Not to mention what organizations stand to lose in potential business or market share due to a lack of qualified essential employees. According to Korn Ferry, the cost of the delay, if left unchecked, could cost around $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenue.

Learning cultures are essential to the modern organization. In fact, from 2022, 72% of organizations they have made learning and development a strategic and critical function. Investing in L&D empowers employees, improves retention, changes culture, unlocks innovation, and has a significant impact on the bottom line. By leveraging the expertise of outside trainers, their ability to customize programming, provide accountability and follow-up, and drive real behavior change, L&D can meet current and future employee skill development needs in real time while making an investment. which will not only save them time and money, but will ensure a viable workforce for the future.


What areas of expertise are your L&D teams lacking internally, and how can external trainers help fill these gaps? What potential costs and lost opportunities has your organization already experienced by delaying training and development initiatives? How can you best prioritize your training and development budget to ensure that you invest in the necessary support to fulfill any mandated initiative? Are you prepared for the massive update and upgrade needs within your organization? These are just a few questions that may indicate it’s time to invest in external trainers.