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“Unlock Job Opportunities with a Polished LinkedIn Profile (Using This Surprising Tool!)”

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Job Opportunities

Your LinkedIn profile can be the first impression that potential recruiters have of you, and therefore, it is essential to ensure that it looks professional, well-maintained, and up-to-date. Here are some tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile for job opportunities:

Customize Your Profile URL
LinkedIn provides you with a unique URL for your profile, which you can customize to make it look snappy and professional. Choose a shorter URL with a maximum of 100 characters, made up of letters and numbers.

Check Your Public Information
While editing your profile, ensure that your public information is appropriate and visible to others. Edit your public profile and URL to set what others see before and after you sign in to LinkedIn.

Add Two High-Quality Images
Add a professional profile photo and an eye-catching background image to your LinkedIn profile. Ensure that both the images are high-quality and give a professional impression. However, if you prefer not to have public photos on your LinkedIn profile, that is fine.

Link from LinkedIn
Link other websites, such as your portfolio or programming projects, to your LinkedIn profile to showcase your work and skills.

Update Your Skills
Update your LinkedIn profile to accurately represent all your skills. Add more skills by clicking the + (more) button and rearrange them to prioritize your most important ones.

Include a Summary
Adding a summary to your LinkedIn profile gives visitors a quick overview of who you are, the type of work you do, and how you express yourself. Add a summary to your profile or edit it to make it more descriptive if it already exists.

Add a Profile in Another Language
If you are comfortable with multiple languages ​​and are open to being hired in multiple countries, make your LinkedIn profile available in a language other than English by clicking on the Add profile in another language link.

Post Semi-regularly
Posting regularly on LinkedIn gives potential employers and colleagues in your field an insight into your interests and accomplishments. Make sure to post thoughtfully and selectively rather than overloading your profile with irrelevant content.

Have Your Contacts Recommend You
Adding recommendations to your LinkedIn profile gives potential employers confidence in your skills and abilities. Ask your contacts to recommend you by clicking the + (more) button in the Recommendations box.

Improve Your Headline
Your headline is the first thing that visitors notice on your LinkedIn profile. Instead of simply restating your job title, use the headline to provide a more descriptive summary of what you do.

Additional Piece: How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out
Apart from the above tips, there are some other ways you can make your LinkedIn profile stand out:

Engage with Industry Leaders
Networking and engaging with industry leaders can help your profile gain more visibility. Interact with others, comment on their posts, and share their content to increase your engagement on the platform.

Be Creative with Media
Instead of relying solely on text, use media such as videos, images, and presentations to showcase your skills and accomplishments. This can capture the attention of potential recruiters and provide a better understanding of your work.

Be Active in Groups
Joining groups relevant to your field and participating in discussions can help build relationships and increase your visibility to potential recruiters. Share your thoughts on relevant topics and engage with other members to demonstrate your expertise.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by potential recruiters. By following these tips and being active on the platform, you can make your profile stand out and attract more job opportunities.


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if you are looking In order to get hired, giving your LinkedIn profile some love should be on your to-do list. Potential recruiters are likely to find you and form impressions of you based on how you look and what’s listed.

LinkedIn profiles with large gaps or out-of-date information, or pages that look like they’ve been collecting virtual dust for years, won’t show you in the best light. On the other hand, a profile that is well maintained and has had some care and attention means that you are checking some of the right boxes.

You may not be aware of all the different ways you can make your profile the best it can be, far beyond a cursory listing of your employment and education history. All these changes can be made through the LinkedIn website. Click Me (top left), then View profile to open your profile and options to edit it.

Customize your profile URL

LinkedIn gives you your own URL, so make it snappy and look good on business cards and Twitter bios. Click Edit public profile and URL to the right, then the pencil icon next to the current URL to change it: The bit after the “” part can be anywhere from three to 100 characters, made up of letters and numbers. Shorter is usually better.

Check what is public

While you’re busy editing your profile, you may not be thinking about what information other people can see. Click Edit public profile and URL to set what others see before and after you sign in to LinkedIn, including your profile picture, your education and work history, and the number of followers you have.

Add two high-quality images

Just like on Facebook and Twitter, you get a profile photo and a background photo; make sure they both display high-quality, professional-looking images. The background image is your chance to show off something to do with his career, whether it’s an exotic destination you’ve taken him to or a major speaking engagement you’ve been given.

However, it’s worth noting that many people prefer not to have public photos on their LinkedIn profile, especially those from marginalized groups. Hiring managers and recruiters are human and subject to unconscious bias: Some people don’t want to risk being eliminated from a candidate pool because of their race, ethnicity, or identity. If that’s you, that’s fine.

Make sure your profile photos have been added.

LinkedIn via David Nield

Link from LinkedIn

A LinkedIn profile is all very well, but it doesn’t tell the whole story of who you are, especially if you’re working in a creative field. Click Contact information by editing your profile (near the top), and you can link to many other websites: they could be portfolio sites, for example, or programming projects you’ve worked on.

Don’t run out of skills

Make sure your LinkedIn profile accurately represents all the skills you have: Click the + (more) next to the skill box to add more. Click on the pen icon next to the same box, then on the three dots and rearrange to make sure the most important ones are at the top; you don’t want your biggest selling points near the bottom of this list.

include a summary

A resume is a bit like a cover letter. on a resume: Gives visitors a quick overview of who you are and the type of work you do, and how you express this can be just as important as what you are expressing. Click Add a summary on your profile if you don’t already have one, or click the pen icon next to the About section if one already exists.

Add a profile in another language

If you are comfortable with multiple languages ​​and are open to being hired in multiple countries, it makes sense to make your profile available in a language other than English. Click on the Add profile in another language link to the right, then choose the relevant language from the dropdown menu. You will have to do the translation work yourself.

You have the option to create a profile in another language.

LinkedIn via David Nield

post semi-regularly

Your profile is also where your posts appear: thoughts on the state of your industry, interesting work you’ve done, or links to content you find interesting. There’s no real need to post often on LinkedIn, but a few well-chosen posts can give potential employers, as well as colleagues in your field who want to connect with you, a better idea of ​​your interests and a fuller impression. of you as a whole.

Have your contacts recommend you

Talking about yourself only goes so far: let potential employers know you really have what it takes by adding recommendations to your profile. Click on the + (more) next to the Recommendations box, then ask for a recommendation to touch a contact (preferably someone who knows you well and has something nice to say about you).

Improve your headline

Click the pen icon in the top panel of your profile, and you’ll see that there’s an Available Headline field that appears right at the top of the profile: Many times, this is simply someone’s job title, but it doesn’t mean what to be be. You are free to be creative with this field, perhaps by including a more descriptive summary of what it actually does.

WIRED has partnered with Jobbio to create CONTRACTED WIRING, a professional marketplace dedicated to WIRED readers. Employers who want to advertise their jobs can visit WIRED Hired to post job openings, while anyone can search and apply for thousands of career opportunities. Jobbio is not involved with this story or any editorial content.