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Unlock the Secret to Staying Refreshed & Energized All Day Long with Lucky Fountain’s Hydration Tips!

Staying Hydrated: 5 Expert Tips For Year-Round Hydration

As the weather heats up, staying hydrated becomes increasingly important. Nutritionists emphasize the need to prioritize water intake, especially on hot summer days. Water is crucial for nearly every bodily function and is required by every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. However, many factors make it difficult to stay hydrated, including rising temperatures, busy schedules, and alcohol consumption. Below are five expert tips to stay hydrated throughout the season and year-round.

1. Add Aroma: Spice up plain water with 100% fruit juice, frozen fruits, and cold herbal tea. Additionally, add fresh lime, orange, cucumber or lemon slices to the glass for a more flavorful drink.

2. Determine Desired Water Temperature: Ice-cold water may cause sensitivity in people with sensitive teeth. Therefore, consuming water at room temperature without ice may make it easier to drink the required amount.

3. Place A Water Bottle In Every Room: This expert tip encourages everyone to always have hydration nearby by keeping a water bottle in every room, especially when traveling.

4. Eat Your Water: Alongside hydrating, fruits like watermelon, grapes, oranges, and pineapples are superb sources of essential nutrients, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

5. Set Alarms Throughout The Day: Set alarms to remind oneself of drinking water and making it a daily habit. Consistent practice of this technique will lead to regular hydration.

In conclusion, water is one of the most essential compounds for overall bodily function. Dehydration can affect digestion, and organ function that leads to general wellbeing. Although staying hydrated is critical, many people neglect the task or find it difficult to prioritize water intake. However, implementing these easy expert tips can aid in increasing water intake and leading to overall vitality. Always remember to stay hydrated and prioritize drinking water.

Additional Piece:

Dehydration can lead to many health issues. Even mild dehydration can affect physical and mental performance by decreasing blood flow. Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, lethargy, decreased urine output, dry mouth, eyes and throat, increased heart rate, dry skin, and dizziness. The adverse effects of dehydration can further lead to severe medical conditions such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and heat exhaustion, particularly in children and older adults.

During heat waves, in particular, maintaining adequate hydration levels becomes significantly critical. The CDC recommends people take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from excessive heat, such as maintaining good hydration levels by drinking plenty of water, wearing loose, light-colored clothing, and limiting exposure to the sun.

It is also important to note that one’s needs for water varies based on a person’s age, weight, activity level, and medical conditions. For instance, the elderly may not feel thirsty, leading to dehydration and other medical complications. Therefore, regular medical check-ups, especially for the elderly, are important to monitor their physical conditions.

In conclusion, adequate hydration is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. Everyone should make a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day, especially in summer. By implementing the expert tips mentioned above and staying mindful of one’s hydration needs, it is much easier to remain hydrated all year round.


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Staying hydrated can be difficult, especially on long summer days. Those endless hours of daylight filled with dips in the pool and martinis in the backyard might distract you from the water bottle you carefully filled with ice earlier. But nutritionists say prioritize water absorption is doubly important on the muggiest and brightest days of the year.

To be clear, it’s important to drink enough water 365 days a year. “Hydration is important to keep joints supple, get nutrients where they need to go in the body, aid in digestion and elimination of waste, and maintain proper body temperature,” he says Jamie Lee McIntyre, RDN. “In fact, every cell, tissue, and organ in the body needs water to function properly.” In other words, water is essential for nearly every bodily process.

In general, women need about 91 ounces of water daily, while men need 125 ounces The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. If you’re having a hard time reaching your daily goal, don’t worry. McIntyre and Emily Werner, Ph.D., RDTeam Nutritionist for the Philadelphia 76ers shares tips to help you meet your hydration goals.

Why staying hydrated can be difficult

If you think you’re “bad” at drinking water, you’re in very good company. Many factors make staying hydrated particularly challenging in the summer, and rising temperatures are a major concern. “When it’s hotter outside Your body makes you sweat. It wants to keep your core temperature down to protect organ function. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes like sodium and water,” says Werner. In other words, you need to drink more to compensate for sweating — especially if you’re running, cycling, or walking in the heat.

Timetables also tend to increase in summer. And as you move from place to place, you might forget to drink some water. Before you know it, it’s 5 p.m. and you haven’t had a drop. Both Werner and McIntyre point out that when you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. So don’t wait until sunset to get your fill.

Finally, the warmer months allow the alcohol to flow a little more freely. In fact, a study was published in the Journal of Alcohol and Drug Studies found that people drink the most in December (around the holidays). during the summer months. “Everyone wants to go and do fun things. On the beach, some tend to drink alcohol instead of thinking they should bring water too,” says Werner. Actually alcohol dehydrates youThat’s why it’s important to drink water from your bottle between squirts and stay hydrated throughout the day Before Happy hour begins.

These five expert tips can help you stay hydrated throughout the summer and year-round.

1. Add aroma

Many people just don’t enjoy the taste of water. Luckily, McIntyre has a workaround. “If the water is too plain, there are many ways to spice it up. Add a splash of 100% fruit juice. Use frozen fruits like mangoes and berries instead of ice cubes, or freeze bite-sized fruits in ice cube trays,” she says. You can also throw fresh lime, orange, cucumber or lemon slices in your glass or sip cold herbal teas.

2. Determine the desired water temperature

If you have sensitive teethice cold water could keep you from staying hydrated. For this reason, McIntyre suggests thinking about what water temperature is actually suitable for drinking. If this is room temperature, leave out the ice cubes. That way you actually drink the full glass.

3. Place a water bottle in each room

Werner asks all of their athletes to place water bottles in every room so they always have hydration nearby. If you are traveling be sure to BYOW (bring your own water) in case there is no fountain at your destination.

4. Eat your water

“Eat your fruit to help hydrate and nourish at the same time,” says McIntyre. “Produce like tomatoes, watermelons, grapes, oranges, and pineapples hydrate and nourish us.” She adds that these fruits have value, too fiberwhich supports digestion and heart health, as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Support your immune system. So if you’re planning on spending the day in the sun, throw some watermelon or pineapple in your cooler.

5. Set alarms throughout the day

If you’re really finding that nothing is helping you fit the extra ounces into your routine, Werner recommends setting the timer to the half or hour mark so you don’t miss a sip. After a while, this practice will become a habit, and you may be able to abandon these memories for good.