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Unlock the Secrets to Your Health with SARAH, the Ultimate AI Health Assistant!

Unlocking the World of SARAH: The Future of AI in Healthcare

The Evolution of SARAH

Imagine having a personal health assistant available at your fingertips 24/7, ready to answer your burning questions about nutrition, stress management, and more. Well, thanks to the World Health Organization’s latest innovation, SARAH (Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health), this futuristic concept is now a reality. SARAH represents a significant advancement in artificial intelligence, replacing its predecessor, Florence, and offering a broader range of health information.

The Rise of Generative Pre-trained Transformers

SARAH’s capabilities are powered by Open AI’s GPT (generative pre-trained transformer) technology, enabling it to provide nuanced and comprehensive responses to a diverse array of health inquiries. By harnessing the power of generative AI, SARAH can continuously learn and evolve over time, ensuring that its responses remain relevant and up-to-date.

Breaking Down Cultural Barriers

One of SARAH’s standout features is its ability to communicate in eight different languages, making it accessible to a wide range of global populations. By incorporating culturally sensitive responses and non-judgmental interactions, SARAH aims to bridge cultural and health literacy gaps, fostering inclusivity and understanding among diverse communities.

The Human Touch of AI

Unlike traditional chatbots, SARAH exudes a human-like presence, complete with facial expressions, gestures, and emotional cues. This integration of visual and non-visual communication elements enhances the user experience, creating a sense of familiarity and connection that goes beyond a mere transactional interaction.

The Promise of SARAH

As we delve deeper into the realm of AI-powered healthcare, it’s essential to recognize the potential impact of technologies like SARAH in revolutionizing the way we approach wellness and medical information. By leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, SARAH has the power to transform the healthcare landscape and empower individuals to take control of their health journey.

Empowering Health Literacy

With SARAH’s wealth of knowledge on topics ranging from mental health to chronic diseases, individuals can access reliable and accurate information to make informed decisions about their well-being. By promoting health literacy and education, SARAH serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance on their health-related queries.

Driving Innovation in Healthcare

As the field of AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more advanced applications of technology in healthcare. SARAH’s partnership with Soul Machines Limited and Rooftop exemplifies the collaborative nature of AI development, bringing together diverse expertise to create cutting-edge solutions that prioritize authenticity, transparency, and ethical principles.

Navigating the Future of Healthcare

While SARAH represents a groundbreaking innovation in AI-driven healthcare, it also poses important questions about data security, accuracy, and privacy. By proactively addressing these challenges and remaining accountable to users, the World Health Organization is setting a precedent for responsible AI deployment in healthcare settings.

Embracing the Future of Health Tech

As we embark on this journey into the future of AI-powered healthcare, it’s clear that SARAH is just the beginning. With its immersive user experience, diverse language capabilities, and commitment to cultural sensitivity, SARAH sets a new standard for AI assistants in the health sector. By embracing innovation and collaboration, we can unlock a world of possibilities in improving global health outcomes and empowering individuals to lead healthier, happier lives.

Visit the World Health Organization to learn more about SARAH’s transformative impact on healthcare.


The advent of SARAH marks a significant milestone in the integration of artificial intelligence into healthcare. With its advanced capabilities, including multilingual support, cultural sensitivity, and human-like interactions, SARAH is poised to revolutionize the way individuals access and engage with health information. By prioritizing transparency, accountability, and ethical standards, the World Health Organization has laid a foundation for responsible AI deployment in healthcare settings. As we navigate the evolving landscape of health tech, it’s clear that SARAH represents a glimpse into the future of personalized, accessible, and empowering healthcare solutions.


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April 10, 2024: Do you have health questions about how to eat well, how to deal with stress, or how to quit smoking? You can ask SARAH and she will answer you.

SARAH is a new interactive artificial intelligence resource from the World Health Organization. SARAH can also provide information on mental health, cancer, heart disease, lung disease and diabetes.

I asked him, “What is a healthy weight for a man who is 5 feet 10 inches tall?”

“The ideal weight for a man who is 5-foot-10 varies depending on factors such as age, muscle mass and general health,” SARAH said. “It’s important to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle rather than a specific number on a scale.” He then offered resources for weight management.

SARAH, which stands for Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health, replaces a previous version. Florence was designed to answer questions about COVID-19 and dispel myths about vaccination. Florence was trained on a limited health database, but SARAH uses Open AI’s GPT (generative pre-trained transformer) large language model to answer a broader range of health questions.

The health assistant speaks many languages ​​and is designed to be as culturally sensitive and non-judgmental as possible. “Addressing global cultural and health literacy differences is crucial to the long-term success of SARAH,” said Katerina Botsiou, communications consultant at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

SARAH can speak eight languages ​​and “is therefore more accessible to diverse populations.” The technology is based on data from the World Health Organization and trusted partners “to ensure culturally sensitive results,” Botsiou said.

Giving AI a personality that can show emotions is a big step forward, compared to a text-only chatbot, said Brian Anderson, MD, executive director of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI). The coalition is a group of AI stakeholders working to help others develop safe and effective uses of AI in healthcare.

“Aesthetically, [S.A.R.A.H.] he is good looking. The ability to show a human face and the gestures… is really compelling,” she said. The technology provides both visual and non-visual cues that emulate human conversation, she said. It also helps that SARAH knows people in her situation in terms of language, culture and educational level.

SARAH appears as a woman in her 20s with brown eyes, brown hair tied back, and wearing a blue t-shirt. Her facial expressions change as you “talk” to her, her skin shows wrinkles and her eyes blink. She also appears to sway, as if she shifts her weight from one foot to the other.

“As long as the way AI is used to is helping an individual solve a complex health issue, that’s a wonderful thing,” said Anderson, who was not involved in the development of SARAH.

SARAH is available 24/7. So when he offers advice on how to get a good night’s sleep, it’s more “Do as I say” than “Do as I do.”

Botsiou said there were some challenges in developing the technology. They adjusted AI algorithms to make it more accurate, ensure their data was robust, and maintain strong data security and privacy measures.

As impressive as the technology is, some facial expressions and pauses in conversation serve as a reminder that SARAH is a work in progress. There is an important disclosure on the SARAH website that the information may not always be accurate. It remains to be seen whether the answers it gives will be reliable and reproducible, Anderson said.

The technology is based on generative AI, so it will learn and evolve over time.

The WHO did not do it alone. It partnered with a technology company called Soul Machines Limited and a creative company called Rooftop to develop SARAH and provide “authentic, human responses.” WHO plans to follow SARAH closely and publish regular updates to keep the technology transparent, accountable and ethical.

Visit the World Health Organization Get to know SARAH’s website and turn on your device’s microphone and speaker to give SARAH a try.
