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Unmasking the Dark Era: Witness the Brutal Reign of Tyranny at its Bleakest Hour!

The Power of Lyn Hejinian’s Poetic Form

Introduction: Embracing Tradition and Innovation

Lyn Hejinian’s poem combines the structure of a traditional sonnet with innovative elements that push the boundaries of form. By stretching the length of the lines to almost the edges, Hejinian breaks away from traditional constraints while still maintaining the couplet-like resolution of a sonnet. In doing so, she borrows the linear drive of prose but rejects its careless and enveloping extremes.

Rapid Takeoffs and Clever Line Breaks: Movement in All Directions

One of the distinctive features of Hejinian’s poem is the rapid takeoffs that each line begins with, starting with a one-syllable word. This creates a sense of propulsion that propels the reader forward. Additionally, the clever line breaks swarm, suggest, and double the words around them, creating movement both vertically and horizontally. This dynamic formatting intensifies the effect of the poem, adding a sense of energy and motion.

Thick Sound Stacked Upon Thick Sound: The Power of Language

Throughout the poem, Hejinian employs a mix of startling and mixed diction, combining the quotidian and the scholarly. This juxtaposition of everyday language with more complex vocabulary sparks a powerful interplay, reminiscent of flint and steel striking each other. The result is a rich and sonically layered composition that captivates the reader’s attention.

Dispersing and Orienting: Finding Liberation in Disorientation

The poem, in essence, seeks to represent its own proposition: that in the movement of dispersion and an orientation of disorientation, a possibility of liberation can be found. By embracing disorientation and deviating from traditional structures, Hejinian enables the reader to explore new perspectives and find freedom in embracing chaos. This central theme resonates throughout the poem, serving as a fundamental message about the power of breaking away from established norms.

Expanding on the Topic: The Exploration of Identity and Power

In Lyn Hejinian’s poem, the exploration of identity and power takes center stage. By breaking away from traditional poetic forms, Hejinian challenges societal norms and expectations, inviting readers to question their own place within a given structure. This exploration of identity extends beyond the confines of form and delves into deeper themes of personal agency and autonomy.

The Power of Embracing Chaos: A Lesson for Everyday Life

Hejinian’s poem serves as a potent reminder that embracing chaos and disorientation can lead to new possibilities and freedom. In our everyday lives, we often find ourselves confined by societal expectations and established structures. However, by challenging these norms and venturing into the unknown, we can tap into our own potential and find liberation.

Embracing Disorientation: A Catalyst for Creativity and Growth

Disorientation can serve as a catalyst for creativity and growth. When we step outside our comfort zone and embrace the unfamiliar, we open ourselves up to new experiences and perspectives. Disorientation forces us to question our assumptions and seek alternative paths, leading to personal and intellectual growth.

The Intersection of Innovation and Tradition: A Harmonious Balance

Hejinian’s poem beautifully demonstrates the harmonious intersection of innovation and tradition. While she experiments with form and structure, she still maintains the core elements of the sonnet, such as the 14-line structure and the couplet-like resolution. This balance between the old and the new allows for both familiarity and innovation, creating a powerful and engaging piece of poetry.


Lyn Hejinian’s poem challenges traditional poetic forms while still maintaining the core elements of a sonnet. The length of the lines exceeds tradition, stretching almost to the edges of the page, creating a sense of movement and energy. This is further accentuated by rapid takeoffs and clever line breaks that intensify the poem’s effect both vertically and horizontally. Hejinian’s mix of startling and mixed diction adds layers of sound and depth to the poem, while the exploration of disorientation and dispersion serves as a means of liberation. By embracing chaos and breaking away from established norms, Hejinian invites readers to question their own identities and power within societal structures. This exploration of identity extends beyond poetry, offering insights into everyday life and the potential for personal growth.

Additional Piece:

Exploring the Power of Disorientation: Lessons from Lyn Hejinian’s Poetry

In a world that often prizes order and stability, Lyn Hejinian’s poetry serves as a powerful reminder of the potential found in disorientation. By intentionally embracing chaos and veering away from traditional structures, Hejinian invites readers to question their assumptions and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

The power of disorientation lies in its ability to disrupt our preconceived notions and challenge the established norms that dictate our lives. It is in this state of uncertainty that we are given the opportunity to redefine ourselves and explore new horizons. Disorientation forces us to confront our fears and step outside of our comfort zones, leading to personal growth and transformation.

Hejinian’s poem serves as a rallying cry for individuals to shed the shackles of conformity and embrace the unknown. It is through this embracing of chaos that we can tap into our creativity and unlock our true potential. By releasing ourselves from the constraints of established structures, we free ourselves to explore new perspectives and forge our own path.

The lessons imparted by Hejinian’s poetry extend far beyond the realm of art. They offer valuable insights into our everyday lives and the power we possess to challenge the status quo. Whether it’s in our personal relationships, professional endeavors, or societal contributions, embracing disorientation can lead to innovation and positive change.

Think of the moments in history when great leaps forward were made: the scientific breakthroughs, the artistic movements, the social revolutions. All of these milestones were achieved by individuals who were willing to question the established order and venture into uncharted territories. They embraced disorientation and used it as a catalyst for progress.

So, how can we apply these lessons to our own lives? The first step is to recognize the value of disorientation and the potential it holds for personal growth. Embrace the discomfort that comes with stepping outside your comfort zone and challenge the assumptions that hold you back. Seek out new experiences, engage with diverse perspectives, and welcome the opportunities for growth that come with embracing the unknown.

The power of disorientation lies in its ability to shake us out of our complacency and awaken the dormant potential within. It is through this process of exploration and self-discovery that we can uncover new avenues for creativity, innovation, and personal fulfillment. By embracing chaos and venturing into the unfamiliar, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities.

In conclusion, Lyn Hejinian’s poetry serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of embracing disorientation. Through her innovative use of form and structure, she invites readers to question their assumptions and explore new avenues of thought. The lessons imparted by her work extend beyond the realm of poetry and offer valuable insights into our everyday lives. By embracing chaos and venturing into the unknown, we can tap into our own potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


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Lyn Hejinian’s poem has the traditional 14 lines of the sonnet and even features the couplet-like resolution of the sonnet, but the length of its lines exceeds tradition, reaching almost to the edges of the line itself. She borrows the linear drive of prose but rejects the carelessness of prose’s enveloping extremes. The power of these lines is, in part, generated by their rapid takeoffs: each one begins with a one-syllable word. This is combined with clever line breaks that swarm, suggest, double the words around them, and intensify the effect of the poem by giving it movement both vertically and horizontally. Throughout, there is thick sound stacked upon thick sound, the diction mixed and startling, the quotidian and the scholarly sparking like flint and steel. In my reading of the poem, it is as if the verse seeks to represent the proposition of the poem: that in the movement of dispersion, in an orientation of disorientation, a possibility of liberation can be found. Selected by Anne Boyer

By Lyn Hejinian

We live in times overthrown under a feat of tyranny; we do not go to
pretend to get lost, let’s do it, let’s not do it intermittently, let’s be
lost, disoriented and never tied up for all to hear
the whistle of the adverbs that we throw into the eyes of the tyrants, shuddering
slippery shafts of limbs and led by eyes under feathers
tapas Our features are like stale bread, my headache is bad
as a model for butter. Windows: how stupid the intensity
made of glass returns the terror of love. Things diverge, separate
such as the forks of the Anguilla River where the competition is located
of two tyrants are but broken stones shaken by earthquakes
of stupefied times, of minutes through a glorious forest, of women
who are personal friends, the flanks of a hindered rabbit: to disperse
and ambiguously, obviously, surreptitiously
meat and rush to find things to recombine.

anna boyer He is a poet and essayist. His memoir about cancer and care, “The Undying,” won a 2020 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. lyn Hejinian He is the author of more than 25 volumes of poetry and critical prose, the most recent being “Tribunal” (Omnidawn, 2019), from which this poem is drawn, and “Positions of the Sun” (Belladonna, 2018). Wesleyan University Press will publish his book of critical essays entitled “Allegorical Moments: Call to the Everyday” (2023), and “The Proposition”, a critical edition of Hejinian’s early uncollected works, will be forthcoming from the University of Edinburgh Press (2024 ) .
