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Unplanned Parenthood | House M.D.

House and Wilson stress over a swallowed Quater that may have been swallowed by Cuddy’s daughter whilst she was in House’s care.

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Season 7 Episode 5 “Unplanned Parenthood”
When a newborn experiences breathing problems, the team must look at her mother’s (Jennifer Grey) medical history for clues, and what they find leads the mother to a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Foreman and Taub must both find a female replacement for Thirteen, and House and Wilson learn valuable lessons in babysitting when Cuddy has to work late.

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36 thoughts on “Unplanned Parenthood | House M.D.”

  1. ⥊ 123

    0: Good (if not good, then not zero)

    001: Uniqueness

    02: Individuality

    03: Idea

    04: Body

    05: Empathy

    06: Assertiveness

    07: Ingenuity

    08: Integrity

    09: Ambition

    1: Ethics

    2: Problem-Solution

    3: Consent/Fix

    4: Love/Free

    5: Demonstration

    6: Why/Who/When/How/Where/What

    7: Information/Flow/Code

    8: Stability

    9: Sanity/Seriousness

    10: Network (Good Network, because zero)

    11: Justice

    12: Time/Easter

    13: Death/Triumph

    14: Abolitionism

    15: The Warrior

    16: Control/Awareness

    17: The General

    18: The Army

    19: The Mission

    20: Judgement

    21: Solving Problems with Ethics

    22: Resistance

    23: Resilience

    30: Liberty

    31: Consent

    32: Discernment

    33: Win-Win/Principle

    40: Good Will

    44: Free Love

    50: Good Force

    52: Pragmatism

    55: War

    57: Counter-Terrorism

    60: Good Reason

    61: Assertiveness

    70: Knowledge

    77: Rhetoric

    78: Improvement

    80: Sustainability

    85: Autonomy

    86: Severity

    87: Sobriety

    88: Personal Sovereignty

    89: Self-Control

    90: Wisdom

    95: Only One Global Currency

    96: Blockchain

    97: Anarchy

    98: Veganism

    99: Revolution

    100: Liberation

    111: To Defy

    200: Sanctuary

    221: Alignment

    222: Cooperation

    300: To Liberate

    333: Abundance

    400: Earthlings

    444: Direct Digital Democracy

    500: Assumption

    555: Gathering

    600: Purpose

    666: Organization

    700: Intelligence

    777: Systematization

    778: Development

    788: Structure

    800: Providence

    888: Globalization

    899: Conception

    900: Institutions

    970: Optimination

    995: Accountancy

    998: Regulation

    999: Fiscalization

    1000: Militancy

    1001: Nova Era

    . This is a numeric Matrix for communications purposes.

    . This can be used to convey meaning.

    Ex.: 6022: Good Reason to Resist.

    . Mathematical operators can be used to calculate meaning.

    Ex.: To liberate with a good force: 340. 300 + 40 = 340.

    . Logical operators to create statements.

    Ex.: ¬11: 13. If not Justice then Death.

    . Colors can also be used as information.

    – You can help build it.

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