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Unveiling a Game-Changing UK Agency: Boldly Investing in Revolutionary Tech!

**Title: Aria: The UK’s New Science Agency Seeking Global Impact**


The UK government has recently unveiled its new Advanced Research and Invention Agency (Aria), a pioneering agency set up to revolutionize the field of science through high-risk, high-reward research. With an impressive budget of £800 million, Aria aims to invest in cutting-edge technologies across various disciplines, from artificial intelligence to neuroscience and materials science. In this article, we will explore the ambitious plans of Aria, the key role of its program directors, and how it draws inspiration from successful American agencies. We will also delve into Aria’s potential impact on the future of science and innovation.

I. Aria’s Vision and Objectives

A. Transforming Science through High-Risk, High-Reward Research
– Aria is set to have a “global change impact” by supporting transformative research
– Chief executive Ilan Gur envisions breakthroughs in various fields, including AI and computer science, neuroscience, and materials science
– Aria aims to invest in cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and benefit future generations

B. Empowering Program Directors for Bold and Transformative Projects
– Eight program directors, each with a budget of £50 million, are responsible for selecting and funding projects
– Their role is crucial in determining the success or failure of Aria
– Aria plans to reveal the identities of the directors next month, emphasizing the agency’s commitment to transparency and accountability

II. Inspiration from Successful American Agencies

A. DARPA: The Pioneers of Groundbreaking Technologies
– DARPA’s inventions include key technologies behind the internet, satellite navigation, and voice recognition
– Aria draws inspiration from DARPA’s program managers who make decisions about project selection and funding

B. ARPA-E: Advancements in Energy Research
– ARPA-E has achieved significant breakthroughs in advanced energy research, from sophisticated batteries to materials for nuclear fusion reactors
– Aria aims to replicate ARPA-E’s success in advancing energy technologies while exploring alternative computing methods for AI

III. Aria’s Approach to Science and Engineering Funding

A. Collaborative Efforts across the UK Research Landscape
– Aria’s funding will cover the fields of science, technology, and engineering, involving various stakeholders such as universities, public laboratories, start-ups, and large companies
– Collaborative funding with other agencies is anticipated to leverage resources and expertise

B. Exploring Alternative Computing Methods for AI
– Aria’s team contemplates developing a new computing method specifically for AI, moving away from traditional silicon-based semiconductors
– The goal is to find more efficient and sustainable ways to achieve AI, inspired by the speed and efficiency of natural computation observed in the brain

IV. The Journey to Establish Aria

A. The Importance of Proper Preparation
– Aria’s establishment went through meticulous planning to ensure its success
– The US model had to be modified to suit the UK context
– Aria’s governance structure, core staff, and program managers were carefully assembled to create the right foundations for the agency

B. Criticisms and Ambitious Goals
– The government and Aria’s founding team faced criticisms for the slow establishment of the agency
– However, Gur emphasizes the importance of taking the time to prepare properly
– Aria’s initial budget of £200 million per year may seem small, but Gur believes it will be sufficient to catalyze significant advancements in science and engineering

V. Aria’s Potential Impact and Future Possibilities

A. Magnifying the UK’s Scientific and Engineering Assets
– Aria aims to amplify the UK’s existing strengths in science and engineering as a “force multiplier”
– The agency seeks to create a transformative impact and catalyze new industries through technology advancements

B. Aria’s Key Role in Future Generations
– Gur’s personal motivation behind joining Aria is to create a powerful legacy for his children and future generations
– Aria’s success would be reflected in a technologically advanced UK, with new industries empowered by Aria’s catalytic investments


Aria, the UK’s new Advanced Research and Invention Agency, is poised to transform science through high-risk, high-reward research. With an £800 million budget, Aria aims to invest in cutting-edge technologies across various disciplines. The agency’s success hinges on the leadership and bold decision-making of its eight program directors. Aria draws inspiration from successful American agencies like DARPA and ARPA-E, which have achieved groundbreaking advancements in technology. The agency’s collaborative approach involves stakeholders from across the UK research landscape, and it explores alternative computing methods for AI. Despite criticisms, Aria’s careful preparation and governance structure lay the foundation for its success. The agency’s impact lies in its ability to magnify the UK’s scientific and engineering assets and create a technological legacy for future generations.


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A new UK government agency set up to transform science by supporting high-risk, high-reward research is coming out of stealth mode in a bid to have a “global change impact”, according to its chief executive.

Ilan Gur outlined ambitious plans for the UK’s £800million Advanced Research and Invention Agency (Aria), which is looking to invest in cutting-edge technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence and computer science to neuroscience and materials science.

In the first interview since being appointed to Aria, Gur told the Financial Times that much of the agency’s success or failure will depend on its eight newly appointed program directors who will select and fund projects. They will each have a budget of around £50million.

Aria plans to reveal the identities of the directors next month and Gur said: “They are empowered to take bold and unsafe bets. Here we have the opportunity to create something that could have a transformative impact on the world for future generations.

The creation of Aria was inspired by American organizations: the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (Arpa-E).

Darpa’s inventions include the key technologies behind the internet, satellite navigation and voice recognition. Arpa-E’s achievements range from sophisticated batteries to materials for nuclear fusion reactors.

These US agencies have program managers who make decisions about the selection and funding of projects similar to the roles envisioned at Aria – there are no jobs in existing UK public research organizations with this level of freedom and flexibility.

“I was impressed by the quality of people who responded to our call for applications,” said Gur, who joined Aria a year ago after a career in the US in start-ups and a stint at Arpa-E. “We have an incredible group that comes from very different disciplines. »

The projects for which Aria provides funding will cover the fields of science, technology and engineering. They will involve scientists and engineers from across the UK research landscape – universities and public laboratories, start-ups and large companies – and some are expected to include collaborative funding with other agencies.

Gur and his Aria colleagues debate how they should approach AI. One idea is to find an alternative computer technology to achieve AI, instead of the silicon semiconductors used exclusively today and which are expensive in terms of energy consumption and impact on climate change.

“Silicon isn’t the only way to do computation,” Gur said. “It happens in nature tens of thousands of times faster, for example in the brain.”

Kate Bingham, Patrick Vallance (both Aria Board Members) and Aria Managing Director Ilan Gur on stage at Hay Festival on May 29, 2023

Left to right: Kate Bingham, Patrick Vallance (both Aria Board Members) and Ilan Gur, Managing Director of Aria, on stage at the Hay Festival in May © Sam Hardwick/Hay Festival

The Aria team is thinking about the possibility of creating an entirely new computing method specifically for AI rather than general purpose computing. “We are exploring this area but we don’t know exactly what program will come out of it,” he added.

Although Dominic Cummings, who served as a senior adviser to former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is widely believed to be the person who pushed the government to create Aria, Gur didn’t know much about him before taking the job.

“Since I came here [Cummings] has been mentioned often,” he said. “What’s great for me is that almost everyone I’ve spoken to, in different parts of the research community and across the political spectrum, seems to not only be excited about Aria, but also understand why it is important and why it is structured that way. it is.” Cummings has not been in contact with him, Gur added.

The government and the founding team of Aria have faces criticism for not making the agency work faster.

Plans to set up Aria were announced in 2019, the initial four-year budget of £800m was set in 2020, legislation to set up the agency received royal assent in 2022 and Gur was appointed last year. Aria was then officially established as an independent research organization in January.

But Gur said taking the time to properly prepare Aria was key. The US model could not be transplanted directly to the UK without modification and the right foundations had to be built – not only program managers and other core staff, but also Aria’s governance structure.

People inside the Alan Turing Institute

Inside the Alan Turing Institute, where Aria has a temporary base © The Alan Turing Institute

The nine-person board is chaired by Matt Clifford, chief executive of Entrepreneur First, a company that helps people build new businesses. Among the directors of Aria is also the venture capitalist Kate Binghamformer head of the UK Vaccine Task Force, and Patrick Vallance, the UK’s former chief scientific adviser. Aria is based at the Alan Turing Institute, the national center for AI research, at the British Library.

Aria’s initial budget of £200m a year looks small, both in proportion to public research spending, which is expected to reach £20bn a year by 2024, and in comparison to its American counterparts. Arpa-E received $470 million this year for advanced energy research, while Darpa spends $4 billion annually on groundbreaking national security projects.

But Gur was convinced that “as a catalyst” Aria would have enough money to work wonders.

“Our programs will magnify and amplify the UK’s existing excellent assets. science and engineering assets as a sort of force multiplier,” he said. “Aria is meant to work on a decadal timescale and our budget allocation of four or five years is enough to get started and get some early evidence that Aria works.”

Gur did not take up the government’s ambitions to make the UK a country “scientific superpowerbut he acknowledged that part of Aria’s mission was to benefit the UK.

“I have an eight-year-old and a 10-year-old,” he said. “The success for me will be that when they grow up they can look around the UK and see something really powerful – maybe a new industry that has taken hold – that has been made possible by technology catalyzed by Aria.”

Who is Ilan Gur?

Ilan Gur has spent his entire life in the United States before moving to London with his family last year to become director of the UK’s Advanced Research and Invention Agency.

The 43-year-old grew up in Pittsburgh and earned a doctorate in materials science and engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

Gur founded two start-ups in Silicon Valley. The first, Solexant, created new materials for solar cells. The second, Seeo, focused on next-generation battery materials and was later acquired by Bosch.

He was program director at the U.S. Agency for Advanced Research Projects-Energy between 2011 and 2014.

Gur then created Activate, a Berkeley-based nonprofit that helps scientists and engineers turn their research into products and businesses.

Under Gur’s leadership, Activate has been instrumental in creating more than 100 science-based start-ups, particularly in areas of climate technologies such as carbon capture and energy storage.
