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Unveiling Mind-Blowing Secrets: Don’t Miss the Epic Women’s Health Talk at the World-Famous Radcliffe Library!

Title: Exploring the Menopause Talk Event Led by Shelley Caulfield from Bury Live Well Services


In today’s article, we delve into a significant event taking place during Health Information Week at Radcliffe Library. Led by Shelley Caulfield from Bury Live Well Services, this talk focuses on an important topic that affects many individuals: menopause. This engaging talk aims to educate and raise awareness about the menopause journey, offering valuable insights and guidance for those experiencing this stage of life. Let’s explore this event in detail and understand why it is crucial in promoting well-being and improving the quality of life for those going through menopause.

1. The Event Led by Shelley Caulfield:

Shelley Caulfield, an expert from Bury Live Well Services, will be leading this informative and empowering event. With her extensive knowledge and experience in this field, she will provide valuable insights and guidance on various aspects of menopause. Shelley’s expertise will shed light on the physical, emotional, and mental changes that individuals may experience during this stage of life. Through her engaging presentation, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of menopause and learn practical strategies for managing its effects.

2. Importance of Health Information Week:

Taking place during the first week of July, Health Information Week is a national campaign that plays a vital role in promoting health awareness and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being. By offering events and activities like the menopause talk, Health Information Week aims to equip people with the necessary tools and knowledge to stay healthy and manage any health conditions effectively. This campaign encourages individuals to lead a better quality of life by providing valuable information and resources related to various health topics.

3. Acknowledging the Freedom of Knowledge:

The menopause talk is a free event, enabling individuals from all walks of life to attend. By eliminating financial barriers, this event ensures that everyone has access to valuable information regarding menopause. This inclusivity promotes equality, as knowledge about menopause should be available to all, regardless of financial circumstances. Encouraging open discussions about menopause fosters a supportive community and allows individuals to share their experiences, concerns, and questions in a safe and compassionate environment.

4. Understanding the Impact of Menopause:

Menopause is a significant milestone in a person’s life, marking the end of their reproductive years. This natural biological process can bring about various physical and emotional changes, leading to challenges in multiple aspects of life. By attending the menopause talk, individuals can gain a better understanding of the impact menopause may have on their bodies and minds. This knowledge empowers them to proactively manage symptoms, seek appropriate support, and make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being.

5. Linking Resources and Support:

During the event, attendees will be provided with helpful resources and contacts to further support them on their menopause journey. These resources may include information about local support groups, specialized healthcare professionals, recommended reading materials, and relevant online platforms. By connecting individuals to these resources, the menopause talk ensures that attendees can continue their education, seek additional guidance, and engage in a supportive community even after the event concludes.

6. The Intersection of Menopause and Mental Health:

Menopause not only impacts physical health but also influences mental well-being. Many individuals experience mood swings, anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges during this stage. Acknowledging and addressing the psychological aspects of menopause is crucial for promoting holistic well-being. Shelley Caulfield’s talk will shed light on strategies for managing mental health during menopause, equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools to navigate this aspect of their journey effectively.

7. Why Attendees Should Reserve a Place:

To ensure a seamless and productive event, interested individuals are encouraged to reserve their place at the menopause talk. By providing their contact information or registering through the Eventbrite page, attendees secure their spot and receive timely updates about any changes or additional information related to the event. This proactive approach guarantees a smoother experience for all attendees and allows the organizers to plan accordingly, ensuring an engaging and informative session.

8. A Closing Note:

As Health Information Week approaches, it is crucial to take advantage of events like the menopause talk led by Shelley Caulfield. By attending this informative session, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of menopause and its effects, empowering them to navigate this stage of life with confidence. Remember, knowledge is power, and embracing the information and support available to you can lead to a better quality of life during the menopause transition and beyond.


The menopause talk led by Shelley Caulfield from Bury Live Well Services is an essential event taking place during Health Information Week. This empowering talk aims to educate individuals about menopause, shed light on its physical and emotional aspects, and provide practical strategies for managing its effects. By attending the event, attendees gain access to valuable resources, support networks, and expert guidance on navigating the menopause journey. The menopause talk serves as a reminder that knowledge is power, and by engaging in open discussions and seeking information, individuals can optimize their well-being and lead a better quality of life during this significant life stage.


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The event will be led by Shelley Caulfield from Bury Live Well Services who will give a talk on menopause.

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The event is free and will take place during Health Information Week, the first week of July.

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Health Information Week is a national campaign that helps people stay healthy, manage disease more effectively, and lead a better quality of life.

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The event is Wednesday 5th July from 10am to 11am and to reserve a place call the Radcliffe Library on 0161 253 7160 or go to Eventbrite page here.

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