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Unveiling the Untold Secrets of Grandparents Day: Join the Exclusive Club of Privileged Grandparents!

Title: The Profound Experience of Grandparenthood: A Journey of Unconditional Love

Becoming a grandparent is a milestone moment that brings forth a range of emotions and life-altering realizations. In this heartfelt article, we delve into the personal account of Jerry Davich as he shares his transformative journey of becoming a grandfather. From anxiously awaiting the birth of his grandchild to experiencing the profound bond between grandparent and grandchild, Davich beautifully captures the essence of grandparenthood.

I. The Anticipation and Arrival of Landon Reynolds
1. A few days of anticipation and the joyous text message.
2. The surreal experience of witnessing his daughter in labor.
3. The doctor’s reassuring words and the dawning realization of impending grandparenthood.
4. Embracing the privilege of being present for the birth, in contrast to his own fatherhood experience.

II. The Profound Bond With a New Grandchild
1. Showing unwavering support and comfort during a transcendent moment.
2. The undeniable love and encouragement from the expectant father.
3. The transformative power of witnessing a new life being born.
4. The immense joy of cradling baby Landon and officially joining the privileged club of grandparents.

III. Reflections on the Role of Grandparents
1. The exceptional grandparents in Davich’s life and the legacy they left.
2. The weight of responsibility to fill their shoes and be a loving grandfather.
3. The realization that actions speak louder than words in grandparenting.
4. The unforgettable impact of a grandparent’s presence in a child’s life.

IV. Embracing the Grandparenting Adventure with Landon
1. The passage of five years and celebrating Landon’s fifth birthday.
2. Cherishing quality time spent together through outdoor activities and shared experiences.
3. The incredible bond and unconditional love between grandparent and grandchild.
4. Breaking free from the constraints of time and rediscovering the joy of childhood.

V. The Truth About Grand-Parenting
1. The confirmation of preconceived notions about the unique bond and joys of grandparenthood.
2. The acknowledgment that the understanding and appreciation of grandparenthood only comes through experience.
3. The celebration of National Grandparents Day and the recognition of the cherished bond between generations.

Jerry Davich’s personal account of his journey into grandparenthood beautifully captures the transformative power of this role. His experiences with his grandson, Landon, serve as a testament to the profound love, joy, and fulfillment grandparenthood brings. The bond between grandparent and grandchild is a timeless connection that transcends generations, and for those fortunate enough to experience it, grandparenthood is a cherished and privileged adventure.

In his heartfelt article, Jerry Davich shares the transformative journey of becoming a grandparent. From eagerly awaiting the birth of his grandson to experiencing the profound bond between grandparent and grandchild, Davich beautifully captures the essence of grandparenthood. He reflects on the responsibilities and privileges of being a grandparent, the impact of unconditional love, and the joy of rediscovering the childlike wonder through spending time with his grandson. Davich’s account resonates with readers, celebrating the unique and irreplaceable role of grandparents in their grandchildren’s lives.


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The text from my son-in-law came in at 4:07 a.m.

It stated simply, “Head this way.” I had been waiting for it for a few days.

My daughter was nine months pregnant. She was four days overdue. Their baby was ready to enter our world at a South Bend hospital.

When my wife and I entered the delivery room, my daughter was facing the worst pain of her life, yet for the best reason in the world.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

On Sept. 11, 2018, Landon Reynolds came into this world. He turned 5 on Monday.

“I don’t think I’m ready,” she said at one point.

Her doctor chuckled. “It’s time. Let’s have a baby!” he said.

This was the moment I fully realized I was going to be a grandparent. Until then, it didn’t really hit me. I never dreamed of becoming a grandfather. I didn’t think about it as often as most soon-to-be grandparents. And never once did I encourage my children to bring my first grandchild into this world.

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In the early morning hours of Sept. 11, 2018, it was finally happening.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

Jerry Davich and his grandson, Landon, enjoy the Porter County Fair in 2022.

“Dad, are you here?” my daughter, Ashley, asked through tightly closed eyes while concentrating on her contractions.

“I’m right here,” I replied, jumping up from my chair.

Ashley’s mother motioned for me to be at Ashley’s bedside. I gently stroked her hair and held a cold washcloth to her forehead. Her husband, Aaron, was a rock, never leaving her side, coaching her as best he could.

“You’re doing great,” he kept telling her.

This past Sunday was Grandparents Day, designed to recognize a privileged club of members and to celebrate the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. It’s a bond I didn’t understand while nervously standing in that delivery room. Parenting has been the most challenging aspect of my life. Would grand-parenting be the most rewarding?

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

Jerry Davich and his grandson, Landon, who turned 5 on Monday.

“You won’t know until you become one,” a nurse told me many years ago.

In just a few minutes, I would become one.

Unlike when my two children were born in the early 80’s, I was determined to be completely present for the birth of my grandchild. As a new father who looked like a teenager, I was treated like a piece of furniture in the delivery rooms during their birth.

“Stand over there,” I was told by a nurse, pointing to a spot out of the way.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

Gloriadean Springfield works one-on-one with a student at Beveridge Elementary School in Gary as part of the America Corps Senior Foster Grandparents Program.

I dutifully obeyed and I didn’t budge from that spot. I’ve always regretted that. I acted like a piece of furniture instead of the father of those babies who would be emerging into our world. My spot – and attitude – in the delivery room would be different for my grandchild’s grand entrance.

“Our baby is probably terrified,” my daughter said in between contractions.

“He can’t wait to meet you,” her husband told her.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

There’s something uniquely profound about being a grandparent. The concept of time seems to be nonexistent, Jerry Davich writes.

It was painful to watch my daughter in so much pain. Her teeth were chattering. Her breathing was labored. Her eyes looked scared. The doctor and nurse coached her with firm tenderness.

“Get that baby out, Ashley,” the nurse said. “You can do this. Push harder. That’s it!”

A few minutes later, she gave birth to her baby boy, Landon. The nurse placed baby Landon on his mother’s chest. He immediately opened his eyes to gaze at her. It lasted for a few minutes. It was amazing to watch.

“So cute,” Ashley said, returning Landon’s gaze. “So cute.”

I cradled Landon, joining that privileged club I never cared existed before that moment. I thought to myself the same thing my daughter said moments earlier, “I don’t think I’m ready.”

I’ve been fortunate enough to have had several grandparents in my life. Great-grandparents too. They were remarkable people who loved me unconditionally until their last breath. I had massive shoes to fill for Landon who would call me “Pops” if he someday approved.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

I had massive shoes to fill for Landon who would call me “Pops” if he someday approved, Jerry Davich writes. This note was written by Landon for Grandparents Day, 2023.

I didn’t know what kind of grandfather I would be, just like I didn’t know what kind of father I would be. It’s all about actions, not words or plans or promises. Just being there is monumental for kids and grandkids. Our presence is our most memorable present. I try to keep this in mind every time I’m with Landon.

It’s been five years since his birth. His birthday was Monday. Over the weekend, I spent time with him playing soccer, football, Frisbee, Pickle Ball and anything else he wanted. We bicycled to a park near his home and played tag in his backyard.

“Pops, you are my grandfather!” he told me as I pushed him on a swing.

“Yes, I am. And you are my grandson,” I told him.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

All of those rumors about grand-parenting seem to be true, Jerry Davich writes. “If you’re a grandparent, you may be nodding your head in agreement. If you’re not one, you may be skeptical like I once was. As that nurse said, you won’t know until you know.”

On our bike ride, my son-in-law played classic songs from the rock group Queen. Landon sang along as if he was a child from the 1970s, not a 5-year-old kid. We loudly sang the same songs from my childhood. It felt surreal.(Watch a video and view more photos at the online version of this column.)

At one point, Landon stopped running around and said without a hint of prompting, “I love you, Pah.” Right there he showed me what I should be showing him for the rest of my life – unconditional love.

There’s something uniquely profound about being a grandparent. The concept of time seems to be nonexistent when I play with Landon. I’m not thinking as much about plans or work or responsibilities. It’s as if I’m a child again. All of those rumors about grand-parenting seem to be true.

The privileged club of grandparents: 'You won’t know until you know'

This past Sunday was Grandparents Day, designed to recognize a privileged club of members and to celebrate the bond between grandparents and grandchildren.

If you’re a grandparent, you may be nodding your head in agreement. If you’re not one, you may be skeptical like I once was. As that nurse said, you won’t know until you know.

Contact Jerry at Watch his “She Said, He Said” podcast. Find him on Facebook. Opinions are those of the writer.