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Israel’s Judicial Overhaul: Threats to Democracy and Unity

Israel’s Judicial Overhaul: Threats to Democracy and Unity


In recent times, Israel has faced its biggest domestic crisis since its founding in 1948. Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government has been pushing for a judicial overhaul that has sparked massive protests and raised concerns about the nation’s democratic values and ideals. This article explores the ongoing crisis, the implications of the proposed judicial changes, and the potential threats to Israel’s democracy and unity.

The Far-Reaching Reforms

The wave of protests and opposition did not deter Netanyahu’s government from pushing ahead with the first part of the judicial overhaul. The passed bill prevents the Supreme Court from using the standard of “reasonableness” to strike down government decisions. This is just the beginning; Netanyahu’s coalition aims to give ruling coalitions control over judicial appointments and the ability to “override” Supreme Court decisions. While Netanyahu assures that the courts will remain independent, critics are skeptical about his intentions.

The implications of these reforms are significant. Israel’s judiciary, acting as a vital check on power in the absence of a written constitution or an upper house, could be weakened, leading to a progressive erosion of democracy. Minority rights may suffer, and the ability to hold leaders accountable could be compromised. Many view this battle over judicial changes as one for the soul of the nation.

The Crisis of Netanyahu’s Making

Netanyahu’s desire to return to power after 18 months in opposition drove him to align with fringe elements of Israel’s right-wing and ultra-Orthodox Jews, resulting in the formation of the most ultranationalist governing coalition in Israel’s history. He now faces corruption charges and appears beholden to zealots within his coalition. The ongoing crisis takes place against the backdrop of escalating violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants, further complicating the situation.

The Potential Consequences

Some warn that Israel risks sliding towards civil war, emphasizing the urgency to address the threats posed by Netanyahu’s policies. While more sober-minded Likud members are called upon to reflect on the situation, the role of Israel’s partners, especially the United States, becomes crucial. President Joe Biden has urged Netanyahu to seek broad political consensus, but there must be consequences for the Israeli prime minister’s actions. The article emphasizes the need for the U.S. to step up the pressure and consider the implications for relations with Israel, including reconsidering the invitation extended to Netanyahu.

Unique Insights and Perspectives

Delving deeper into the topic, it is important to understand the dynamics of the crisis and its broader implications. Here are some unique insights and perspectives:

The Role of Netanyahu’s Coalition

Netanyahu’s coalition includes ultranationalist and religious Zionist factions, who are driving the judicial overhaul. They seek to consolidate their power and influence over Israel’s institutions, raising concerns about the erosion of democratic principles.

Public Sentiment and Protests

The massive protests and opposition to the proposed reforms indicate the level of concern among the Israeli population. Thousands of military reservists refusing to serve highlights the discontent and the potential for collective action against the government’s actions.

Global Repercussions

The crisis in Israel has broader implications beyond its borders. It affects the perception of Israel as a model of democracy in the Middle East and could strain its relationships with other nations, particularly those who prioritize democratic values. The international community must pay attention to these developments and consider their responses.

Regional Implications

The escalation of violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants adds complexity to the crisis. The potential erosion of democracy in Israel amidst ongoing conflicts with Palestinians could further destabilize the region and impede prospects for peace.


The ongoing judicial overhaul in Israel poses significant threats to the nation’s democracy and unity. Netanyahu’s government’s determination to push through far-reaching reforms without heed to opposition and protests raises concerns about the erosion of democratic values and ideals. The crisis requires attention from both the Israeli population and the international community. It is incumbent upon Israel’s partners, particularly the United States, to exert pressure on Netanyahu and consider the implications for their relationship. The stakes are high, not just for Israel but also for the stability and peace of the region.


Israel is facing its biggest domestic crisis since its founding, triggered by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government’s push for a controversial judicial overhaul. These reforms pose significant threats to Israel’s democracy and unity. The passed bill prevents the Supreme Court from using the “reasonableness” standard, and more reforms are planned, including granting control over judicial appointments to ruling coalitions and allowing parliament to “override” Supreme Court decisions. Critics argue that these reforms undermine the independence of the judiciary, a vital check on power in the absence of a written constitution or an upper house.

The crisis is a result of Netanyahu’s coalition with ultranationalist and religious Zionist factions. The ongoing protests and opposition indicate the level of concern among the Israeli population. The situation is further complicated by escalating violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants. The United States, as a key partner, must step up the pressure on Netanyahu. Meanwhile, the crisis has broad implications globally, affecting the perception of Israel as a model democracy in the Middle East and potentially straining relationships with other nations.


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The largest wave of protests in Israel’s history did not stop Benjamin Netanyahu. Nor did thousands of military reservists taking the extraordinary step of refusing to serve in a nation obsessed with its security — or warnings from former security officials, business executives and many others. Instead, the prime minister’s far-right government pushed ahead on Monday with passing the first part of a judicial overhaul that has sparked Israel’s biggest domestic crisis since the state’s founding in 1948. Netanyahu is steering his country down a calamitous path that threatens the democratic values and ideals of Jewish unity on which it was built.

This is a grim moment for a nation that has long sought to hold itself up as a model of democracy in the Middle East. And the crisis is likely to escalate. The ultranationalist, religious Zionists in Netanyahu’s coalition insist the bill that passed this week, which prevents the Supreme Court using the standard of “reasonableness” to strike down government decisions, is only the start.

Next on their agenda is giving ruling coalitions control over judicial appointments. They also want parliament to have the ability to “override” decisions by the Supreme Court to strike down legislation. Netanyahu has said he would not push ahead with the latter, but critics are unsurprisingly suspicious of his intentions.

He insisted on Monday that the courts would remain independent. Yet the reforms will undermine one of the key pillars of the state. Israel has no written constitution nor an upper house, so the judiciary acts as a vital check on power. By chipping away at its independence, Israel’s democracy could be progressively hollowed out: minorities will have fewer protections and a neutered judiciary will be unable to hold leaders to account. The battle over the judicial changes is rightly being characterised as one for the soul of the nation.

This is a crisis of Netanyahu’s making. His desire to return to power after 18 months in opposition drove him to align with fringe elements of Israel’s rightwing and ultraorthodox Jews at last year’s election after previously alienating more moderate politicians. He regained office by forming the most ultranationalist governing coalition in Israel’s history. That meant acquiescing to extremists’ demands, including security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and finance minister Bezalel Smotrich.

Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, appears beholden to the zealots, as well as ideologues in his Likud party such as justice minister Yariv Levin. If the prime minister now blinks, he risks his coalition crumbling. All this is happening against a backdrop of the worst violence in years between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in the West Bank, as the government steps up a creeping annexation.

Some, most recently former premier Ehud Olmert, warn that Israel risks sliding towards civil war. That may be alarmist. But with ultranationalists insisting the judicial overhaul will continue and protests not abating — doctors went on strike on Tuesday — Israel is showing signs of tearing itself apart.

As the Knesset enters its summer recess, more sober-minded Likud members ought to reflect on the threat Netanyahu’s policies pose to Israel’s security and stability and press their leader to back down. The prime minister is unlikely to listen. So it is incumbent on Israel’s partners, above all the US, to step up the pressure. Joe Biden has been urging Netanyahu to seek broad political consensus. But the president should make clear there will be consequences for relations with Washington — including an invitation to the US he issued last week — unless the Israeli prime minister thinks again.
