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Unveiling Unbelievable Insights: Tuesday’s SBA Conference to Revolutionize Small Businesses! | You Won’t Believe What’s Happening in Your City!

Broadband Connectivity and Cybersecurity: Empowering Small Businesses for Prosperity


In today’s digital age, broadband connectivity and cybersecurity have become critical factors for the success of small businesses. The US Small Business Administration (SBA) recognizes the significance of these aspects and is actively working towards empowering small businesses through various initiatives. One such effort is the Path to Prosperity event, which aims to provide information and resources to small business owners and individuals. This article delves into the key topics discussed at the event, the agencies involved, and the potential implications for small businesses in West Virginia.

The Path to Prosperity Event

The Path to Prosperity event, organized by the SBA, is a part of a larger series on economic development. It will be held at the Robert H. Mollohan Research Center on June 27, from 8 am to 4 pm. The event is open to all and aims to serve as an informational and contact center for individuals and small businesses in the area.

Focus on Broadband Connectivity and Cybersecurity

Broadband connectivity and cybersecurity emerged as major topics during the planning discussions for the Path to Prosperity event. West Virginia, known for its poor broadband infrastructure, will be used as a testing ground to gauge the audience’s receptiveness to information on these topics. This highlights the urgency and importance of addressing these issues for small businesses.

Educational Sessions by Strategic Offices and Agencies

During the event, several strategic offices and agencies will conduct educational sessions, providing insights into their roles and how they can assist small business owners. Representatives from agencies such as the FDIC, USDA, SBA, GSA, Treasury, and IRS are scheduled to attend. These sessions aim to connect the dots and showcase how these agencies can help small businesses in various aspects.

The Importance of Broadband Infrastructure

One of the biggest challenges faced by small businesses in West Virginia is the state’s poor broadband infrastructure. Recognizing this, the federal government has allocated significant funds to improve rural Internet access. The Path to Prosperity event aims to shed light on the necessity of broadband connectivity for small businesses and explore potential solutions.

Cybersecurity Concerns for Small Businesses

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for small businesses, as they are often targets for hackers. The lack of awareness and resources makes them vulnerable to cyberattacks. The Path to Prosperity event aims to educate small business owners about cybersecurity best practices and provide them with the necessary resources to protect their assets.

Access to Capital in Rural Development

Jacqueline Davis-Slay, Senior Advisor to the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, emphasized the importance of access to capital in rural development. She highlighted the existence of programs specifically designed to provide businesses with the funding they need to operate or expand. This aspect of the event aims to provide valuable information to small business owners seeking financial assistance.

Addressing Unbanked or Underbanked Businesses

The Path to Prosperity event also seeks to address the issue of unbanked or underbanked small businesses. These businesses often lack bank accounts or proper organization of their finances, which can lead to complications during tax time. The event aims to provide guidance on building relationships with banks and utilizing government programs to access the capital needed for growth and success.

Local Relevance and Participation

The Path to Prosperity event places a strong emphasis on local relevance and participation. Local organizations and regional authorities help shape the agenda to cater to the specific needs and challenges faced by small businesses in the state. Audience participation is encouraged through question-and-answer panels, ensuring that the event addresses the concerns of attendees.

Positive Impact of SBA Resources

Frank Sutton, MVB Bank’s market president, emphasized the positive impact of SBA resources on small businesses. Start-ups that have become self-funded and are looking to grow often take advantage of these resources. The Path to Prosperity event aims to provide a platform for small business owners to explore and utilize the resources available to them, ultimately driving economic progress in the region.

Government Institutions Committed to Success

Government institutions such as the USDA and SBA are not merely providers of financial assistance. They are deeply committed to the success of the companies they support, and by extension, to the communities they serve. The event highlights various programs available at the federal level that go beyond financial aid, including homeownership, food promotion, and farmers market initiatives. The goal is to create awareness and empower small businesses to leverage these resources effectively.

The Path to Prosperity: Paving the Way for Success

The Path to Prosperity event plays a crucial role in empowering small businesses by focusing on crucial factors such as broadband connectivity, cybersecurity, access to capital, and local relevance. By bringing together strategic offices and agencies, the event provides a comprehensive platform for small business owners to gain valuable insights and connect with resources that can drive their success. Furthermore, it showcases the commitment of government institutions to supporting small businesses and fostering economic growth in the region.

Additional Piece: The Future of Small Business Empowerment

The Path to Prosperity event serves as a stepping stone towards a future where small businesses have access to the resources, knowledge, and support needed to thrive in the digital age.

The Power of Connectivity

In an increasingly interconnected world, broadband connectivity plays a vital role in the growth and competitiveness of small businesses. With reliable and high-speed internet access, small businesses can reach new markets, expand their customer base, and streamline their operations. The availability of broadband infrastructure levels the playing field, enabling businesses in even the most remote areas to compete on a national or even global scale.

The Battle Against Cyber Threats

Cybersecurity is an ongoing battle for small businesses. The digital landscape presents an array of threats, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and phishing attempts. Small businesses must prioritize cybersecurity measures to safeguard their sensitive information and maintain the trust of their customers. The Path to Prosperity event serves as a platform to educate small business owners about the latest cybersecurity best practices, tools, and resources, equipping them with the knowledge to defend against cyber threats.

Capital for Transformation

Access to capital is a common obstacle for many small businesses. The Path to Prosperity event addresses this challenge by providing valuable information about government programs that offer financial support tailored to the needs of small businesses. From loans to grants and loan guarantees, these programs pave the way for growth and expansion. By connecting small business owners with the right resources and fostering relationships with banks and financial institutions, the event enables entrepreneurs to bridge the funding gap and propel their businesses forward.

Collaboration and Support

At its core, the Path to Prosperity event emphasizes collaboration and support. By bringing together representatives from various agencies and organizations, the event creates a space for dialogue, sharing of knowledge, and building valuable relationships. Attendees have the opportunity to connect with experts, ask questions, and gain insights that can shape their business strategies. Through this collaborative approach, small businesses can overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and foster a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.


The Path to Prosperity event serves as a catalyst for small businesses, empowering them with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary for success in the modern business landscape. By addressing crucial aspects such as broadband connectivity, cybersecurity, access to capital, and local relevance, the event equips small business owners with the means to overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. The commitment of government institutions and the collaborative nature of the event ensure that small businesses in West Virginia are not left behind but rather thrive and contribute to the overall prosperity of the region.


The Path to Prosperity event, organized by the US Small Business Administration, aims to empower small businesses through education and resources. Focusing on broadband connectivity and cybersecurity, the event addresses key challenges faced by small businesses in West Virginia. Representatives from strategic offices and agencies will highlight how they can assist small business owners, while sessions on accessing capital and addressing unbanked businesses provide valuable insights. The event emphasizes local relevance and participation, encouraging attendees to actively engage. The article concludes by highlighting the collaborative and supportive nature of the event, emphasizing its role in empowering small businesses and fostering economic growth.


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FAIRMONT — Broadband connectivity and cybersecurity will be among the SBA’s focuses at the upcoming Path to Prosperity event on Tuesday.

The event, part of a larger series on economic development, will be held at the Robert H. Mollohan Research Center on June 27, from 8 am to 4 pm The series is free and will serve as an informational and contact center for both individuals and small businesses. businesses in the area.

Several strategic offices and agencies will highlight what their agencies do as part of educational sessions. Officials will connect the dots on how agencies can help small business owners.

“It can mean something as simple as the IRS saying to them, ‘You have to start your business the right way. You shouldn’t put personal funds with your business income,’” said Ronald Spencer, senior counsel with the US Small Business Administration’s Office of Field Operations.

So far, 285 attendees have registered. Agencies scheduled to attend the event include the FDIC, USDA, SBA, GSA, Treasury and IRS. In some cases, a regional representative might speak on behalf of one of the main agencies.

One of the biggest issues facing small businesses here in West Virginia is the state’s poor broadband infrastructure. Chunks of cash from the federal government have recently been made available to help the state improve its rural Internet access.

Broadband and cybersecurity emerged as big topics during the planning discussions for the event. As a result, Spencer said, West Virginia will be used to test how receptive its audience will be to information on both topics. There will even be a panel dedicated specifically to the topic.

“They could be subject to being hacked and have no idea where to go for help,” Spencer said. “How do you protect your assets? They may not have a problem, but I guarantee someone in that audience will have experience or find out that someone’s business is being hacked.”

The session will cover more than broadband and cybersecurity.

Jacqueline Davis-Slay, Senior Advisor to the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, highlighted the importance of access to capital in rural development. She said there are several programs specifically to provide businesses with the money they need to operate or expand.

“When we look at their grocery stores, a lot of people don’t realize it, but the USDA has a Rural Energy for America program that can help them with their energy efficiency needs,” he said. “So we’re looking to bring that holistic approach to government to the states, to the cities, to these regions and to this great nation.”

One broad issue that Path to Prosperity hopes to address is the number of small businesses that are unbanked or underbanked—that is, businesses that don’t have a bank account or don’t have their business finances properly organized. The combination of personal and business income makes it more difficult at tax time. Bad credit or a lack of a relationship with a bank can hurt a business, which may not be aware of the lenders available to them through government programs.

“So it’s like taking baby steps starting from scratch, building that relationship so they can get to the point of getting the capital they need,” Spencer said. “So this is really to highlight the local agencies that are there on your doorstep that could help you get (with) free training and advice.”

While there is a baseline of information that Path to Prosperity seeks to provide, there is also a local aspect to how the program is built. Davis-Slay said that local organizations and regional authorities help shape an agenda built around the needs of the state. Audience participation is a key element during the session, with panelists answering 3-4 prepared questions before turning them over to attendees and their concerns.

Frank Sutton, MVB Bank’s market president, said in his experience that start-ups that have become self-funded and are looking to take the next step and grow are the ones that typically take advantage of SBA resources.

“I think there are more questions right now about the future state of economic progress. If you didn’t have something like this, there’s very little place to turn,” Sutton said. Looking at the session agenda, she said, “there’s a great panel across the board that addresses multiple issues that I think will be important to everyone in their respective local communities.”

The bottom line for Davis-Slay is that government institutions like the USDA and SBA are here to do more than throw money at a problem. They are committed to the success of the companies they help and, by extension, to their community at large. There are homeownership, food promotion and farmers market programs. Davis-Slay said that after the event, the next step is to follow up and connect West Virginians with resource partners and provide any consultation they need.

“A lot of people don’t know, but we can teach them how to grow food to feed their families,” Davis said. “So it’s making people aware of the tools and resources that are available at the federal level from a holistic perspective, but also how to leverage those resources to really lead on that path to prosperity.”