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UPDATE: Woman Claims To Have Receipts For E-Bike That She Cried Over

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A healthcare worker claims she has receipts after screaming for help while trying to take an e-bike from a Black man. Dr. Rashad …


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23 thoughts on “UPDATE: Woman Claims To Have Receipts For E-Bike That She Cried Over”

  1. Update………small chance a short pregnant nurse would attempt to steal from multiple tall young men…….

    Lmao did this guy truly think that was what was happening?

  2. The "Dr" knows enough to be a racist misogynist racist. I cant believe that the dude isnt more protective and respectful of pregnant women . Rashad is a punk

  3. I can't wait for this race hustling jack ass to get his papers for the defamation suit. Your tears will be delicious Dr. Bichey

  4. Yeah, the five black men surrounding the pregnant White women are the victims. Give up already. We get it. You have an inferiority complex and need therapy.

  5. Well now, this lying rucking fetard is looking even more stupid and racist. 😂😂😂😂😂 i shouldn't be surprised it's always been the retardicrats that have been racist and very unintelligent. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 maybe this race hustling liar better wait for the facts before being a complete shit bag on the interwebs. Oh wait he works for the same type of people. They won't stop lying. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ and I shouldn't expect Amy of the followers of the young turds to get smart and quit listening to this shit.

  6. Whats sad is you had Mondale Robinson on one day and said she should be charged for harming her fetus. This man is a fucking hypocrite that he says she should be charged but yet supports abortion

  7. when thihings like this happen i usually ask myself the logical of questions so i don't jump the gun. i'd do this ESPECIALLY because A:) if i had a profitable youtube channel as you probably do, or B:)what pregnant white lady tries to steal a bike from some teenagers albeit black or white…? it usually doesn't happen., other than a nut, which i'm pretty sure they don't let work in hospitals… you get that cheque book ready now ….grovelling on your channel isn't going to help either, you and many jumped the gun. if this was reversed it'd be racial. shameful mediocre news there slick

  8. I never forget when I seen Dr Rashad at Publix 2 years ago and saying hello just to get a cold shoulder and he continued to walk away. I'm glad the world gets to see his true colors hope one day he let's all that racist hatred go.

  9. She's an hormonal pregnant lady, and he's a childish toddler calling dibs on an ebike 6 minutes straight when there's "more available" according to him. I fucking promise that if the 5 men surrounding her calling her dumb, crazy bitch, was all white, all of you retards would championing her instead of the poor baby that "called dibs" 6 full minutes after the time was up.
    Such an easily solved issue by just redocking and resetting it has now turned to court and newsheadlines lmao atleast she has excuses being pregnant, the men just acted like a bunch of adolescents

  10. This man purposefully and willfully had this woman, fired, from her job before he even knew it she was guilty or not!!! He deserves everything that is coming to him!

  11. So basically you are an actual racist who gets off on defamation and doxing. SWEET! Keep pushing that fake racist propaganda you tool. YouTube should strike this garbage you put out.

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