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Vegan Diet Debunked: Side Effects from Avoiding Wholesome Animal Foods Exposed

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Let’s separate fact from fiction re: plant-based VS Omnivorous diets. Support your Workout Sessions and Healthy Hydration with …


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42 thoughts on “Vegan Diet Debunked: Side Effects from Avoiding Wholesome Animal Foods Exposed”

  1. Yep Vegetarian and processed food diets are both bad lol. I quit all highly or ultra processed foods and am limiting my added sugars to no more than 25 grams a day. I started feeling the difference in about a week. It is so easy to grab that frozen entrée, now I cook pork loins, whole chickens and beef roasts. Salad and fresh steamed or baked in the pan veggies. The price is not that different, fresh food may be a bit more but I eat less of that than the junk food it fills me up better.

  2. You are not discussing numbers, is there enough meat for head to toe for humanity at this point? Many decisions on food are quantity based too remember.

  3. There is no such thing as "the vegan diet". Vegan is a broad classification. You can eat a jar of peanut butter and a pound of French fries and be vegan. The goal is to be whole plant foods based and avoid processed foods and animal products.

  4. My adult son was strict vegan for over 13 years. He decided to go vegan due to his “ethical” indoctrination. Then he was convinced that it was the most healthy diet and tried to convince his dad and me to give up meat. I never discouraged him, but he observed how well we were doing on a keto/ketovore diet. Last year out of the blue, he decided that he was done and started following the keto/ketovore diet. I couldn’t be happier. He looks like a totally different person now. He has put on healthy weight and muscle. The muscle growth he is experiencing is amazing. He is happier. His digestion issues have disappeared and his complexion has brightened. He absolutely loves his meat and eggs and I truly feel that he is healing with this way of eating along with practicing intermittent fasting. ❤

  5. Lol vegetarian diets are the healthiest diets in the world (if you do it right) and imo are a prescription for certain diseases and illnesses . Yes if you don’t eat Whole Foods you’ll probably have health effects and deficiencies but that’s any processed food diet. A PERFECT diet is probably Whole Foods vegetarian plus fish once or twice a week. If you’re a bodybuilder sure, add some sort of isolate protein from pea/ or whey if you really want to. Otherwise I don’t think the evidence here is strong. I’ve only been Whole Foods for a few months and I’m stronger while losing 50lbs, almost off my bp meds (I was on 3!), my trigs went from 400 to 60 (!) I supplement fish once or twice a week because I don’t like to supplement at all but you don’t need that much either. You can get omega 3 from nuts and that’s enough b12 (from the fish or take a pill once a week). This is fear mongering. Tbh omnivore is fine for most, but if you have heart disease I’d lean towards vegetable heavy Mediterranean or vegan with supplements based on goals. Joel Furhman is good on his approach he allows for meat or fish as a condiment if NEEDED individually or you just like it that much. Ps I’m also long term diagnosed with MDD and anxiety GAD I’m on 2 meds for depression and I feel A LOT BETTER, but I sort of think that’s from eliminating dairy for me. It seemed to make me very bloated and inflamed.

  6. Mike, I like a lot of your videos and I’m pretty disappointed at the misleading content shared on this video. In several of your videos, you endorse the use of a multitude of supplements, the reasoning being “our Western diets are not ideal,” or “at a certain age, our bodies stop producing certain enzymes responsible for important metabolic processes,” etc. I’m confused here. So omnivores must use supplements for a long list of reasons, but veganism is wrong because they must supplement?!
    You must be aware the study done on mental health shows no causality. Vegans and vegetarians tend to have way more empathy (which you admitted in the video), so it should not be surprising that vegans suffer more mental health struggles. Imagine, for a moment, how it must feel when you care deeply about reducing the suffering all around while so few humans seem to give a flick about the fate of the planet and what the animals go through to end up on our plates.
    Rich Roll is 56 years old. He overcame a lot of health issues, and life challenges to become an inspiring ultra-endurance athlete. If he’s going through health challenges and pain, I don’t think it’s fair to immediately attribute it to his vegan diet. Anyone at that age can go through health issues, so using his interview to make your point sounds like a low blow to me.
    I've been vegan for almost 33 years now. I went through various health struggles and came out of each of them stronger, thanks to having enough knowledge of the role played by nutrition. If our gut is impaired, we cannot properly absorb all the nutrients from plant-based foods. The solution should always be focused on healing the gut, enriching the biodiversity of our microbiome. Adding animal foods may offer an immediate relief but in the long term, animal foods tend to feed pathogenic microbes. That could probably explain why vegan diets offer major health benefits protecting us against various chronic degenerative conditions.

  7. I’m not advocating for vegan or vegetarian diets here, however I would like to point out that if an individual eats seaweed regularly in their diet, they could meet their iodine requirements. I’m on an omnivore diet myself, and this is something I eat regularly.

  8. Omg I was only able to get through 10 min of this video.. I’m not, I repeat.. I am not “vegan” or “vegetarian”.. I do eat a WFPB “strong” diet and only have come to this point “because of health and prevention”… the evidence in studies that shows the benefits of plants is amazingly overwhelming and I like to look at all sides, listen to different opinions and hear the reasons.. with that said…
    This video, granted I was only able to get through 10 min of it, concentrates on talking about a “poor” vegan diet. No it does not help any vegan/omnivore to eat processed foods, and if that’s the argument to downplay the health benefits of a plant strong diet, I’m really disappointed.
    There are so many points to make and I will not take the time to go through all of them in regards to the nutrients and minerals discussed. Protein? have you ever counted how many grams of protein a well rounded WFPB diet has? With legumes, nuts, seeds, and veggies.. omega 3s? The same…
    Discussing how high in omega 6 (which is super a high inflammatory-when adversely proportional to omega 3) the average American (who is an omnivore) has in their daily intake.
    I am 53 yrs old and never felt better, I eat most plant strong with very minimal fish and mollusks sometimes. And that’s only bc it’s not easy to give up what you’ve eaten your entire life… not bc I feel ill, my labs are great. The reason many people feel bloated and gassy is bc they don’t take the time to start increasing fiber slowly, it’s not about perfection and it’s definitely not a diet to be extreme with right away. Plus, we r all individuals and what works great for one may not for another, but I wouldn’t downplay the amazing benefits of eating plants..🤷🏻‍♀️
    Also, and it’s the last thing I’ll mention.. I am a healthcare professional and every single patient who I manage every day at work has all of the cocktail of chronic conditions that don’t improve, and guess what.. they r omnivores.. they are not plant strong eaters. The couple who actually eat a more plant based diet have better control of the conditions.
    PS: maybe research:
    Dr Dean Ornish
    Dr Campbell Essylstein
    And others.. these are top cardiologists who have conducted research on how detrimental animal fat is..
    Dr Michael Greger-MD who has made it his life mission to research everything that has to do with food and health.

  9. I've only watched the first 40 seconds of this video. I did a pure and hardcore Vegan diet for 17 months from June 2016 to Nov 2017. I lost a great deal of body fat, which was good — but, my mood was depressed, my brain was kind of foggy now and again, and people felt just fine in telling me how horrible I looked. My hair started to shed… My physique looked weird and soft….and my face drooped. All I heard was…." I don't know what you're doing diet wise….but whatever it is — STOP." lol I imagine my protein was too low for two long, and I was certain amino acids short. My overall look and even blood pressure improved when I added Pasture Raised eggs and fish and avocados, after 17 months, back into my diet. Thank you.

  10. Belinda Fettke has several YouTube videos on the origin of the modern vegan movement. It All goes back to the Seventh day Adventist denomination in the late 19th Century and its founder, Ellen White who advocated the Garden of Eden diet which is vegetarian.

  11. Every single bad ass Shaolin Monk would disagree……if you don't fast, detox and rebuild your biomicrome from zero, you remain like a drug addict untreated. Science is all over the place and we should never stop Qs. Once anyone believe they already know, a door of science has been closed.☯

  12. Been a fan of this channel, but I hope it's obvious that a vegan "whole food plant based diet", full of minimally processed whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds, is significantly healthier than a vegan junk food diet that consists of donuts, chips, french fries, soda and white bread. Please, please don't equate the two as the same diet. They are both plant-based, but NOT the same. Thank-you for reading my comment and please excuse my bluntness, thank-you.

  13. Here is a ChatGPT summary:

    – Debunking the myth that vegan and vegetarian diets are healthy for humans
    – Mental health issues, gastrointestinal issues, anemia, and more linked with vegan and vegetarian diets
    – Micronutrient deficiencies linked with neurologic dysfunction, musculoskeletal, and immunological issues
    – Increased rates of bone fractures, sarcopenia, depression, and anxiety
    – Supplementation with B12, niacin, vitamin D, creatine, omega-3 fats, selenium, iodine, and protein recommended
    – Higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders among vegans and vegetarians compared to non-vegetarians

    – Mental health issues are on the rise, and vegan diets are associated with some health advantages compared to the standard American diet.
    – Eating nose to tail is important to get the micronutrients found in liver and organ meats, collagen and peptides, and other micronutrients that are important for skin, hair, and eye health.
    – Eating muscle flesh alone is not enough to get the collagen and hydroxy collagen needed for musculoskeletal health, skin, hair, nails, joints, bones, and the gastrointestinal tract.
    – Whole animal foods are widely available and provide nutrients not found in plants, such as creatine, chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan, and glucosamine.
    – The scientists recommend a plant-forward omnivorous whole foods diet that emphasizes natural unprocessed foods, and fermented foods can improve gut health and digestion.

    – This diet should be rich in vegetables, nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, berries, and other fruits, along with some whole grains and legumes.
    – Animal foods are essential to balance in this diet, but these should be preferentially wild-caught seafood, pasture-raised meat and eggs, and fermented unsweetened dairy.
    – Future prospective studies are needed to assess the cardiovascular effects of such a diet.
    – It is important to recognize that the scientists in this paper are not saying that plants are bad, but that they should be consumed in an unprocessed manner.
    – Processed plant-based foods are not healthy, and it is important to acknowledge the differentiation between all sorts of diets.

  14. These all sounds like the issues I'm dealing with from the malabsorbtion due to having a gastric bypass 10 years ago!! I'm having it reversed (soon I hope) because this is killing me.

  15. The major thing is many people want to go vegan or vegetarian but are not eating properly and don't check with a dietitian and try to DIY it and thats the major issue, also your body creates creatine naturally not 5g but around 1g daily. As a Vegan and a Holistic Dietitian the best diet I recommend is Mediterranean diet for most people who prefer to eat meat.

  16. I’ve been vegan for 28 years. Eating organic, whole foods, along with some supplementation is key. My vegan diet – in combination with eliminating gluten & refined sugar, and periodic prolonged fasting – has ‘cured’ me of multiple sclerosis, as well (no small feat, ha). I do SIIT & weightlifting 5x per week, & I’ve never had any problems putting on muscle. Strangers typically tell me that I look 10-15 years younger than I am. My blood tests are always stellar; no nutritional deficiencies or hormonal imbalances or mood disorders. And I’m no genetic marvel, ha. I would love to see you do a video on the overwhelmingly positive results that people who follow the vegan diet correctly can experience.

  17. I think people should choose what works best for their body health. I normally like and learn a lot from these videos but thought this was one had an agenda to make vegans and vegetarians out to be the trouble makers of society

  18. Thank you MIKE!!! I always knew something was wrong with veganism, and I low key feel like the government is pushing this no meat culture but that’s for another video 😂😂

  19. Cutting down on sugar and carbs was hard enough. No one will ever get me to cut out meat…no me some steak and beef. Yuuummm.

  20. Is there a mechanism for increased depression and anxiety rates for vegans/vegetarians vs normal people other than omega 3 fat and zinc deficiency?

  21. Most people can't afford to eat grass fed meat every day and this type of advice is only going to push people towards eating lots of poor quality meat, which there simply isn't enough earth for.

    You are right humans do need to eat animals/fish, but to meet our nutritional requirements we don't need to eat anywhere near as much as people seem to think, and we have to start coming to terms with that for our planet and future generations. To say otherwise is irresponsible.

  22. Mike, with the combination of a corn allergy (including all deravitives) plus Celiac (including bad reactions to all grains) I would literally starve if I had to do a plant based diet! I react to so many fruits × veggies its not funny! They give me peeling skin, ear ringing, horrid joint pain, all sorts of symptoms. Plus often they make my air borne allergies worse too. I think the organic fruits + veggies are not "clean enough" for me to eat. Mostly living on grass fed beef × lamb.

  23. Fill up on fruits and veggies (vitamin and mineral packs), eat at least an adequate amount of real animal protein. I'm 40. I occasionally eat junk but most of my diet is real food. I take no meds. I look young for my age. I used to be vegan. I lost some fat but also muscle. Couldn't think straight. Now I can build muscle again. My mood is stable. I'm more focused. I really try to watch sugar. Also, SEED OILS. Nearly all processed food is laden with seed oils. That being said, I DO eat junk once in a while. I am human after all.
    I do find that when you live on real food, you become less and less hungry. I think so many people are lacking in trace minerals. When you eat real food, you get a little more, even with soils being depleted. You are still better off than junkavores. Prioritizing fiber makes a huge difference too.

  24. 🤔 so… veganism –> mental health issues/impared thinking –> liberal ideologies —> push more veganism –> more mental heal issues –> more liberals –> civilization collapse.

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