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VLOG: Heart to Heart on Parenting (honest), VICI Try On Haul, Breastfeeding Journey | Julia & Hunter

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Organic Formula we Use
Breast Pump
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Lalo Bath Kit

Julia’s IG : (@jujhavens)
Hunter’s IG: (@hunt_havens)


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36 thoughts on “VLOG: Heart to Heart on Parenting (honest), VICI Try On Haul, Breastfeeding Journey | Julia & Hunter”

  1. Absolutely loved the intro to this with the morning bottle chat. Currently on the sofa, nap trapped (but loving it) with our first baby at 2.5 months old and it’s just so lovely to watch you guys parent and chat about it all. Makes me feel less alone as a parent knowing others’ ups and downs. Loved Smoke’s diaper change smiles. What a cutie!

  2. Hey Julia, thank you for sharing your breastfeeding journey so candidly ❤ I think people get too wrapped up in “Breast is Best” when I believe we should change our outlook to “Fed is Best.”

  3. Hi Julia and Hunter,

    First off you two are amazing parents! I am a first-time Mom too with a 10-month-old and it has been an amazing journey so far! One tip I found extremely helpful for mastitis is to use a guasha tool on your boos in the hot shower! Works every time! I heard an influencer talk about this and it was a lifesaver for me. Hope this helps!

    I also can relate to your breastfeeding experience! My daughter could not latch the first month without a nipple shield. We tried bare breast and she just could not do it and would cry the whole time even with the tongue tie revision. I ended up exclusively pumping for 10 months which was exhausting I won't lie. Sending you so much love as I know how it feels.

  4. breastfeeding is a full-time plus overtime job . I've been breastfeeding with barely any breaks for four years, my first born and my 22 momth old. I've been trying to wean her, and it's a nightmare now as she's associated it with sleep instead of self soothing. It's worth it of you cam byt its understandably one of the hardest commitments to make to anyone .

  5. I have 5 kids and I prefer to only breastfeed for 1-2months. The newborn stage is slower pace so when that’s over I like the convenience of the formula when life gets busy again. You did amazing for your first time! 💪🏼

  6. I had a very similar experience breastfeeding with my first, and at the end of the day we were both more frustrated trying than pumping and bottle feeding. Just had my second, and it's been such a different experience – latched right away and I've gotten the experience I longed for with my first. Every baby and journey is different. You're doing great 🤍

  7. You all are doing it! So happy for you guys. Im sorry about the tongue tie thing, i had latching issues with my first also but i was so thankful that i didn't give up because once he got it, it was soooo soo much easier and more convenient. Also noticed alot of weight loss after my first from the breastfeeding. The connection that happens with baby to your chest is so crucial and soothing for them. I hope he gets the hang of it.

  8. Hunter, just have to give my 0.02 here. You grabbed your role as dad with ease and grace!! I am so impressed and so happy for you! I agree Julia is an AMAZING mom (not to mention smokin hot) and you two complement each other so well. BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Juj have you looked into nipple shields? they may trick smoke into feeling like hes on a bottle. could be a good final push before cancelling out! can imagine how tiring this must be though!

  10. Julia, my son never latched and I know the mom guilt that comes with wanting to give up pumping. I stopped after a couple months. He is now 2 and thriving. Do what is best for you and your mental health! I felt like a new person after I stopped pumping all the time.

  11. Breastfeeding is H A R D. I’ve EBF two babies. One for 18 months the other for 12 months. If it’s detrimental to your mental health then it’s not worth it. Looking back for me it wasn’t. I feel like the pumping advice is the worst. I put them to the breast and that was it. Definitely offering bottles still so they don’t get a preference but pumping every two to three hours was too much for me.

  12. I had suchhhh a hard time breastfeeding my oldest. He just didn’t really like it. But my second was a whole other story. He did great and we didn’t have many issues. Every babe is different, do whatever helps YOU 🩵

  13. Hunter…you are a good man. Your parents must be proud of you… Smoke looks so much like you…
    Julia makes the care of a baby a walk in the park…
    You two are amazing human beings, even before the birth of your sweet baby 🥰

  14. Just want to reach through the screen and tell you that you're doing fine – little Smokey is so dog gone cute and so alert and aware of his surroundings. It's a joy to watch Hunter enjoy his son, and wonder what kind of man will he be………..Smoke has a father who loves him, and (of course) mommy too – that's the makings of a good man right there. So, life has changed for both of you – take some time during the day to meditate/pray about all the things on your heart, and wisdom will come to you, and guide you.

  15. Julia, please take care of yourself mama. This new mom thing is no joke. It can play with your emotions time I'm happy to see an involved dad in Hunter, never doubted he would be, but I understand the pressure that's suddenly fallen upon You. It's a type of weight that not even with the most helpful, supportive and lovin g partner in the world you could ease. I recognize your words and remember that exhaustion that seemed to have no end. If I can give you any adivce, because I went tyhrough that, is talk to someone who knows, a therapist, gineco, whoever that could guide you. Sending lots of love.

  16. I'm not a mom, yet, but I sure hope my partner gives the same recognition to me as Hunter gives Julia. Beautiful relationship. Smoke is getting so big already! Julia, the yellow and white dresses look amazing on you 💛

  17. With my 1st baby I couldn’t get him to latch & pumping was so depressing for me I felt like I was stuck to that spectra pump lol. For my second baby(he’s 6 mo) I was determined to breastfeed. Very hard to get him to latch, I would try latching before every bottle feeding to practice first. Took him a week after lots of learning for the both of us and he got it. I just stopped breastfeeding a little bit ago bc I could tell he was no longer getting enough milk from me- I cried at the Walmart buying the formula. But a little time has passed now and wow mentally I feel much better. Don’t be hard on yourself Julia!

  18. It was sooo hard to breastfeed my son that I decided why keep doing that to myself and I chose to pump and give him my milk which to me helped sooo much mentally because then I knew how much milk he was drinking which gave me peace of mind. No matter what you’re doing great Momma!

  19. You guys are so inspiring!! Hunter, I love the way you love Julia. It is so pure 🥺 And Julia, you are literally killing itttt!! The outfits, the mom vibes, literally everything 💅🏼 I hope to be as good of parents as you guys someday❤

  20. Hunter enjoyed the early morning chat. Parenthood looks great on you guys and smoke is too adorable. Julia give yourself grace you are still recovering from having a baby and being on the go all the time you will get little worn out faster. Just keep doing what you guys are doing and it all will get into routine for you. Hope you're feeling better🖤

  21. I breastfeed my son until he was 2 1/2 and it was the hardest thing I've ever done even though he latched well and I had a normal supply. If I could go back I would've pumped more and gave him a bottle more. FED IS BEST and a happy healthy mommy and baby comes first. I fell into motherhood head first and did not make any room for myself or much space for my partner to help and was just obsessed with my son. He's almost 4 now and I am just barely finding the balance between ME vs MOMme.

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