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Wall Street’s bullish prediction: recession is history – here’s why you should be excited!

The article discusses the bullish outlook of Tom Lee, a veteran analyst and co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, on the U.S. stock market, despite predictions of a looming recession and falling corporate earnings. Lee believes that falling commodity prices, recovering supply chains, and a strong labor market could improve the economy and corporate earnings, supporting his prediction that stocks will continue to rise. His positive view is shared by other analysts, such as Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Management, who expects inflation to fall and the S&P to end the year in a range between 4,500 and 5,000.

While there are concerns over the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes and the potential negative impact on the stock market, Lee believes that the level of inflation will become more acceptable to the market and the Fed, making it unlikely to derail the market recovery. The only thing that could halt the market rally is an aggressive Fed, which is unlikely, according to Lee.

Lee’s optimistic view is based on several factors, including:

Conditions for earnings to outperform: Falling commodity prices, a recovering supply chain, and a strong labor market could create the conditions for earnings to outperform, which could support a continued uptrend in the stock market.
Investor positioning: Many investors have been cautious with their investments due to continued recession forecasts, which could create a FOMO (fear of missing out) effect and increase inflows into the stock market.
Expansion rather than recession: Despite recession forecasts, Lee believes that the economy is going into expansion rather than recession, which could provide further support for corporate earnings and the stock market.

As the stock market continues to rise, Lee believes that there will be a lot of other names participating, beyond just the FANGs (Facebook, Apple, Netflix, and Google). He also notes that an aggressive Fed is the only thing that could derail the market rally this year.

Additional Piece:

While Tom Lee’s optimistic view on the stock market is supported by several factors, the current economic climate is still volatile, and the future may hold unexpected twists and turns. For example, rising geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and global pandemics could all impact the stock market in unexpected ways.

Despite these potential challenges, it’s important to note that the stock market is a reflection of investor sentiment and corporate performance. As such, investors should keep a close eye on economic indicators, such as the unemployment rate, GDP growth, and inflation, to gauge the health of the economy and make informed investment decisions.

One interesting development in recent years is the rise of sustainable investing, which involves investing in companies that prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. The global ESG market is expected to reach $53 trillion by 2025, indicating a growing emphasis on sustainability by investors worldwide.

The increasing focus on ESG factors could create new investment opportunities and impact the stock market in significant ways. For example, companies with strong ESG credentials may attract more capital than those without, leading to higher stock prices and greater long-term growth potential.

In conclusion, while Tom Lee’s bullish outlook on the stock market is supported by several factors, it’s important to remain vigilant and keep an eye on economic indicators and global developments. Sustainable investing is also a growing trend that could impact the stock market in the coming years, creating new investment opportunities and changing the composition of the market. As always, investors should conduct thorough research and make informed decisions based on their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and personal preferences.


Tom Lee, a veteran analyst and co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, believes that the U.S. stock market will continue its uptrend despite predictions of a recession and falling corporate earnings. Lee cites falling commodity prices, recovering supply chains, a strong labor market, and investor positioning as reasons for his bullish outlook. Other analysts, such as Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Management, also expect the S&P to end the year in a range between 4,500 and 5,000 as inflation eases and an AI boom continues to fuel the stock market. Despite concerns over the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes and the potential negative impact on the stock market, Lee believes that the level of inflation will become more acceptable to the market and the Fed, making it unlikely to derail the market recovery. Sustainable investing is a growing trend that could impact the stock market in the coming years, creating new investment opportunities and changing the composition of the market. As always, investors should conduct thorough research and make informed decisions based on their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and personal preferences.


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Not many on Wall Street were able to call for the S&P 500’s big comeback this year after the index slipped into a bear market for the first time in a generation last year. But then there was Tom Lee. Back in December, the veteran analyst and co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors argued that the S&P 500 would rise more than 20% this year to 4,750 — a price target that’s 17% higher than Wall Street’s median forecast. And in March, Lee reiterated his bullish view, arguing that’s the case with stocks set for high flight due to falling inflation, a dovish Fed and reasonable valuations after a dismal 2022. Since then, the S&P 500 is up almost 10% for a rebound of over 14% year-to-date. Things are looking pretty good for Lee’s prognosis, and now he’s back with another big decision.

Lee, who is widely known for his bullish forecasts and Support of cryptocurrencies says stocks will continue their uptrend. Despite more than a year constant recession forecasts He noted that the economy remained resilient, the unemployment rate hovered near pre-pandemic lows and GDP growth sustained in the first quarter.

“I don’t think the economy is going into recession, it’s going into expansion,” Wall Street’s biggest bull said said CNBC Monday.

Here’s what Lee sees that everyone else might be missing.

“Requirements for Profits to Actually Exceed”

Investment banks have repeatedly warned that the Federal Reserve’s rapid rate hikes will eventually slow the economy enough to trigger a recession top strategists They forecast that corporate earnings will fall as the year progresses and that stock prices will fall. But Lee pointed out that falling commodity prices, recovering supply chains and the strong labor market are evidence the economy — and American companies — may be doing better than many realize.

“I think those are conditions for earnings to actually outperform, and at a time when investor positioning has been so far off the mark,” he said, noting that investors are looking to this year amid continued recession forecasts ” had been very careful” with investments.

Lee has seen some of Wall Street’s recession fears turn into FOMO (fear of missing out) over the past few weeks, which could increase inflows into the stock market. And while many analysts have warned that this year’s stock market rally was mainly led by a few tech giants, the Fundstrat co-founder doesn’t take it as a negative.

“I don’t think the stocks are stretched. I think the FANGs did the heavy lifting [in this year’s rally]” he said, referring to the famous Facebook-Apple-NetflixGoogle Tech-Basket, “and if we slip into an expansion, there will be a lot of other names participating.”

Lee is not alone in his optimistic view. Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Management, said wealth He expects inflation to fall to just 3.1% in June, which would allow the Fed to end the hike-in campaign that weighed on equities later this year.

“We believe the Fed will be forced to capitulate to its ‘frozen’ theory of inflation, just as it capitulated to its ‘temporary’ theory, as year-over-year data confirms that inflation is falling,” he said.

Hatfield now expects the S&P to end the year in a range between 4,500 and 5,000 as inflation eases and “an AI boom continues to fuel the stock market and boost economic activity.”

For Tom Lee, the only thing that could derail the market rally this year is an aggressive Fed, which some economists say could derail the market recovery told wealth Today, the country is not satisfied that it has already fully curbed inflation. But Lee doesn’t see that.

“I think this level of inflation will look more acceptable to the market and the Fed,” he said. “And then the question is, ‘Does the Fed agree with the state of stocks?'” And I think they do.”