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Want To Make Money In Horses? Beat, Kick And Whip Them

The horse industry from the small barns to the race track, rodeos and olympics will heavily reward you the more you beat your …


42 thoughts on “Want To Make Money In Horses? Beat, Kick And Whip Them”

  1. Spot on! Can you imagine how horses were treated as beasts of burden in the last century in farming, transportation, war, etc? It's changed for the better since then but has a long way to go. It will be a slow process but it will happen. It's difficult because like you said it starts at the top. Lots of affluent people with money in the horse business. It will take a grass roots effort and raising awareness and will be a slow process but I believe man will evolve and horses will be treated better and as sentient beings that they are.

  2. I live in the US in the state of Kentucky, famous for two things, Bourbon and Horse Racing, The Kentucky Derby! where whipping horses to make it go faster is encouraged for Money!! I hate everything about horse racing !!!🥺🤬

  3. Horses can feel an insect on their bodies, imagine what a hit, punch, or whip feels like. Disgusting. BTW be careful calling a woman in her 60’s pretty old. 😢

  4. This is about Big Lick Tennessee walker horses that you mentioned in a picture. I can't find it🧐 so I'm posting it here.

    It's is outrageous. I've been following on YouTube a well reputed rescue NGO which has been rescuing horses for the last 20 years " Horse Plus Humane Society" from Tennessee. They go to every of those events and Demonstrate against them.
    Last month they rescued a Tennessee walker from an auction so they "entered" this horse and were able to get into the backstage.
    I'll put a link to the video if someone is interested. Cheers from 🇺🇾

  5. For awhile, I watched the 3 big horse races for the triple crown. But I had to stop because I felt like the horses were being beaten so much, and I didn't like that at all. I haven't watched racing at all since. And now racing is going through an investigation for why so many horses are dying at racetracks. I want to know what besides whipping and beating they are doing to horses so they will win. Drugs? Probably. Just stop doing anything that hurts the horse.

  6. You said it all and you are so right. Same treatments to cats, dogs or any domestic pets is condamnable for abuse or crualty acts. The major problem in the horses'world is that coercitive methods are part of the rules going across generations of teaching and practicing 😢

  7. Did you comment on the "Big Lick"? They attack blocks with a toxic substance on the horses' hooves to make them lift them high. It is torture, pure and simple. And absolutely legal! Sickening.

  8. complete agreement! the big lick shows and the abuse that goes along with them are also something that has to stop.

  9. I've even seen a video of a woman shocking a horse while barrel racing. I don't understand the need to kick and whip the horse while they're going as fast as they can for you. I just saw a clip of people barrel racing and at the end of the race, they were still whipping their horses. Several horses fell and the riders got caught in the stirrups. It was hard not to hope they got dragged around the arena. I was taught to keep my feet parallel to the horse so my heels didn't touch them accidentally. It bugs me to see people with spurs on and their toes turned out so the spurs are hitting the horse constantly. I have hated rodeos since I walked around the grounds of the Cloverdale Rodeo in the '60s. I was there because I had ridden in the Cloverdale parade. I didn't have to watch any events to know it was horrid. The stupid chuck wagon races at the Calgary Stampede kill an average of 6 horses a year. I liked what CBC did one year after some horses had died during it. The Stampede asked them not to show the accident, so CBC showed an old accident when 11 horses and 2 people were killed in one pileup. I don't know why people think it's OK. I've signed petitions and taken the pledge not to attend them. Now, Langley has a rodeo.
    Thanks for speaking out about this, Graeme. Don't give up. The horses need people like you to fight for them and teach people there is a better way.

  10. Thanks Graeme for constantly speaking up against horse abuse. It is so important. An idea here: We might need also help get the „good horse people“ some more public attention. We can-if we want- make public in our YouTube account the channels we watch. When someone clicks on your profile the channels appear. Maybe people out here with an own horse channel could link to other good channels/homepages?

  11. Whipping a horse is most cruel, it just goes to. Show how much they love your horse. And why do they do such a cruel thing …. All they see not the horse and how it feel ….money money money .horse lovers . RUBBISH?the fault starts with your government.the laws and principles.rights. Verses corruption. And corruption wins with money and bribery.let’s face the facts.a no win situation unfortunately.

  12. There are so many things I see in the "horse show culture" that just drives me up the walls, I'm gonna pick on barrel racers here cus I have the most experience with them but like there are so many things in that culture that I hate! I have no idea why we encourage children to kick and hit horses so hard so MANY studies have come out on how kicking and whipping horses doesn't make a horse run faster legit all i does is piss the horse off. It also makes me so sad how people will look at horses who are n so much distress at the start of the chute in a rodeo and think "oh that horse is so excited to run he can't wait" Yeah he can't wait to get it done and over with so he can go home! he's also anticipating being hit! so he's scared!
    I don't really do barrel racing but the few times I did I remember the other barrel racing girls where very mean the competition in this sport is high and they teach and promote other women that all women are your enemy I made a few very upset when I got better time not hitting and kicking my horse. They told me I must be drugging my horse and that he was to calm to be a barrel horse. Cus its been so normalized for horses to be anxious and in such distress at rodeos, the horse I was riding at the time he also did stuff other than the barrel pattern i really liked going fishing on horseback with him cus the lure in the water never frightened him than my aunt sold him to a barrel racer he was never the same.
    The owner was very angry lady, I find so many people with issues buy horses and I'm not trying to be mean here cus I have TBI and that makes feelings very intense and hard to control but like there are ways to work with thees things hitting animals is should never be one of them. I've never gotten so and I've hit a horse like its so easy to not hurt animals ,But I think some people buy horses instead of going to therapy first horses can help but a good doctor will help you much more.

  13. Well said! 💯 Comparing horse abuse with trafficking makes sense. Humans are trafficked into the sex trade, horses are trafficked into racing, big lick, charro, barrel racing etc. Seeing your horses shows how gentle and loving you are towards them. A good example is how Mocha settled in so easily and comfortably.

  14. Excellent video and finally someone had the guts to say it to the world…well done Graeme . Horses are energy animals and if you show kindness to them then that is when you start to see trust and the willingness to follow or simply go in any direction that you would like to lead that horse.

  15. I feel like we're all waiting for that "Ah Ha" moment, for the time when common sense will prevail and people will look back and wonder how and why the abuse and horrific treatment of horses was accepted for so long. I can only hope that it comes soon as it's heartbreaking to see the way they are treated by so many people inside and out of the show/sport industry.

  16. Very well said ♡
    I really hope that people like you, Raleigh Link, and Think Like a Horse will open people's eyes and change the horse world for the better.
    Thank you for making this video and addressing this important issue 🙂

  17. Thank you for doing all you can to bring awareness Graeme!
    I just don't understand how people can't see what they're doing to these amazing animals. Horses just needing love and understanding, they don't know WHY they're being hit and tortured!
    I don't care how mad I've ever been at any of my furbabies and I've been pretty mad, I've NEVER even thought about hurting any of them.
    Some human are just the worst, things seriously need to change.

  18. Yes, it blows my mind, too, especially when I think how horses have helped humanity over the centuries. In fact, it breaks my heart to think how horses have served us and sacrificed their lives so that we, as a species, could get on. The least we can do, now, is to give them their lives back, as you do.

  19. Graeme, as a teenager, I barrel raced. No whip, no spurs and I didn’t use my reins because I taught her the pattern. She loved it. I just pointed her to the first barrel, gave her her head and held on. She was a small horse, actually pony sized, 14.1 hands, but very fast and quick on her feet. It was a little gymkhana show, ribbons only and I was never out of the ribbons.
    I always thought it was crazy to spur and whip a horse that was giving everything it had, they are obviously giving everything they have, they can’t go any faster.
    I have never gone to a rodeo because I think it’s cruel.
    I’m with you on this, horses are amazing and will give you what you ask of them, no need for being jerked around, whipped or spurred.
    My little barrel mare would throw anyone that kicked her or spurred her. She was sensitive and smart and would retaliate if she was treated roughly.
    I love this series you’re on.

  20. I went to hack out (trail ride) in Wimbledon, London, and they have handed us whips but they made it clear that a whip should be only used to stroke the horse back and neck if a horse fly lands on them. We loved how it is used as it is intended to be used, as an extension of our hand to guide and help gently. i hope I worded this not to be misunderstood. 🙂

  21. They still do it to animals too. I have a feral cat here that I have feed for over a year daily. He wont let you touch him. He will rub on your leg but you can not touch. I think he has PTSD, because everywhere he goes he studies the ground and objects first

  22. I'm in my mid forties and learned to ride here in the UK at riding schools as a young child. It is a sad fact that most riding schools did teach people this way in the past I.e always carry a whip , kicking the horse they told us horses had thick skin and couldn't feel much. Sadly those poor horses must have been institutionalised. It saddens me to this day. I personally as a kid was more interested in watching and hanging out with horses being a bit of day dreamer and actually found lessons pretty nerve racking as they had a competitive element.
    The Internet has some real positives and I do think that it has helped people understand horses and kind authentic horsemanship that was not a given in the past. I hope I'm not outdated in saying that because horsepeopleship sounds wrong! Sorry just thinking aloud! I do think that without the Internet we'd still be in that cycle, limited number of riding schools teaching the same thing whose students would again progress towards teaching others the same thing.
    The Internet i.e YouTube etc has had a huge impact in educating and breaking negative cycles and it really can be used as a force for good and allows us to question ourselves in so many ways.
    What I like about this community is its supportive nature allowing us all to learn and become better.

  23. Thank you Graeme, I have so much respect for you having the courage to speak up for these beautiful creatures when they can't.
    This is SO IMPORTANT to bring up! Many do not realize that there are horse related sports/activities that are very abusive and crewel. I have always felt strongly about these practices and was often not a popular person because I would not/could not "follow the main stream". I have never been ok with others who decide that whipping/etc is the best choice. I refused to do that and never will. There are many horse sports going on today that really grind my gears, one of the big ones being the whole "Big Lick" horse issue. It literally crushes my soul to see horses being made to "perform" with such horrible abuse/pain. If you aren't familiar with it – do not look it up if you have a soft heart. The fact that people are so "Proud" of winning events with these abusive methods, crushes my soul. – Thank goodness for Graeme and the like, for gifting horses lovers with his methods of teaching. You make the world a much better place. (sorry for my rant, it just really hit me

  24. The instuctors on my riding school keep telling me 'if they don't listen to your legs whip them and if they don't listen to that whip them harder until they do' I already decided I'm quitting there for this reason but I'm so sad more than 90% of riding schools seem to have this mentality in my country. I feel like there's no opportunity for me to work with horses all together because I don't want to give them revenue😥

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