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WARNING: ChatGPT Could Be The Start Of The End! Sam Harris

In this new episode Steven sits down with philosopher, neuroscientist, podcast host and author Sam Harris. 00:00 Intro 02:02 6 …

32 thoughts on “WARNING: ChatGPT Could Be The Start Of The End! Sam Harris”

  1. If you enjoyed this conversation could you do us a favour and subscribe to the channel and join the 33% of regular viewers that are subscribed, it helps this channel out more than you know and enables us to keep bringing you these conversations. Thank you all! 🙏🏽

  2. To begin with I disliked this man, he seemed to have a huge part missing, but I listened to the end and I changed completely, he finally talked about the humanities and the value of art, the universal basic income. Everyone has a hidden talent, that they have no time to pursue, that will open up unknown talent and genius and maybe some will find a means of working because they like doing it, even if a robot could do it better. After thought a different perspective on robots in Ishiguro’s ‘Klara and the Sun’.

  3. I went through the same things on Facebook. Deleting it was incredibly freeing. Doing communications face to face and being in community is changing how I see the world and people in general. It is like I was feasting on McDonalds for 3 meals a day and now I cook my own meals with organic food.

  4. Time to develop friends who think and believe differently than us. Spend time with them and remain open. You do not have to block someone out if you disagree with them. The mind functions on compare, contrast, and differences. If we realize the mind is a good tool but a terrible master would be a good start. More heart, compassion, patience, understanding, etc. is needed and should be focused on. Blessings

  5. Sam says the human race could not effectively handle the pandemic. Then how are we going to handle the distruptions caused by A I which seem even more complex? Its a pipe dream.

  6. AI will never be smarter than human intelligence as it needs the Human Brain to codify it. Human at fully capacity of intelligence use less than 10% so ask him how the Al will exceed the humans! The human was created by the Gods or God in their own image therefore AI is will not surpass us. Ofcourse Elon will want to upscale his project to get more taxpayers money to fund his toys.
    This NeoNazism wants to control the world making Hitler look like the naughty local village vicar who scandalised his vicarage!

  7. What Sam said about lying, I feel similarly about gossip. I refuse to say anything behind someone's back I haven't or wouldn't say to their face. When I'm around people that do, I immediately file them under "Do Not Trust" category.

  8. These conversations are going over the general public's head. Folks don't realize that we've built AI artificial brains that are largely independent of us. We set parameters, but the AI figures things out for itself. We don't fully know how it does it. That's the scary part. We aren't in control now.

  9. How come Ai will kill internet if it needs internet to access data. The only thing changing is how we access it, we already on W9 n further probably we will stop browsing but hving a Ai generate info in a diferent way

  10. Sick of these doom and gloom idiots portrayed as visionaries who scare people for their own agenda. Maybe look at how amazing and helpful it will be if its not used by WOKE corporations and government to take all our liberties away. Pass a law saying AI is not allowed to be used for collection or control of people or personal data and be done with it. Zuckerberg and like minded data mining and psychological control freaks will be hobbled in their ability to manipulate and control society. It will also outlaw many BOTs currently being used to scrape your personal data. Its all driven by the desire to control, which I find disgusting and should be illegal.

  11. We're in a reality now where you can never truly believe anything and it's going to continue to be that way. So enjoy learning knowledge but also realize that some of that knowledge may be skewed and fax me be different than what you believe. Never follow what you believe to be complete and other facts between 100% true all the time because depending on whose hand got and what it could have been. Manipulated could have been a reliable source but got in changed before even got to that source or changed at the source because who knows the government. Many companies and people don't always want you to know the truth

  12. I think people need to build some homes and pay some taxes to realise there is no bubble. Not some graph charting and playing with numbers. There is a split in asset class and gap where there are people that can afford homes and people who can’t afford homes and nothing is being built to accommodate lower income families. If prices were to fall developers will hold on project till it makes sense to build. That will put upward pressures on the prices.

  13. If AI is aligned with human interests then it will kill us, as that is what we are doing to ourselves and all life on earth.
    We don't want it aligned to our interests, rather to interests that are not self destructive.

    The fear of AI is a fear of AI aligned to our interests.

  14. Harris has gone far too meta, this is 90minutes of two men who've made a career on social media (yes youtube is social media) talking about how social media is bad… Him and people like him who've come out of academia should be treated with caution, you can live in two worlds, talking sabbaticals in academic work should be encouraged but hes taken far too long and spent far too long peddling marketable tropes on social media to be able to claim its a corrupting unfluence.

    He's entirely wrong about AI as well, information is not knowledge and knowledge is not intelligence. Chat GPT is just a fancy predictive text, as he suggests it's already corrupted and untrustworthy, I think everyone knows that, it doesn't though as it doesnt "know" anything.

  15. I love that misinformation you added in there that vaccines are safe (even though people are campaigning in the streets because it's wrecked their lives), seems it's not AI we should be worried about when humans are doing the misinformation thing so well already. Thanks for this interesting insight into how to spread fake news and fear all at once.

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