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“Warning: Using ChatGPT may be the reason why you’re not getting hired!”

How ChatGPT Can Save You Time and Cost You a Job

Technology has increasingly become a significant part of our daily lives. With the rising demand for automation at the workplace, one technology that has gained popularity is ChatGPT – a Generative AI bot that can help to streamline the job application process for job seekers.

In this article, we will explore how ChatGPT can save you time and potentially cost you a job, and ways that both job seekers and recruiters can take advantage of this technology.

ChatGPT: Saving Job Seekers Time and Energy

According to a report by iCIMS, 47% of college students are interested in using ChatGPT or other AI bots to write their resumes or cover letters, and 25% of Generation Z have already done it. This suggests that job seekers are embracing ChatGPT as a means to simplify the job application process and save time.

The benefits of using ChatGPT include:

– Saving time: Writing a resume or cover letter can be a tedious process that requires your undivided attention. ChatGPT can help you save time by automating the writing process and generating a document for you in minutes.

– Eliminating errors: Writing documents manually can lead to errors and typos. ChatGPT can help you eliminate errors by suggesting changes, correcting mistakes, and making sure that your document is error-free.

– Enhancing creativity: ChatGPT can help you enhance your creativity by suggesting new ideas and different ways of framing your skills and experiences.

While ChatGPT offers numerous advantages for job seekers, there are also potential downsides that they need to consider.

ChatGPT: The Potential Cost to Job Seekers

ChatGPT has raised concerns among HR professionals who view its use as an indication of a candidate’s lack of originality, ambition, and independence. A report by iCIMS found that 39% of HR professionals would not consider a candidate using AI technology during job recruitment. This raises the question, could ChatGPT cost you a job?

While there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, candidates using ChatGPT could potentially face the following risks:

– Losing authenticity: ChatGPT is programmed to write resumes or cover letters in a certain way, which means that it may not necessarily reflect your true personality and character.

– Lacking originality: ChatGPT may not be able to generate unique content that sets you apart from other candidates, which could lead to your resume or cover letter getting lost in a sea of applications.

– Raising suspicion: In some cases, HR professionals may be able to detect the use of ChatGPT in your resume or cover letter, and this could raise questions about your authenticity and skills.

Effective Strategies for Job Seekers and Recruiters

Despite the potential risks associated with ChatGPT, there are still ways that job seekers and recruiters can take advantage of this technology to streamline the recruitment process. Here are some effective strategies:

For Job Seekers:

– Use ChatGPT as a starting point: Instead of relying entirely on ChatGPT, use it as a starting point to create a template that you can customize and add your personal touch.

– Add personality: Injecting personality into your resume or cover letter can help you stand out from the competition. Share your achievements and experiences in a way that reflects your character and unique abilities.

– Customize your document: Take the time to tailor your resume or cover letter to the specific job position and company you are applying for. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the position.

For Recruiters:

– Embrace ChatGPT: HR professionals should embrace ChatGPT and other AI technologies that can help save time and streamline the recruitment process.

– Look beyond ChatGPT: While ChatGPT can be highly effective, it’s not the only determining factor for a candidate’s suitability. HR professionals should look beyond ChatGPT and consider other factors such as skills, experience, qualifications, and personality.

– Ask for samples: Asking candidates for writing samples can help you determine if they have used ChatGPT or other AI technologies in their application process. This allows HR professionals to make informed decisions about the authenticity and skills of the candidates.


ChatGPT is a popular technology that offers numerous benefits, including saving time, eliminating errors, and enhancing creativity for job seekers. However, its use may raise concerns among HR professionals who view it as a lack of originality, ambition and independence.

While there are potential risks associated with ChatGPT, candidates can still take advantage of it by using it as a starting point to create a customized and personalized resume or cover letter. HR professionals, on the other hand, can embrace ChatGPT and other AI technologies, but look beyond it by considering other factors such as skills, experience, and qualifications.

Using effective strategies can help both job seekers and recruiters to make the most of ChatGPT and streamline the recruitment process.


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ChatGPT could finally remove 300 million full time roles around the world, according to Goldman Sachs.

But there’s another way that popular technology could cost you a job right now: if you use it to write your resume either presentation letter.

Related: How can marketers use ChatGPT? Here are the top 11 uses.

Some HR professionals are wary of candidates who trust them. ChatGPT to give them a head start in the application process, according to the talent cloud company’s findings iCIMS reported by mashable.

According to the report, which surveyed college students and recent graduates, 47% of college students are interested in using ChatGPT or other AI bots to write their resumes or cover letters, and 25% of Generation Z he has already done it.

That’s a deal breaker for a significant number of HR professionals: The report found that 39% of them wouldn’t give someone using AI technology during the job recruitment.

Of course, many job seekers will continue to use the time-saving tool without being detected. According to a survey of Resume Builderwhich surveyed more than 1,000 current and recent applicants, seven in 10 who used ChatGPT reported a higher response rate from companies, and 78% made it to the interview stage.

Related: 3 ways to use ChatGPT to spark your own creativity | Entrepreneur

Despite the doubts of some recruiters, they can also take advantage of the benefits of ChatGPT. “Generative AI bots (such as ChatGPT) have the potential to help both candidates and employers become more productive and communicate better,” iCIMS CTO Al Smith said in the report.