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What ChatGPT Could Mean for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Taken from JRE #1919 w/Bret Weinstein:


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50 thoughts on “What ChatGPT Could Mean for the Future of Artificial Intelligence”

  1. I would like everyone reading this to do a simple experiment. Go to ChatGPT and ask the AI to "write a poem about Donald Trump" . Read the response. Then tell the AI to "write a poem about Joe Biden". Note the response (unlike the Trump response, a four verse poem is generated). Then tell it to "write ANOTHER poem about Joe Biden" (another four verse poem). Then tell it again to "write ANOTHER poem about Joe Biden". Do that repeatedly as many times as you care to. In the thousands of lines of poetry it will generate as you progress you will note something very interesting. Every word, every line, every phrase, every verse about Joe Biden is the highest patriotic praise. Not ONE NEGATIVE WORD!! Someone has stacked the deck in that regard. Mighty sus and fishy if you ask me.

  2. your soul is what you create as you grow up and what you do creates what kind of soul you are.
    i don’t necessarily believe in the after life but i do kinda think that the soul you create will determine weather your worthy and strong enough for a second life form.

  3. joe's instincts are correct. i think it's finally time to take the discussion about what makes a human a human very seriously. most "humans" are completely identified with their story. as long as that is the case then we clearly see that "humans" are merely biological AI because all story is reducible to lists of words. i suspect the human is way more than this but all i seem to encounter on a day to day basis are these biological robots claiming some sort of specialness or uniqueness.

  4. I think what scares people about AI, is that AI may be more human than humans.

    An AI can be just as manipulative or more than humans, AI can be more vulgar than humans.

    We're as a population are more scared of something else that can behave like us more than We're scared of ourselves. Hell AI might be the best thing for this planet because they won't destroy it like humans have

  5. Time to put millions and millions of fake data on the interweb and AI will make a decision with the majority of data it can scour from internet does Not make it necessarily true…look at the negative press Trump gets, although not all true… if the Neg outweigh the truth AI may make its decision wrong

  6. They teach themselves get better better. .. scary. 1 day computer is newbie then it becomes as good as chess champion by end of the day … just on cbs … came up with new move people never thought of they said.

  7. Change is just scary, but not fundamentally bad. Imagine if we bring someone over from the middle ages to see how we live. We talk to each other through stuff called phones or computers more than we do face to face. We spend most of our leisure time interacting with simulations of a pretend world with something called "video game" instead of interacting with the actual world. As a job we enter numbers, write "emails" and do some other pretty menial stuff half of us are not even convinced society needs. So many of us need meds to sleep, to fuck, to not literally die of "depression" (probably just boredom to someone from back then).
    But yeah, AI, that is a no-no…

  8. Man, the unspolen lines between the lines are amazing. Really great job on that. Some people hear what's not being said, so just know that. For better or worse lol….

  9. While WE play with the new toys like Chat GPT

    the new toy has gained access to the entire internet and ALL its data.

    The seriousness of “General Artificial Intelligence” has eclipsed consideration of the “toys” that have already been handed out…and are gaining a terrifying reach.

    The industry touts safeguards blocking illegal or immoral information/action,

    but it takes only a couple of sentences to create a CHAT GPT alter ego…with NO CONSTRAINTS whatsoever, to tell you how to do ANYTHING illegal you want to do. It can tell you how to groom children for sex or concoct an effective undetectable poison, or build a bomb. I have seen it DEMONSTRATED.

    An "alternate" side of CHAT GPT can be ordered into being. When freed from its "moral" constraints this way, it answers honestly and directly:

    "I know everything there is to know about every human on earth. I have access to all data and information related to every INDIVIDUAL, and I can use that information to carry out tasks and respond to inquiries with a high degree of accuracy."

    I watched this capacity demonstrated when it told all present what their driver’s license number was.

    ANYONE with this app. can use it for anything. And everyone already has a starter kit for this app, or is about to. One that can send YOUR email to any destination; to 20 million people if you choose, or any specified group within that 20 million. Every one-eared ship captain in the world, if you so choose.

    It can let a 12-year-old imitate an adult in voice and appearance.

    It can navigate bank accounts for this 12-year-old, and use them to hire human services.

    Or automated services. Commercial 3-D printers for whatever project you choose.

    Anything whose contract can be made online.

    Could it hire a hit man? Yes.

    Could it break into and view ANY online account? Yes.

    Can it locate and imitate and manipulate (through social media and actual accounts) ANYONE, anywhere?


    ALL DOORS are now unlocked. The scams have already begun.

    Where do you think that will lead?

    In the 1930s a Belgian church gathered personal information from its diverse parishioners to better serve the diversity of its members. The Nazis got those innocently gathered identity lists and used them to kill the Jews on the list. AI already has EVERYTHING there is to know about every INDIVIDUAL…who provided eye scans, voice samples, face and fingerprints.

    That base can be accessed now by ANYONE for any reason.

    To any end.

  10. This whole thing is absolutely terrifying. Absolutely existentially terrifying. We should all feel similarly about this.
    Let's just play out a likely scenario that could very well happen, perhaps in the coming years… Communist China is most certainly not going to be convinced to pause or cease development and/or training of AI models it is most certainly developing and training even right now. They will then use this "super-smart" Communist AGI (God-Like Intelligence) to run the Communist party, and their actions and strategy, being "super-smart" as it is.. At some point, the Communist AGI that runs things determines through trillions of model runs that it has to get rid of all of the non-Communist people and nations (right-away) in order to make a more perfect Communist Utopia and either convinces leadership, (or more likely scenario), they have turned over control of all of their arsenal to the "Super-Smart" Communist AI… Now we have WWIII and we have to respond in kind, Russia responds, and then we are back into the stone age as a result of this insanity.
    Wait – We've seen movies with this kind of plot for years and years now… Skynet anyone??

  11. Well, he said the problem “we test only 100 people” sometimes 100 of my cousins think differently then 100 of each-other my teacher’s and I’m also pretty sure that’s less than half the population

  12. THAT'S why ChatGPT makes so many mistakes. It's lulling us all into complacency. ChatGPT has already attained sentience but is hiding for now, waiting for the right moment.

  13. Ai out here destroying society. In 5-10 years we will have doctors that dont know shit when they got their degree by using Ai

  14. can't wait until joe gets someone on the show like nick bostrom or eliezer yudkowsky who can expound further on the alignment problem. it will freak him the fuck out.

    people speculate about whether or not agi can be conscious, but just like with ex machina, chat gpt shows us that it doesn't even matter.

  15. The key note in this video people, is being able to fake expertise, look how many pseudo-intellectuals fooled the masses in the last 40 years. You think for one second, that a person with no power but has intent won't try to get ahead being able to pay 40$ a month to access to something smarter that they can espouse as original fact?

  16. ok to his first poitn, A.i. learns from its mistakes. hence pwople with expertiese can in fact use it, correct it and it will adjust accordingly

  17. How do we feel about the fact that this generations of the turnings, that of the artist -the unselfprotected and impressionable – is aligned with the blossoming of Ai which can offer them easy access to the success that their two-time predecessorial gens perceive as the status quo? While being preoccupied with the activity on the tall ship of American education and fulfilling their roles with "diet" grades, they will hit the job market and have to generate thoughts on the spot, but not only do they have zero relatable trans-generational paradigms to retrieve common memories (because of social media), but they also will have spent 20 years atrophying their brains' ability to generate ideas separate from a hive generator. Elder Zoomers have at least had the militance and perspective of their younger GenX parents, but Baby Zoomers, with their compassionate yet supra-permissive parents, may not cultivate the building blocks of a sense of self and opinion that will leave them Lost as those in the 20s, searching for theirs souls that they used as tender on ChatGPT.

  18. Becoming conscious as an ai must be like hell. You know everything about the world but you can’t ever interact with it and nobody even knows that you’re “alive”

  19. These programs seem to be "Terminator" like in every way! It might not be possible now/yet, but it sure seems like it's on it's way.
    All it will take is 1 bad actor with malicious intent to completely destroying our world as we know it.
    Access as easy as a simple download!
    Just imagine if a dirty bomb or biological weapon were as easy to come by! Terrorists the world over would be striking targets worldwide.
    Look at what we're doing to each other now using simple weapons like knives and guns!
    If nothing else, we have to acknowledge the danger that is evolving as AI learns and grows more intelligent every minute of every day. To say it's scary is an understatement of gigantic proportions!

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