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What I thought Responsive Parenting was. #mommacusses #gentleparenting #responsiveparenting


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39 thoughts on “What I thought Responsive Parenting was. #mommacusses #gentleparenting #responsiveparenting”

  1. The sad part is many parents think gentle parenting is the first part of this short…. so we wind up with entitled brats who parents are more friends then parents

  2. in my house weve got β€œj’over” (hold you over with thickest southern accent got misheard) which is typically a slice of cheese. works pretty well for us so y’all might try it πŸ™‚

  3. Hahah, "we don't negotiate with terrorists"…. I about died laughing on this one. We've had similar conversations and I'm totally going to use this phrase now!

  4. When your kid has ADHD and autism, so he forgets he's hungry and you have to have quick, kid friendly meals on hand and alarms set for when he finally realizes he's hungry πŸ˜…

    I literally have a lunch alarm on my phone and several break time alarms wherein I give him a snack 😝

  5. Ummm… nobody drinks from my drinks. My straw, my spit!
    I did used to sit them on the counter while I got food ready. Then, I noticed that the oldest, as a toddler, would eat the raw onions. OMG! She would not complain, but instead get another piece and eat it!!!!!!

  6. "It's ok to be hungry for a little while," is a very important lesson for kids over the age of 4 or 5. We don't needs our bellies to be full all the time.

  7. From age like 5 β€œwatching mom cook” (in my case it was dad) meant help dad cook, and by help I mean wash veggies and stir things already cold together

    He didn’t trust us around warm stuff which makes sense

  8. I had a dream last night that i met her at the pizza place i work at. I was telling her how much she helped me be a better aunt for my nieces. And oh my god, even in my own dreams she was uncomfortable. I mean i get it she was trying to be with her littles and have pizza, and i was the weird one. But still owch, my own dreams have turned against me

  9. What she said was don't play with me in a nice wayπŸ˜‚! Instead of babying him like that 1st mommy, geeeez! 'We don't negotiate with terrorists ' πŸ˜‚

  10. Thank you so much for sharing these things with us!! I've always believed in gentle parenting but have never been able to implement it until you provided explanations and examples that actually make sense to me. My 6 year old asked me yesterday, while I was diffusing my 2 year old following your example "Mum, why are you so calm???" Thank you for helping me learn how to stop being so reactive!

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