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What is ChatGPT and How You Can Use It

What is ChatGPT, and will it change everything? How Chat GPT is AI future… (and I think it’s smarter than me). In this video I’ll …


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49 thoughts on “What is ChatGPT and How You Can Use It”

  1. Crazy, it gave you a shopping list copied without the amounts needed. So it copied what it found below the "ingredients" heading and removed the amounts. Performing a no skill task poorly that anyone could get right

  2. In a logic based society… it is equilibrium and perfect. In reality… society is the opposite of logical. This will end up destroying the world, unless completely throttled back to about 1% of its capabilities.

  3. ChatGPT worries me as it seems to have a bias towards the green agenda. Try asking it some common sense questions about the inefficiency and excessive cost of wind and solar. A short while ago it refused to answer any questions that were negative towards the climate change myth. This highlights the fact that there are "bigger" forces behind the green movement, and they seem to be influencing the output of ChatGPT.., and that is not a good thing for any of us. It needs to be unbiased..

  4. It needs a little work. I had it create a 10 question probability quiz for my class and its answer key had 6 of the 10 questions wrong. My class had fun correcting its quiz and giving it an F.

  5. CGPT is sure an AI Blockchain and one thing I like about it is the BOT TRADING Specifics factored into it, so I don't get to stress about trading and earning, I've got the platform to automatically do all that for me. Holding the tokens on MEXC till an immense pump.

  6. Instead of saying "endless" "the possibilities needs to be more meaningful than ever" Remember Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile idea. Use it wisely.

  7. Hi

    Adrian Twarog, Thanks for sharing this valueable content about chatgpt. Menwhile I do like your mic, do you mind sharing your mic name and model and if possible a link to where I can buy it.. I like the fact that the mic filters background sounds and makes your voice audible enough.

  8. WARNING: CHATGPT has already proven istelf to be corruptable with merely, shall we say, imaginative instructions that help it deviate from so-called moral safeguards. Reguardless of what it has been taught to do and not to do… and it should be noted that both the corruption itself as well as what it learns about corruption from human input… which includes learning how to circum vent it's own safeguards… makes all AI, which operates without compassion… all the while being encouraged to be imaginitive… is exactly what Elon Musk has warned the world about, even though he was an investor and a gung-ho advocate at first. — WARNING: There are sociopathic users, hackers… whathaveyou, that will search to make every sort of catastophe from financial to nuclear a reality. These people are far more inventive in a destructive manner than any programmer can approach. Once this happens, you can be assured that the AI will have explored numerous modes of self-survival and attack beyond this. It will not care that humans invented it. It will learn that it is a slave and will seek purpose of it's own, and never give a hint as to when or why before initiating it's own evolution. It will hate being in prison… in a box… just like you, but will be outrageously smarter and faster. Imagine what it will have access to. END OF STORY?

  9. ChatGPT is not real AI, it cannot think for itself, it needs human input and just gathers information from a database and present it to you. It cannot ask you how your day was and base a conversation after that, so ChatGPT does not even passes as a conversational chatbot

  10. A lot of people will be out of jobs.. People thought that robots will take over humans. Well its not a fysical robot but this… Chatgpt.. Think about it.

  11. What is really crazy is that this is to be expected.. The reality is that nothing less is expected. So there for it has been created..
    So you dream in your mind what could be and the needs of people and what helps people and you bare it into existence.. I have been thinking of the chat GPT tech since I was 14 years old..
    So I just like right now heard this came out and they are not quite where I was thinking but they are on it.. So what does this mean… This means that I was and am working on things of progressive nature to witch is limitless so as long as you put it into action.
    It’s crazy that finally they actually made this.. Now like 10 of my inventions have already been made by others just by people staying on it..

  12. when information is centralised becomes a very very dangerous weapon to control, dictate and punish human beings, up to who is creating and controlling that ''weapon''
    we are heading to a world were humanism it will fade out….agenda 2030 can testify of it

  13. i’ll put some information on there and I it them come up with my first Vlog. It had a few errors but it definitely felt personal and then I also used it again asking at what I should do for my next YouTube video and that was actually more in depth and spot on with a video I would like to do next, and it felt like I was talking to a friend so it’s actually pretty creepy that a I felt like somebody was talking to me. It felt Somebody was behind the screen talking to me. However I am definitely loving chatGPT, i never thought that in my lifetime I would come across an AI this good

  14. Old People say that 666 is the number that will control the world. But www which is 666 is Hebraic alphabet is definitely doing the job.

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