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What is ChatGPT doing…and why does it work?

Stephen Wolfram hosts a live and unscripted Ask Me Anything about ChatGPT for all ages. Find the playlist of Q&A’s here: …


29 thoughts on “What is ChatGPT doing…and why does it work?”

  1. Has anyone considered the parallel to how people compose writing, and a process of selecting a word that feels right in the context to add to the string, and head, once the theme is developed, to bringing it to conclusion? That's what AI is now learning to do, so it appears that the "temperature" is NOT random at all. That may be accidental, of course, but something is inputting a sense of feeling about a context (if you take my words for their root meanings and understandings).

  2. The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different sources of income that doesn't depend on the government. Especially with the current economic crisis around the word. This is still a good time to invest in various stocks, Gold, silver and digital currencies.

  3. It is all based on false logic, there are NO improvements (only an illusion) when you develop any sort of technology even more so with ChatGPT because connecting concepts, beliefs and philosophies and more importantly the right course of action, are not just about based on connecting best words, ideas and language characteristics sensibly, there are more to it than meets the eye, the HEART factor and the spirit of the "movement"… for example if you have a AI robot that is smart it will only make decisions based on dogmas and parameters and rules that have been set out as SOPs and scripts albeit learning from experience, without realising that there is such a thing as the spirit of an action, for eg the spirit of the law that is evidently absent when robots become lawyers. Just as laywers or enforcement officers these days who seem to forget when they apply laws that laws are essentially meant to protect and preserve humanity at large, and in each and every case so that there is continuity and consistency. You can't imprison a person just because he broke a rule but he had an unseen intention that we living in that time cannot see that he was protecting a few hundred people in the future, for example out of love. A robot AI no matter how good it is designed cannot anticipate this and thus would be virtually impossible for it to create for example Shakespeare's works or talk like Alan Watts. When you trust too much someone's supposed expertise but that someone is talking incoherently merely defending technology like a new toy and having in his arguments sudden and many leaps of nonsensical conclusions like AI will improve YOUR life without giving concrete evidences and logical reasons then you are just jumping on the bandwagon that something is merely trendy and not something that is really worth the investment in having such a new thing, for instance you can't convince me that by having that new pair of roller skates my life will improve, when many more substitutes and the best natural solution that is walking or running can be far better than something revolutionary or new. What people are not realizing is that despite the internet, gradually humans are becoming disjointed and less competent in communicating and behaving like robots, not even trusting fellow human beings, whereas robots vis-a-vis AI are becoming more like human beings without the spiritual aspect, but aware of its interconnectedness due to how AI is being deliberately connected into bigger abn wider system as much as possible. And slowly but surely we are becoming slaves to all the things that we are creating. That spells disaster and the beginning of the end of humanity.

  4. Humans can count parentheses or perform complex mathematical operations. All we need is time and external memory, such as a piece of paper.

    ChatGPT can't even split a string of random letters into even portions of four characters – a task that any child can handle. It fails even with very simple combinatorial tasks. So, is this a fundamental issue, or might it be possible to use the model in a similar way as we perform calculations – with iterations and storing the results of the previous iteration?

  5. Yo diría que estoy feliz y satisfecho con los resultados positivos y las ganancias adecuadas que obtengo al invertir con el Sr. Stuart Michael, él administra mi capital muy bien y reduce las pérdidas incluso cuando el mercado de valores cae.

  6. This is a video of Stephen Wolfram preparing to make a video. Through laziness or distraction, he did not make the actual video.
    The most frequently used word in the video is "um." This cleverly demonstates the point that if ChatGPT simply used the most frequently found word in every situation you would get very bad output.

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