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What is ChatGPT? OpenAI’s Chat GPT Explained

What is ChatGPT? OpenAI’s Chat GPT Explained. What is Chat GPT? What is OpenAI? Who Founded open ai? What is Chat GPT …

44 thoughts on “What is ChatGPT? OpenAI’s Chat GPT Explained”

  1. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022.

    The name "ChatGPT" combines "Chat", referring to its chatbot functionality, and "GPT", which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a type of large language model (LLM).

    ChatGPT is built upon OpenAI's foundational GPT models, specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, and has been fine-tuned (an approach to transfer learning) for conversational applications using a combination of supervised and reinforcement learning techniques.

    The prototype of ChatGPT was launched on November 30, 2022, and gained attention for its detailed and articulate responses spanning various domains of knowledge.

    However, a notable drawback has been its tendency to confidently provide inaccurate information.

    In 2023, after the release of ChatGPT, OpenAI's valuation was estimated at US$29 billion.

    The introduction of ChatGPT has spurred competition in the field, leading to the accelerated development of Google's chatbot Bard, initially based on LaMDA and later on PaLM, as well as Meta AI's foundation model LLaMA, which serves as a basis for other chatbot creations.

    Initially, ChatGPT was based on GPT-3.5.

    However, a version using the newest OpenAI model, GPT-4, was released on March 14, 2023, and is currently available to paid subscribers of ChatGPT Plus on a limited basis.

  2. Literally by using chat gpt you are screwing yourself over in the long run. Open Ai are pushing for regulation under the bs reason of safety. They are are trying to stop open source Llms which they know will massively surpass Open Ai s models in the very near future. Train an open source model like open assistant!

  3. It wrote me a script where Dr. Pimple Popper lends her unique dermatological skill set to Doctor Who to defeat an alien menace. They both learned from each other and grew as people.

  4. AI supported and influenced by a someone who publicly identifies with right wing extremist ideology and also supports anti-science stances that are harmful to public health??? Even Chat GTP should "feel" hard pressed to come up with a more stupid idea! And no, I don't refer to Mr Trump, I refer to Mr Musk. We can't leave something of so profound consequences as AI in the hands of crazy rich boys!

  5. thank you for this valuable information about this topic, i now have a clearer understanding of what ChatGPT is ….Generative A.I. in a nutshell, but also more complicated than that LOL. THANK YOU AGAIN!

  6. 0:43 Parabéns AUTORIDADE SOCIAL por me ajudar a conquistar um público mais amplo e aumentar sua presença online por meio de estratégias eficientes de impulsionamento em redes sociais.

  7. I doubt AI will take over customer service until it is effective enough to sound natural & have an extremely high degree of reliability. I’ve been using AI to generate digital art & while it has moments of pure genius, it is consistently atrocious at giving people & animals the length necks, right number of limbs, digits or wings, eyes that point in the right directions & not ad libbing by introducing elements you didn’t ask for and ignoring things you did ask for. Currently, it’s fun to use & great for creating ideas to work from, but not anywhere near where I want it to be. And one thing that almost every customer service industry survey has consistently found, is that people want to deal with a human being, not a recorded helpline, or computerised response. So until the software is truly capable of fooling us into believing that they’re actually a person, customer service jobs are safe. And if you look at how often computers & programs still have glitches, freeze, hang etc we shouldn’t be depending on them for anything without vigilant human oversight. Especially when it comes to things like driving our cars!!! I know there are companies that will want to shortcut to AI instead of humans, but until it’s a reliable system, they will be making a big financial mistake.

  8. Text to image AI art is supposed to be able to interpret your prompt & come up with a valid image, but it frequently fails to give people & animals the correct number of limbs/digits, it constantly f’s up eyes, giving two different ones, or eyes where one points in one direction & the other in a different direction, human necks are invariably too long to be in proportion, and it will ignore a lot of elements from your prompt, while adding in random stuff you didn’t ask for & sometimes even tell it to leave out. AI has a huge amount of potential, but it’s a long way from delivering on that for the average consumer. I’m sure the test versions in the companies that design them have “learnt” what their human users are looking for, but 99% of the world doesn’t think or work the same way as that small group, so something that functions well in their testing is going to have exponentially greater issues once out in the wild, dealing with people who haven’t learnt the “right” prompts or limitations, and who ask it to think outside the test box.

  9. I find it interesting that no one notices that chat GPT was designed as an information suppression technology, that most likely came out of the Communist Party of China. At the very least you have to recognize that it's an information suppression technology.

  10. By getting a computer program to complete your homework for you you're not learning anything. The program isn't learning anything because the program already knows the answer and how to do it so essentially you're abolishing the use of homework/school work and making the process redundant if kids nowadays are simply going to ask AI how to do their homework for them. Don't get me wrong, I think it's amazing what it's learning and up to around 2 months ago I have never heard of ChatGPT but that's because we don't use this or any type of AI for our line of work.
    If this is going to not necessarily help students get into university but actually answer the entry exam questions for them then that essentially states two things… the student isn't actually learning anything (necessarily) as they're getting AI to answer these potentially difficult questions themselves and they're also not putting the effort i.e. research and development together in order to understand why the answer is like that. And from what I've heard university is quite a lot of research

  11. it is struggling to factor quadratic expressions. I've asked yesterday to solve 14x^2+27x+9 it gave me wrong answer twice in a row (saying that 15+9=27 and some other mistake). From third time it solved correctly. This morning I've asked to solve 27x^2+195x+100 and again it gave me wrong result (note: it says 45+60=195 which is wrong, same place where it made mistake yesterday):

    ################Solution from ChatGTP:

    To factor the quadratic expression 27x^2 + 195x + 100, follow these steps:

    Step 1: Identify the coefficients of the quadratic expression.
    a = 27, b = 195, c = 100

    Step 2: Find two numbers whose product is equal to the product of a and c (ac) and whose sum is equal to the middle coefficient (b).
    The product of a and c is ac = 27 * 100 = 2700.
    The middle coefficient is b = 195.

    Step 3: Find two numbers that meet the conditions from Step 2. These numbers are 45 and 60 because 45 * 60 = 2700, and 45 + 60 = 195.

    Step 4: Rewrite the middle term of the quadratic expression using the two numbers found in Step 3.
    27x^2 + 45x + 60x + 100

    Step 5: Group the terms in pairs.
    (27x^2 + 45x) + (60x + 100)

    Step 6: Factor out the greatest common factor from each pair.
    9x(3x + 5) + 20(3x + 5)

    Step 7: Notice that both terms have a common factor (3x + 5).
    (9x + 20)(3x + 5)

    So, the factored form of the quadratic expression 27x^2 + 195x + 100 is (9x + 20)(3x + 5).

  12. 02:35 "Moderation API, a moderation system that assists developers to show when things go against their content policy, like 'illegal or unsafe information'."

    In other words, censorship and thought policing.

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