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What is the Women’s Health Protection Act?

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The bill aims to codify Roe v. Wade at a federal level.


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32 thoughts on “What is the Women’s Health Protection Act?”

  1. DEMORAT NAZIS love molesting and killing children.. Just a few weeks ago, The DEMORAT NAZI party couldn't define a woman. NOW THEY ARE FOE WOMENS RIGHTS!!!!! STFU

  2. The Supreme Court should have never "NEVER" taken away the Right of States and the people electing Legislators for their States to decide on Abortion Laws. Roe v. Wade was a mistake.

  3. America's 2nd Amendment is a Constitution Right. It's specifically listed on the "Bill of Rights." Abortion is not mentioned anywhere "ANYWHERE" in our Constitution. It is not a Right!!!

  4. The republicans are not on women’s rights side and some women don’t care if they lose their rights and they will lose all of their rights if we have all new laws

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  6. The "Women's Health Protection Act?" LOL, Ha-Ha-Ha. Call it what it is, "Murder Another Human On-Demand Act." Leftards, when do you move from Killing Babies to Killing Toddler?

  7. BLM – racial manipulative scam
    Women's Health Protection Act – Gender version of the manipulative scam
    Tomorrow will be some other version of identity manipulative scam.
    Anti-America Democratic party endless scams on Americans. Can you define a woman ?

  8. Can you define a woman? WoKe democratic liberal SCOTUS justice: "I am not a biologist."
    Classic Anti-America Democratic party's scam on American women.

  9. The Women's Health Protection Act merely states that unborn babies up to and including delivery day are Slaves. Property of their female human hoast ( as they are not mothers) and this Law allows the Slave-owner to kill this human life at will.

  10. Only one blind can't see that Joe Biden administration was terrible and damage the US, only mob media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC news, NBC and others hid the truth about Hunter Biden illegal business and others things and only dumb people or doctrinated by socialist or communist ideologies doesn´t understand what is the consequence that one evil ideology can to do with one country accept this dangerous evil systems. Good people, says no for criminal and evil systems how that and fight agaisnt before that be too late. 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

  11. Why doesn’t ABC tell Americans the truth Roe has NOT been law since 1982. No woman in their right mind want BIG BROTHER telling us what to do. ! We Have the decision back in OUR hands to VOTE on Your guests totally WRONG women wan to decide Ourselves we want to VOTE on issues ALL issues ourselves Not let Government dictate to us !! Giving citizens back our right to Vote on AS many topics as possible !👏🇺🇸. Hopefully it does come back to the PEOPLE

  12. Anybody heard anything about the Roe v. Wade saboteur…….must be a democrat they’re hiding it, just like they did Ashli Babbit’s murderer.

  13. Democrats, advocates of social justice! Yet, out of the 53 million innocent American babies slaughtered since Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the majority of the victims are black babies!

  14. The Women's Health Protection Act is a statutory right for health care providers to provide, and their patients to receive, abortion care free from medically unnecessary restrictions, limitations, and bans that delay, and the times, completely obstruct, access to abortion.

  15. Since Joe Manchin (et al.) is not willing to do his part to guarantee women's reproductive rights, I say get Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins to sign on to making an exception to the filibuster for this specific piece of legislation. Biden may have to twist some arms, but if he does it, it might just be the greatest accomplishment of his presidency.

  16. It bans states from prohibiting abortion before and after fetal viability. So basically this means you can kill the baby anytime up until the moment it's born?

  17. Pause this video at the 24 second mark and read what it says the Women's Health Protection Act includes.
    It says the act would ban states from prohibiting the aborting of viable fetuses.
    Viability means the baby could live outside of the mother's womb.
    How can anyone support a law which would legalize killing Viable Babies?

  18. Congress doesn’t have the authority to regulate abortion. This is strictly a state matter. For the same reason congress can’t pass a law nullifying the death penalty in al 50 states. Police powers are reserved to the states. This law would be rightly swatted down by SCOTUS. So would a federal law banning abortion in Al 50 states. Congress simply doesn’t have the authority

  19. First of all, a widespread misunderstanding needs to be clarified. This potential decision of the Supreme Court does not address the moral legitimacy of abortion but, rather, whether the 1973 decision conforms to the Constitution of the United States with respect to the sovereignty of the individual states. It is not, therefore, addressing an ethical or moral question with regard to the legitimacy of abortion but, rather, a question of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the Constitution.

    The vulnus ("wound") that the Roe v. Wade decision inflicted on the sovereignty of the states of the union is a constitutional matter, and the justices will have to make a ruling on it as such.

  20. Freedom doesn’t include the right to kill others. The Left has gone from “safe, legal & RARE” to “Allow us to end innocent lives for any reason at any time.”

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