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What walking shoes are right for my knee pain?

You would never go for a walk in heels or flip flops, would you? You might be surprised to learn that wearing the wrong walking shoes could be just as bad for your knees.

“Your shoes affect the amount of impact your knee receives with each step,” says Matt Minard, DPT, a physical therapist and orthopedic specialist at Carolinas Healthcare System. “The right shoes are the first line of defense in dealing with knee pain.”

All walking shoes are not created equal. They can vary in the amount of cushioning and support they offer. The design also affects how the shoe feels and whether it creates pressure points on your foot, which can affect your gait and in turn make knee pain worse.

“There is no one brand that is the best,” says Minard. “It’s all about how your foot fits into a particular shoe and how it affects your stride.”

A walking shoe may not always be the best option, says Bryan Heiderscheit, PhD, a professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

“Walking shoes can be stiffer and harder, and that can interfere with your normal stride pattern and change the load on the knee, making the pain worse,” says Heiderscheit. “A running shoe could offer more cushioning and flexibility. if you have knee painYou need to think beyond a stereotype of rigid leather walking shoes.”

Minard suggests purchasing walking shoes at a specialty retail store where staff will look at the structure of your foot, watch you walk, and make recommendations based on your specific needs. The right shoe for someone with flat feet is different than the right shoe for someone with a high arch, for example.

In general, look for shoes that are flexible. Heiderscheit recommends that you take a shoe and flex the toe toward the laces. A good walking shoe should flex easily. A shoe that is difficult to bend will restrict your foot, change your gait, and make knee pain worse.

Also check the soles for changes in height from toe to heel. The change must be subtle.

“A shoe with a higher heel affects knee flexion and puts extra stress on the joint,” says Minard.

A walking shoe designed with a thicker sole and rigid structure, known as a stability shoe, increases the load on the knee compared to walking barefoot or wearing flexible shoes with thinner soles.

Sole width and flexibility aside, the most important thing to focus on when choosing a walking shoe is comfort.

“Buy the shoe that fits the best and feels the best,” says Rajwinder Deu, MD, an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Johns Hopkins University. “We all have certain styles and brands that suit us best.”

You may need to try on several pairs of walking shoes to find the best fit.

To get the right fit, try the shoes on at night. Your feet swell throughout the day and will be bigger by the end of the day. Wear the same socks you wear during a walk. Tie each pair together and walk around the store. Pay attention to how the shoe feels.

“The right shoe will be comfortable right away,” says Minard. “You shouldn’t have to break in a shoe to walk.”

Found one that works? “Stay with it,” says Deu.

Unlike running shoes, which you have to replace every 300 to 500 miles, walking shoes absorb less force and can last much longer. As a general rule, walking shoes can last up to 9 months, Heiderscheit says.

To know when it’s time to replace your walking shoes, Heiderscheit suggests looking at the soles: When the sole pattern is worn, the heel is more worn on one side than the other. This can cause your foot to shift, putting extra stress on your knees. And when there are dimples on the side or bottom of the sole because the cushioning has broken down, it’s time for new shoes.

“Shoes play a big role in the mechanics of your step,” says Heiderscheit. “The wrong shoe can change the way you walk and put more pressure on your knee, making the pain worse. It pays to invest in finding the right pair of walking shoes.”


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