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When ChatGPT does your Homework…

Don’t try this at school.


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28 thoughts on “When ChatGPT does your Homework…”

  1. I asked ChatGPT to write a story about Beluga the cat
    Here's what came up

    "Beluga was a unique cat with an unusual appearance. Her fur was almost completely white, with just a few faint gray spots on her back. Her eyes were a striking shade of blue, and they sparkled in the sunlight.

    Beluga lived with her loving owner, a young woman named Sarah. Sarah had adopted Beluga from a shelter when she was just a kitten, and the two had been inseparable ever since.

    Beluga loved spending her days curled up on Sarah's lap, purring contentedly. She also enjoyed exploring the great outdoors, chasing after butterflies and birds.

    One day, while out on her usual adventures, Beluga stumbled upon a lost kitten. The kitten was tiny and looked scared and alone. Beluga could sense that the little kitten needed her help, so she decided to take the kitten under her wing.

    Beluga brought the kitten back to Sarah's house and introduced her to her owner. Sarah was hesitant at first, worried that taking in another cat might be too much for her to handle. But when she saw how happy Beluga was with the little kitten, she couldn't resist.

    Beluga and the kitten, whom they named Luna, quickly became the best of friends. Beluga would groom Luna and play with her, and Luna would snuggle up with Beluga when she slept.

    As the weeks went by, Beluga watched Luna grow stronger and more confident. She was proud to have played a part in saving Luna and helping her find a home.

    Beluga continued to be Sarah's loyal companion, but she also found joy in being a caretaker and friend to Luna. And as the two cats played and explored together, Beluga knew that she had found a new purpose in life: to love and protect those who needed her."

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