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When did you get your first phone? #momlife #parenting #parents #parentingtips #moms #mom


19 thoughts on “When did you get your first phone? #momlife #parenting #parents #parentingtips #moms #mom”

  1. This is a good idea. I never would have thought of doing it this way. We still have a landline because I'm old school. My daughter and Grandson live with us and we've decided that he would not get a cell phone especially since there are now studies coming out in which the findings are not good for developing brains in younger kids on up to adults. They're even finding that using GPS is screwing up our ability as adults to use the areas of the brain that figure things out when navigating places. It was definitely a lot easier the first time around with my kids when phones were basically calling and texting with a game or 2 and no internet access.

  2. I still have a home phone (not landline though). It feels weird to not have one after having it for 20+ years. My spouse makes fun of me about it lol.

  3. Omg love Death Cab For Cutie I HIGHLY recommend their music to anyone that hasn’t heard of them. One of my favorite songs is Soul Meets Body, it’s so beautiful.

  4. My kids have “phones” but neither have SIM cards or can make calls or message. They have time limits on apps and we loosen those limits as they grow. My older child is 9 and just got a watch with a phone plan but she can only make and receive calls from mom, dad and grandparents. We are using it to help her learn about the responsibility of having a device and keeping it charged. It also allows her to start making use of timers, alarms and calendars. As a side bonus, she’s enjoyed the watch tracking her steps and exercise which has helped encourage healthy movement habits. On our side, it’s been helpful for giving her a heads up if our pickup plans change, and it’s been good for knowing if she’s almost home from the bus. Lastly, there is the opportunity for her to call 911 should she ever be in a situation that required her to call.

  5. I got a phone at 11 but I was supposed to get one at 13 and I don’t think that’s a very reasonable age bc all my friends had. One but I’m kinda glad I didn’t get one at like 9 bc who know what should have happened 😂

  6. i got my first proper phone when i was going into high school, cuz it was far away and my mum wanted me to talk to her

  7. my kid has had a phone since 10 because i wanted him to always have a way to contact me if i wasn't with him. but he doesn't use it for internet, he hates social media, the phone is just for calling/texting me and taking photos of our cats.

  8. My older sister got her first phone at 13 because she was doing work experience through the school for a class she was in, and the work experience was happening in a city about an hour away from home. (She stayed with our Aunt while she was there).

    The phone she got was our dad's old indestructible Nokia which she loved. A few years later she got a new phone from our grandmother for her birthday, and I was given my grandmother's old Samsung so I could take it on the bus to listen to music and be contacted by my parents in an emergency.

    Recently, my younger sister got her first phone. It's main use is for if we need to contact her about something while she's at school (unfortunately the school she attends is kinda lax about passing on messages).
    She's used it a few times to let one of us know that she wasn't feeling well and was in the sick bay, and usually we hear from her before we ever hear from the school.

  9. ik so many teenagers my age talk about how they NEED their phone (social media more than the phone) and how their parents saying it makes their mental health worse isn't true. well I did want a smartphone when my mental health was at its lowest, and since recovery i still want a phone! a flip phone. I want a flip phone. smartphones stress me out. to the point where my parents got me a smartphone (it was on megasale for 30 bucks, brand new), and it's been five months and i dont use it. it sits in a drawer in our living room. (im 15 btw). good parenting and good mental health, including little exposure to social media, creates the lack of a bio-engineered "need" that our modern day world has created. i don't need a smartphone. i want/need contact with my friends and family outside of a laptop, but opening up a phone and being blasted by notifications and just SEEING the appstore freaks me out. smart phones bad flip phones good get real

  10. My parents only gave in to me having a phone when I was home for extended periods of time (from school end to my mother coming home from work in the evening), but I can def see how this works too, especially for younger kids!

  11. My son is 7 and I got him a cell phone just because I work nights and he has really bad anxiety and doesn't sleep well when I'm not home unless he can talk to me while going to bed. There are only a couple of numbers in it and he isn't allowed social media either. He really only uses it to call me and his uncle when he wants to play minecraft with his cousins.

  12. Ohh, that's a great idea to have a shared "home" cell phone! I had (still have…) intense separation anxiety from a family death, so I got my first phone at 6, bc my grandma wouldn't let me use the landline to call my mom at work. She realized I was having full-on panic attacks and needed to do something, so she got a new phone and gave me her old flip phone. I didn't get a more "advanced" phone until I was much older, and that was fine bc I really just needed to be able to hear for myself that something horrible didn't happen to my mom.

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