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White Woman CRIES To Get Her Way, Attempts To Steal Black Mans Bike

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A white woman goes viral after getting caught on camera trying to weaponize her tears and manipulate a situation against a Black …


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43 thoughts on “White Woman CRIES To Get Her Way, Attempts To Steal Black Mans Bike”

  1. I am very surprised that you haven't removed this video. Looking forward to seeing your name and Emma Vigeland's name added to the defamation lawsuit.

    In what alternate universe does it make sense that a 6-month pregnant female healthcare worker after working a 12-hour shift in a hospital's neo-natal unit attempts to steal a Citi Bike from a black young man when his four friends are there too?

  2. Here they are both speculating and either not showing the whole story or don’t possess it. Either way, nothing worse than two White people using this as an example of White women and the perceived privilege, which by the way does NOT exist. Thank you, you two racists for using this short, inconclusive video to fit your narrative. #2racistsPOS

  3. What should a pregnant woman do when five men threaten to hold her, laugh at her and scold her? What are you doing then?????Are you nuts????????? I hope the lawyer sues you t

  4. Drunk, are you drunk strange lady, she just worked and she is pregnant and her hormones are playing up, while five much bigger men threaten her, call her names, and you are still accusing her, are you crazy? I hope that lawyer get to you and to that lady , Nutcases

  5. 5 worthless f$%$ing thugs surround and bully a female physician's assistant that helps babies and leftist scumbags condemn her. Not the thugs. They go after the ummm, productive citizen instead.
    It shows you how utterly broken the moral compass of the left truly is.
    Also, anybody who believed this woman stole from them is a low IQ idiot, in other words, your average TYT viewer.

  6. I hope they sue you big time,your pathetic just like the pathetic low life on the panel with you,Thank-you so much for showing us your true colour's.Now everyone will see what low lifer's you are,your getting sued big time.I'll drive to New York to watch it but I'm sure you cowards will settle out of Court.What a Joke you are buddy!,the biggest joke in America today along with that low life who stated she was drunk.How can anyone in this World ever Trust either of you,yah!,keep laughing because the only "Karen" here is Emma and the "Kevin" is John,see you in Court,keep laughing……..

  7. They think a woman is drunk after she gets off a long shift at work because they never worked A DAY IN THEIR LIVES! They are grifters and need to be sued so bad they lose everything. I hops they have nothing left and have to pull 80 hour work weeks on their feet at a thankless job for peanuts. Then we can call them drunk and get them fired. Outrages. Slander and race hustling to avoid working real jobs all while trying to ruin an honest woman's life.

  8. This guy is a walking pussee I am sure he would surrender his rental bike if a group of black men even looked at it and probably even take off his pants and let them do him from behind.

  9. Well this didn’t age well. It’s a good thing to get the facts on the story before you run your mouth. So many wrong assumptions were made here before they even had all the facts. This is what’s wrong with the media today’s society; we’d rather be first then be right.

  10. You guys need to do some damage control of your own shit before you attempt to judge others. The damage you do to the polito sphere just based on this video alone is unacceptable.

  11. I'm not a detective but from available info, beyond any reasonable doubt, here's my breakdown of events:
    6:33 – The man rented the bike.
    7:19 – The man officially returned the bike (by docking it).
    7:24 (or earlier but not before 7:19) – The woman officially rented the bike and removed it from the dock. Right after it was out of the dock, the man attempted to take it from her. During this time, she refused to give up the bike because it was being rented under her account so she could be liable up to $1200. Note that the man refused to reset by redocking after a bystander suggested so he did try to rob it from her to use it while it was being rented under her account.
    7:25 – The bike was redocked back into the rack therefore was reset. At this time, the man officially rented the bike using his account. Note that this was after she was forced to reset the bike shortly right after she rented it at 7:24.

    I hope all the real racists will be listed in the list of her defamation lawsuit.🤣

  12. All that pricy education is really showing its true value. How many times do you have to be fooled by video clips lacking context before you smarten up? Have fun being sued.

  13. Now that the facts have come out, the truth is clear. You're an idiot. If you want to play journalist, you're going to have to do better than this.

  14. If the young man in this video has a transaction timestamp for the bike rental earlier than the unnecessarily aggressive woman, that proves who rented the bike first. The comments is filled with bias because an attorney said the woman in the video has a receipt. That only proves she rented a bike. That does not prove she rented THAT bike. I'm not a leftist in the least, but the outrage from the left is primarily from the woman's false cries for help to paint those young men like barbarians and fake tears to illicit sympathy and concern from onlookers because historically that was the most effective tactic used by White women to make White men act against Black men.

  15. Hey John, looks like Ana Kasparian is distancing herself from the likes of Rashad Richey, Emma Vigaland, Jayar, and YOU! Imagine that, after years of Ana and Cenk mentoring you in the race grifting genre now that lawsuits are pending it's getting real and she sees the future more clearly. 😉 >>>

  16. Well, she rented the bike. But just like the mainstream media I see haven't apologised. And she's pregnant and surrounded by 5 large black dudes you fucking ass clown of course she's gonna cry. You're a cunt

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