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WHO launches new initiative to improve pandemic preparedness

To help countries better prepare for future pandemics, WHO today launched a new initiative that provides guidance on integrated planning to respond to any respiratory pathogen such as influenza or coronaviruses.

The new Emerging Threat Preparedness and Resiliency Initiativeor PRET, incorporates the latest tools and approaches for shared learning and collective action established during the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent public health emergencies.

Through the initiative, WHO will use a mode of transmission approach to guide countries in pandemic planning, given that many capabilities and capabilities are common among pathogen groups. PRET responds to the call for technical guidance and support to promote and strengthen integrated preparedness and response, as outlined in World Health Assembly resolutions.

The COVID-19 pandemic and other health emergencies have shown that countries need to be operationally prepared to respond to infectious disease threats, with customized preparedness plans and better coordination and collaboration with other sectors such as agriculture.

“Preparedness, prevention and response activities should not be the exclusive purview of the health sector,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Just as health emergencies have impacts across many sectors, our preparedness and response efforts must span sectors, disciplines, and pathogens. It is also critical that community engagement and equity be at the center of our efforts, especially for those populations that are marginalized and most at risk.”

PRET is an evolution in the WHO approach to pandemic preparedness through the application of a transmission lensing mode, rather than a disease-specific focus. WHO will continue to develop and disseminate disease-specific guidance as needed.

The launch of the initiative will take place on the last day of meetings with more than 120 people representing Member States, partners and the WHO secretariat, to define the way forward for PRET, including the development of a fact sheet. Global implementation pathway for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness. .

The first module of the PRET Initiative focuses on respiratory pathogens, including influenza, coronaviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the potential threat of avian influenza, this module will enable countries to critically review, test, and update their respiratory pandemic planning efforts to ensure they have the functional capabilities and capabilities instead.

A process is underway to identify the next group of pathogens, such as arboviruses, to be addressed under this initiative. This will follow the priorities identified through the ten proposals to strengthen the global architecture for health emergency preparedness, response and resilience (HEPR).

The PRET Initiative marks the beginning of a new era for pandemic preparedness and represents an evolution of WHO’s core activities to support all Member States in strengthening capacities and capacities for emergency preparedness, prevention and response. sanitary. The initiative can also serve to put into practice the objectives and provisions of the Pandemic Agreement, which is currently being negotiated by WHO Member States.

Following input and discussion among meeting participants, WHO invites stakeholders to this global call to action to advance preparedness for a respiratory pathogen pandemic.

call to action

WHO, Member States and partners are working together to identify and implement priority actions to strengthen national, regional and global preparedness for pandemics and emerging infectious disease threats. We recognize the role of communities and all sectors, and the need for a sustained and harmonized momentum to end the cycle of panic and neglect that is all too common in pandemic preparedness and response.

We remember lessons from previous epidemics and pandemics, especially those caused by respiratory pathogens. These pathogens have posed and will continue to pose a major global threat with the potential to cause enormous morbidity and mortality, overwhelm healthcare systems, destabilize the world economy, and exacerbate inequalities that exist in access to pandemic prevention tools and healthcare. health for all people.

This is a call to action to accelerate preparedness for pandemics and emerging threats globally. Effective preparation is based on sound planning and coordinated action. A collective commitment on the following actions will see progress achieved by December 2025, as outlined in the monitoring framework (Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET):

  1. Update preparedness plans that affirm priority actions and that they have considered lessons learned from past events. Recognizing the risk posed by respiratory pathogens, planning for a respiratory pathogen pandemic based on the issues identified in the PRET Module #1: Planning for Respiratory Pathogen Pandemics is a priority
  2. Increase connectivity among stakeholders in pandemic preparedness planning through systematic coordination and cooperation. This includes building equitable systems; conducting joint exercises; and share information on good practices, challenges and opportunities.
  3. Dedicate sustained investments, funding and monitoring of pandemic preparedness with a particular focus on addressing gaps identified during past pandemics and epidemics.

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown what can be achieved with political commitment, community engagement, and funding. At the heart of this work is ensuring equity to be together prepared for the next pandemic. Action by the whole of society is needed to achieve the progress outlined in this Call to Action. Therefore, implementation should strengthen the resilience of communities; maintain, sustain and develop routine systems; and leverage broader capabilities for emergency preparedness and response.

This call to action was launched at the Global Meeting on Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET): Global Meeting on Future Respiratory Pathogen Pandemics, held April 24-26, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.


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