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WHO – Violence against women: Strengthening the health system response

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One in three women throughout the world will experience physical and/or sexual violence by a partner or sexual violence by a …


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41 thoughts on “WHO – Violence against women: Strengthening the health system response”

  1. Women who get abused don't always have to be mentally ill and have injures It's tough for women to talk about abuse because abused women don't have to be mentally ill and have injures to be abused that's the problem women can't go to the hospital because many of them are worried they won't get their abuser out of their life because there are no injures and she doesn't isn't mentally ill understand that not all women who get abused act out and have injures

  2. فلذلك امر الله ان نغض من ابصارنا وان تسترن المساء ويحفظن فروجهن ولا يبدين زينتهن وان النساء يكونوا في بيوتهم ارضا لربهن 🏵️

  3. I'd like to share a real life experience of mine. So during my college days i used to tease girls a lot and act cool. Inspite of repeated requests from the girls i never used to listen. One of my favourite targets was my batchmate in MBA. One day as usual i pulled her hair. She never used to get angry but that day got wild at me. Unfortunately for me that day she was having a long fat umbrella with a long n sharp tip at the end. She started chasing me wildly. I tried to escape but i slipped a bit and had to stop running to regain my balance. She caught me and gave me one hard whack on my bum with her umbrella. The sharp edge of the umbrella pierced my bum. I couldnt sit for two days. And while coming home after getting the beating i had to stand in the bus i stood throughout the journey though half of the seats were empty cuz I wasn't able to sit. Kept rubbing my bum till i reached home. Don't think i teased girls and women after that day. 😣😥😪😫😓😢😖"

  4. You can see women are dying, please think hard before you enter a relationship with a man. Let Jesus Christ give you wisdom, learn to fast. Fasting is a strong thing, listen to the sermons about fasting by Jentezen Franklin. Fasting is your greatest weapon in the battle of domestic violence.

  5. In my personal life I was working in healthcare with my childhood dream of become a healthcare worker. After become a mother lots of boundaries to continue my dream job… I found a way finally to share the knowledge through social media for my life satisfaction..

  6. it is very sad to tell that sexual abuse and violence exists everywhere . hyppocrisy exists. and you never can imagine the person can be abusers just looking at his appearance, the organization he is associated. Women need so much strength to speak out. This video is so encouraging . Thanks to WHO.

  7. To any woman out there that has been abused in one way or the other whether mentally or sexually. I am so sorry. You did not deserve that. No one deserves that. Remember that you are not alone. You have lots of people out here supporting and cheering you on. Don’t give up!!

  8. I am looking for inspiring and educating videos for school and community awareness on Gender Equality, GBV, and Menstrual hygiene in the Nepali language, couldn't find… WHO and other international organizations working in Nepal have funds to make these free youtube videos. I work with women and children in remote Nepal, I would be grateful if this message can gather attention coz most of the vulnerable and needy people of my country Nepal do not have an understanding of the English Language.

  9. For misogynistic narrow minded men child it must be wrong report 🤣 even WHO screams they will believe in scripted gender based fake melodrama kind of thing where women is aggressor …they have no idea about gender in which everyone comes

  10. 2,358 Australian men & boys killed themselves in 2021. 6.46027397 per day.

    786 Australian women.

    370 victims of homicide and related offences – which includes murder, attempted murder and manslaughter – recorded in Australia in 2021.

    111 female & 259 victims were male.

    2617 dead males.

    897 dead females.

    Violence is always wrong, but lets get our priorities in order before we go shaming people.

  11. In the pure search of true love, I hope one day to let the world know exactly what I have been through, why I was abused and how…. I now live a peaceful happy life, with my ever faithful dog and totally dedicated to my family, trusted friends and work. I thank My Father and our Lord for having saved me and owe them my entire heart ❤️

  12. Women should be respected, appreciated and treated with dignity. They are: our mothers, aunties, grandmothers, wives, daughters, sisters, granddaughters, and great-grandchildren. Men must create space in their lives for the womenfolk to thrive.

  13. first look at the woman character. i have seen women who got their face rearranged just for saying f your mom to a man. if you ask me was that too much from the men ? no not at all because thats what you get for running your mouth more then your brains.

  14. Hi, I am Saloni when I was coming from college today I saw a person who grabbed a 2-3 year old baby and threw the baby down from the tow- wheeler in front of his mother, the baby was bleeding from the nose and mouth. His t-shirt was soaked with blood And I saw all this with my eyes and I couldn't do anything😭. Other people were also there but they did not say anything.There were some women's of his family who were fighting with the man sitting on the two wheeler. I worried about the baby.
    What should we do if We see physical violance?
    How protect theme ?
    Do I have the legal right to file a case against that person? I'm not realative of the baby. I am just 18 years old stanger who saw this incident.

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