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Why I QUIT Coding (as an ex-Google programmer). ChatGPT won’t save us.

Ex-Google TechLead quits programming. ChatGPT won’t save us. Learn to build a successful business on YouTube from …


27 thoughts on “Why I QUIT Coding (as an ex-Google programmer). ChatGPT won’t save us.”

  1. I like the idea of the SWE being a custodial type role where we are cleaning up code from the past and integrating it into the future. I might go as far as to say I find glamour in those trenches. Yes, the prospect of mopping the gym floor as the lights fade on the game of development. After the obvious (cliché?) short term gold rush of building (yet another) customized fintech ML app, maybe your average future (AI)SWE will be needed for newer infrastructure work (call it "Post-IoT" – think Cyberpunk aesthetic, but it's just our toilets talking to one another). Yup, there's a noble pursuit, WeChat and Facebook be damned.

  2. I am planning to do Masters in Computer science as someone with no STEM background. This video didn't discourage me, very informative and thought provoking indeed.

  3. Hi @TechLead, if you think that math or science in general is for getting fame and money, then you just don't understand what it is. It is not a "business project" by definition. imho, to be Prof. in math is much cooler than to be top software developer with top-salary (but it is more difficult). and, surely, mathematicians don't care what non-mathematicians think about them as all that stupid people around them are just not relevant. Actually some math-people are so unique, that they don't care even about opinion of their own colleagues, and don't care much about money as well, e.g. Perelman. To be nerd is not a choice, it is a genetic quality, same as iq score. Which people are happier: smart or stupid? this is very philosophical question, but you cannot change it much anyway, only within some narrow range of genetic variance.

  4. I'd say programming and coding is already a dime a dozen field. Just like all those fields he mentioned. Difference is, AI is gonna take over everything computer related one day. Probably before robots start building houses. So, I guess everyone should get back to selling drugs now lol. There will always be a need for slave humans to do slave human jobs, it's why HVAC was my path instead of programming lol. I might not become musk, but I will have a job that pays ok while all you programmers and coders lose your jobs to AI. And you will have been the people who programmed the AI to begin with lol. That would be like if I created a robot to fix your ac system. That would be stupid. Notice how all the people really pushing for AI, are already billionaires ex programmers. Looks like you are all late to the party. I will say his take on "app" makes no sense lol. Apps are not dead. Apps are what run your life on your phone, tablet, etc. Apps are booming right now.

  5. How are you comparing an electrician to a civil engineer? The siblings near requires an engineering degree in the licensing and is way way more difficult and technical

  6. I`m an artist, I`m forced to create – and the art of coding (c++) is my toolset. I`m into data signal processing from synths to image manipulation and machine learning for 20+ ys. I can`t quit coding. 🙂

  7. Coding is still a good career, but it's no longer a guaranteed path to riches (not that it ever was).

    Let's face it, getting paid $500K/year to write software was always a temporary state of affairs. Even if ChatGPT hadn't happened, sooner or later people from other fields would retrain as SWEs and flood the job market. This is already happening–as you said, kids are learning to code earlier and earlier.

    If you want to make $500K in the long run, you need to either (1) be an entrepreneur, (2) have a unique skillset that's difficult to acquire, or (3) be in a field where there's an artificial barrier to entry. Doctors, for example, benefit from both (2) and (3).

  8. AI Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.

  9. Money is just a part of the equation, there are external effects that can't be financially measured but are going to fundamentally change our lives. Getting very rich is always a speculative concept, unfair redistribution in it's core. Not much to do with persons work.

  10. I am not going to comment over whether the TechLead guy is right or wrong, but he had a similar video like a couple of years ago, indirectly according to which all programmers should be jobless and doing meditation in some far-off cave by now!

  11. Uhh dude. Electricians make a lot of money. Almost all the jobs you mentioned are respected and well paying. What more do you want? The idea coding was anything other than that was the delusion.

  12. I feel you are blackpilled and every topic you see is through black-tinted glasses. Most of what you say is true, but not all of it. Programming is still high-paying job and will continue to be. And why see it exclusively as a job? Or ChatGPT as some sort of saviour, does programming need saving?

  13. No offense but he is such a negative person 😄
    Some of his video titles:-
    – My wife left me
    – Why my wife left me
    – I got fired from Facebook
    – I lost my job at Google
    – I am retiring early
    – I hate my life and want to end it ( upcoming)

  14. The internet was just one big plot to gather the knowledge from the PEOPLE! Then turn around and use the data without the users consent for decades. Only to now add ways for users to opt out of data collection due to ethical reasons. Kind of late, there is an endless array of data that was stripped from the internet and countless of people around the globe. These companies basically stole your ideas and used everyone to train their AI. Now they ask permission because they are being regulated but the damage is done. AI is nothing more than plagiarized data which is what makes it a useful resource. I find it very hard to believe it was made ethically.

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