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Why Most Parenting Advice is Wrong | Yuko Munakata | TEDxCU

Parenting books promise to show people how to raise happy, successful children, and in the process to reveal why each of us turned out the way we did. But the science of child development tells a different story about how parents influence children—a story that may shock, unsettle, and ultimately reassure anyone who has ever been a parent or a child. Yuko is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her work investigates child development and environmental influences on children’s thinking, using behavioral, neuroimaging, and computational approaches. She is an elected fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and the American Psychological Association. Her work on child development has been funded by the National Institutes of Health since 1998, and has been published in top scientific journals and featured in The Atlantic, The Today Show, and Parents Magazine. She co-edited two books on brain and cognitive development, and co-authored a computational cognitive neuroscience textbook. She has received awards for research, teaching, and mentoring. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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36 thoughts on “Why Most Parenting Advice is Wrong | Yuko Munakata | TEDxCU”

  1. You forgot the most important ingredient. Or soul chooses or close more than anything. So no matter where we are, we will be in the conditions that will program is the way the soul wanted. So that we break free from it in the forties and become stronger.

  2. 5:10 "parenting" wasn't a common term until the 1970's. 
    Before then, parents weren't viewed as active shapers of children's futures.
    Is this one of the reasons for smaller families in Japan?

  3. Same event different experience. So true. Events are neutral. They are assigned meaning by cognition. Cognition is variable. It does show a normal distribution.

  4. "I'll raise my kid the way I want cause I know it's for the best even if they hate me"
    NEVER HAVE THAT MENTALITY that will ruin both the lives of you and your children

  5. I disagree with this completely. Having neglectful parents compared to helicopter parents… definitely going to have different outcomes. Why do you think theirs so many different people in the world? The different types of parenting styles. You absolutely do shape your child with how you parent whether good or bad. Yes obviously everyone makes decisions for themselves but I know for a fact I would not be who I am if I had different parents especially if it was “the next door neighbors.” I’m the youngest out of 4 and we are all very similar but also different because obviously we’re different human beings but to a point we’re all very similar. No way I would be the same person I am today being in a different household.

  6. I have to agree with this video. I have 2 older brothers and we grew up in an extremely strict, abusive household but then almost no guidance as we got older. My brothers and I are COMPLETELY different. Our personalities, levels of "success", and our outlooks on life are completely different.

  7. I no longer seek my parents for advice because they're so out of touch with the current world and have never experienced relationships other than each other, so they are relics if the early 1980s with no current wilderness awareness. Plus they're over protectiveness have cost me various opportunities and relationships.

  8. Your article “Why parents should stop blaming themselves for how their kids turn out” is insanely inaccurate and irresponsible. I can’t believe you’re allowed to put out such backwards advice for parents.

  9. Respectfully disagree, I was raised in a low income neighborhood and went to a low income school but thanks to my parents my brother and I are both college graduates and living comfortable now.

  10. I think her whole conceptualization of “butterfly” and “hurricane” is essentially about accepting the truth that while parents have an affect/influence on their children, there are a lot more factors outside of our control that affect how our children turn out

  11. This video seems to make sense, but only in the context of modern times, when we have drifted so far away from healthy parenting that we don’t even know what it is—what it looks like, what it feels like, what it does—any more. Healthy parenting, as we see in older cultures, is extremely relaxed and focuses mainly on establishing a deep sense of security, belonging, and connection. Today, when parenting is extremely stressful and almost totally focused on behaviorism, performance, and outcomes, we hardly see security-belonging-connection in today’s anxious children. So yes, it’s true that parenting might not have as much causal effect on behavior, performance, and outcomes as we would like to believe; but it is a very sad state of affairs that this is the level of things that we are focused on and that this is the lesson we need to hear. It would be far better just to get back to healthy parenting instead.

  12. If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's window every night and day and Honkkkk would you? Would you do it over and over and over and over? It wakes people up. Please! then lock your vehicles quietly with light flash no Honkkk.

    To lock car quietly click fob ONCE NOT TWICE

    Light Flash Only Confirms car is Locked and Armed.

    Honk when locking is never needed! Thank you.

  13. If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's window every night and day and Honkkkk would you? Would you do it over and over and over and over? It wakes people up. Please! then lock your vehicles quietly with light flash no Honkkk.

    To lock car quietly click fob ONCE NOT TWICE

    Light Flash Only Confirms car is Locked and Armed.

    Honk when locking is never needed! Thank you.

  14. Children might grow up in the same house, but NEVER the same home. I have 3 children, a 12yr old, 6yr old, 10mth old. These children are unique of course, but the critical point is IM a different parent to each of them. They will by definition have different childhood experiences because they have not lived the exact same time line as each other. They have not experienced the same experiences. Parents DO have a massive influence. Be mindful. Be careful. Be loving.

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