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Why Parenting Is So Hard Today

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36 thoughts on “Why Parenting Is So Hard Today”

  1. It's all subject to intuition and adapting to these new circumstances we all find ourselves in. If we, the newer generations (Millennials, Generation Z, and Generation Alpha, etc) can't do that, we're going to be worse than OUR OWN parents.

  2. Oh bull shit. The issue with parenting is that when tech came out they handed it to there kids and stopped communicating. I saw it in real time in the cosmetology industry. I saw parents who would sit and talk to there kids and look at magazines and work on spelling and what not with them….. stop after getting a phone that they couldn’t take there faces out of. Or shoved in there kids hand so the kid would be quiet. And honestly the addiction of setting your baby in front of a tv all day was not helpful either…….. so don’t blame the surroundings. Don’t blame new tech, because at 51 I don’t have any issue with it, Blame the humans who CHOOSE not to interact with there kids. They just shove a phone in their hands and tell them to be quiet.

    Stop with excuses. There is no excuse.

    I’ve been watching this unfold for twenty four years…….

  3. I would argue that we indeed need classes on parenting. In fact, I would go as far as to say that most parents create some sort of dysfunction in the family.

  4. Controversial but imo you should take Parenting Classes and shouldn't have kids before having one

    Idk why Driving Requires a license but Raising a Kid doesnt lmao

  5. It's even worse when you grow up with narcissistic parents that literally purposely don't teach you anything so you can be reliant on them for their supply then you not only have a crappy childhood and trauma have kids of your own and have to teach them everything that you're parents never bothered to teach you so now not only do you have to do that but also teach yourself what your parents should have taught you years ago technology isn't the problem it's the parents choices it's why I'm angry 99% of the time had my parents actually got off their asses and taught me something sht would be a little easier growing up without having to figure everything out on your own especially sht that SHOULD have been taught to you basically you grow up to be someone else's parent and your own parent. The narcissistic supply is just a bonus headache. It all depends on the people I guess some people are so damn lucky they hit the parent lottery and don't even realize it if you don't have a narcissistic parent you are blessed IDC who you are technology for me actually HELPED 1000% more than my parents ever did

  6. As long as you take interest in the technology your children are using they will teach you. However internet safety must come from the parents.

    Kids don't know what behavior is and isn't safe on the internet so its a parents job to find that out and guide your child towards safe internet usage. (Keyword is "guide" don't overly restrict and don't control)

  7. My parents were against TV and screens because they are scientists that read articles about its effects on kids lol. But here I am having to deal with technology in my late teens and twenties.

  8. Eh, usually agree with you hard but this feels a stretch.

    Parents have fucked up for generations, ie: the many many people in generations before us who lacked emotional regulation or understanding of their thoughts, and therefore immense fear of their own thoughts and feelings, thus leading to a rejection and disconnection from such. Then the issues that arise from repressed feelings/egodystonic thoughts with no outlet

    And in that same light, parenting classes and wonderful studies from clinical to hands-on Montessori style new traditions have shown that parenting training can make an immense difference. I see it happening between my sister who spent years in therapy and the beautiful way she is raising (though honestly struggling) her daughter, and the difference in how our parents raised us.

    This same thing can be applied to technology and parenting, though it is a steeper hurdle.

    Main take: parenting training matters in many regards! please do not discount that to a broad audience of gamers ie: men who may take that as tacit validation of their lack of effort to learn to parent

    Otherwise, love your stuff and you do have a good point here!

  9. Why are people giving there children a Tablet at the age of 4!

    That stuff is literal brainrot with no restriction, just swipe after swipe

    It's nearly impossible to restrict that stuff, there will always be a couple that slip by and some people are HOPING that happens

  10. Dude I didn't even know my dad existed until I was 17 years old. My mum worked her whole life, my step dad was evil to me and my older brother, wtf is parenting, I was better off never being born. Life is only worth living if your a Chad or female. Life sucks as an average guy with mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual, physical, financial problems. Religion, Jesus, working, meditating, traveling, parents, carnt solve my problems I carnt even kill myself, I tried that and that didn't even work, IV resorted to doing nothing because IV tried everything, I have no copes anymore it's over.

  11. Technology, sugar, over-scheduled kids, selfish (and much older) grandparents. It really is worse. Plus as a parent with ADHD, I should probably put my own cell phone in a vault after work.

  12. You cannot forbid phones and devices, but parents can plan family activities and be an example, like: go for walks or bike rides and bring a picnic, visit museums and go for drives to explore places, even local ones, put a cd in the car and listen to stories on your way to where you are going, go camping, swimming, skiing, adventure parks, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. You can play card or board games with them and if they watch a film, watch it with them on a Friday or Saturday evening with homemade popcorn, then say ok, that's enough. Itisn't easy, but if you don't want your kids to become dependent on devices, it's necessary.

  13. I was working as a receptionist and a family came in, and they left their children in the waiting room. My coworker next to me said to the kids “hey, if you need to charge your switch while you wait or anything, there’s an electrical socket behind your chair!” And the kids dad poked his head in and was like “no! No electronics. They play card games.” And he made it very clear that he and his family were “NOT that kind of family”. It’s interesting to see the different reactions to this day and age, tbh.

  14. I was born right when computers were common place in homes, but before smart phones were a thing. People still had flip phones and landlines when I was a kid. I played CD games on the computer since I was 3-years-old! But they were kids games, so it was alright. Before I discovered the internet, my parents had me play several educational CD games. They taught me about stranger danger, about being careful about what information you give to people you don't know, etc. Those games were fun and I played them over and over again, until those lessons were ingrained into my brain. When I finally discovered the internet (I think I was about 7 or 8?), I was EXTREMELY careful about everything I clicked on and everything I typed. I mostly stuck to playing games like Gaiaonline, Adventure Quest, Neopets, etc. and only watched the viral videos on YouTube (which in 2006-2008 were pretty tame), so I avoided pretty much everything bad on the internet until I was about 10 when my best friend at the time told me about porn… yikes. My parents almost never supervised my time spent on the computer, and they tried to enforce how long I spent on there, but I REALLY didn't ever want to get off the computer. At least my parents didn't give me a smart phone until I was like 14 lol. Unfiltered and unsupervised access to the internet is a dangerous thing for kids, ESPECIALLY these days. I worry a lot for the 3 year olds I see in public with their momma's phone in hand.

  15. My girlfriend's parents basically ignored her and their other two children to play video games all the time. What's worse is her mom being stay-at-home the whole time and still not putting much time into her kids.

  16. In schools, bad parenting is really starting to show. Kids will do the most backward stuff, and when you call home, their parents either dont care or agree with them

  17. Yeah, no
    Old forms of parenting don’t work because they’re out of date . That’s not a bad thing. Old forms of parenting sucked terribly so. That’s why people grow up with fucking trauma.

  18. People who say it’s up to the parents are naive. I agree parents are going to have to pay attention and do hard work to set limits and educate. I’m not planning on giving my child free access to the internet until they are older, but I’m still STRESSED about what the internet will do to her. It’s in the culture and unless I can control every parent, I can’t for sure know another kid isn’t going to show my kid something terrible online.

    I can’t even sensor things for myself anymore. I can be just casually online and see a friend post a link with no description, click, and BAM!!! Someone’s murdered right before my eyes before I even knew what I was looking at.

    Even if I do everything right, it’s very likely another kid will show my kid something messed up. Or worse, DO something messed up towards my kid and post it online.

    Another kid at my toddler’s daycare has parents who let him watch stuff that’s over pg-13 and violent. A three year old! I can tell there’s an effect. Unless all parents put in the effort, it’s not enough for only the parents who care and are educated on the harm the internet can have to do the right things.

    Also, it’s so much extra work to limit this stuff. I’m blocking shows individually on Netflix. Everything is technically a social media these day. Even google maps technically with its comment section. Not to mention the whole psychology thing about how if you restrict too much, it’ll push your kid right toward whatever you’re limiting. So now I have to find that perfect balance on limits to set on an internet that’s changing faster everyday.

    I pretty much have to learn as much as I can about therapy and parenting while keeping up with any new research on the topic to hopefully help minimize the damage. And I am very privileged to even be able to try to do that!

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