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Why these people of America do not consider themselves as American citizens, keep ‘homemade’ ID cards, intelligence agencies on alert – history about sovereign citizens and how this campaign is increasing in america and other western nations ntc mdj

A few days ago a video went viral, in which even after breaking the traffic rules, an Australian man was not ready to get out of the car and admit his mistake. He said that the rules of any country do not apply to him. Later somehow he could be arrested. Such people are increasing continuously. They argue that just as countries are sovereign, that is, they are independent, and no other country’s law applies to them, similarly human beings are also sovereign. Making constitution or law is like making him a slave.

Such people take all the benefits of living in a country, but refuse to follow the rules there. The FBI even called this extreme thinking the new face of terrorism.

From where, and why did the movement start?

In the seventies, the foundation of this movement was laid in America. There was a group, Posse Comitatus. It was a group of people who doubted everything about the government. They used to say that the government is with some special people, and wants to enslave the common people. He started opposing everything. Gradually the group started growing. Now there are a good number of such people in America, its heat has reached Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

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In the era of Kovid, these people had also refused to wear masks. Symbol photo (Pixabay)

What is the danger from them?

When the intelligence organization FBI called it domestic terrorism, it did not mean that these people spread terror here and there with bombs, rather such people are more dangerous. They refuse to obey every rule. They don’t want to pay tax. Do not want to follow the rules while walking on the road. Even in the era of Kovid, these people refused to take the vaccine and wear masks. The argument is that they are also free people like the country and no law applies to them.

Cases are being filed against the courts and judges only.

If they are forced for this, then they reach the court and start fighting their own case. Even they start filing cases against the judges who decide that such and such a judge tried to enslave them with his decision. This is putting a different burden on the courts of the country. They are constantly trying to destroy the legal system completely. They file so many cases against every law that the courts get confused. It has also come to be known as paper terrorism.

Violent attacks have also taken place

The limit is reached when they get so lost in their arguments that they start attacking people. In the year 1995, an American man Terry Nichols attacked a public building. There were more than 160 deaths in the attack. Nicholas called himself sovereign and used to appeal to others as well. When someone did not listen to him, he attacked to teach a lesson. After the Oklahoma City bombing, the world started talking about this new terrorism.

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People with such ideology are even making fake ID cards. Representational image (Unsplash)

mentioned in the FBI

In the year 2011, the FBI’s ‘Counterterrorism Analysis Section’, keeping it in the category of terrorism, said that people with this kind of thinking can spread domestic terror, and they should be strictly enforced in time. Even the sovereign citizens were held responsible for the increasing problems in America. According to the FBI, these people are responsible for more than 15 percent of the cases in the country in the last 5 years. Although how many people are these, this number could not be disclosed.

started making separate identity cards

People who consider themselves different from the law of the country even make homemade ID cards for themselves and carry them with them. They have neither driving license nor passport. And even if it happens, they start considering it wrong. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an American non-governmental organization, monitors the ongoing extremist activities in America. He found that such so-called free people make all their papers and IDs at home. Freedom or Sovereign Citizen is written on it.

People started appearing in these countries also

This movement which started from America is now visible in most of the western countries. A whole community has been formed in Alberta, British Columbia, Canada, which refuses to pay taxes, calling itself sovereign. Similarly, this thinking has started appearing in Australia, New Zealand, UK as well.

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Within a few years, this community is spreading in many countries. Representational image (Unsplash)

On the one hand, there are people who, despite being citizens of the country, consider themselves separate and independent from the law there, while there are many people who do not have citizenship of any country even if they want to. These are called stateless, that is, which neither comes under the law of any country, nor on which any country can apply its law. It is similar in a way to not having a fingerprint. He almost loses his identity. He does not get special facilities from any country, nor can any country impose its punishments on him.

Why does one become a non-citizen?
There are many reasons for this, not one. One very common thing is marriage. For example, someone came to his country after marrying a person of foreign origin, and due to some reason he could not get the nationality there, and he has also surrendered the citizenship of his country. In such a situation, he becomes stateless for some time. In between, when there was tension between India and Nepal, Nepal had also said that it would not give Nepali citizenship to the daughters who came from India.

Fear remains even in these circumstances

The children of refugees are also at risk of becoming stateless. Sometimes technical flaws can also tamper with one’s citizenship. Like a mistake in the papers, or no registration after the birth of the child. Due to the screw up many times in surrogacy or international adoption, the child does not get citizenship.

How many people are stateless?

There is no definite figure for this. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in November 2018, around 12 million people worldwide did not have citizenship of any country. The organization also claims that more than 75 percent of stateless people are from minority groups and about a third are children. These are in almost every country of the world, including India.


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