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Why writing a book is the ultimate way to demonstrate your authority

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

With mistrust around social media increasing And Non-affected With all the furor, it’s getting hard to decide who to trust and who to blow.

But one activity still provides credibility, and it is far from new – it originated in 14m century

Writing a book.

A book, you say. Wouldn’t publishing social media content be easier and more effective?

Not really. A few years ago, prioritizing social media made sense. But as time goes by, business owners are better off focusing on showcasing their authority.

“Social media fame can create so-called experts who aren’t really experts,” says business strategist Maresa Friedman. “I went viral for not wanting to leave my seat on a plane. I’m hardly an expert on sitting on a plane, but now I’m known for it.” “A book gives you an opportunity to show that your knowledge goes beyond a 90-second video made by a guru who wasn’t even in the industry two years ago,” she adds.

Look at it this way: Would you rather believe James Clear (#1 New York Times Bestselling author of Atomic habits, with over 5 million copies sold) or Tai Lopez (someone with 2.8 million Instagram followers who became known for standing in front of a Lamborghini and bragging about how everyone should read it)?

In a day and age when someone can take a summer class at Harvard and then list on LinkedIn that they are a Harvard alumni, the kind of credibility the institutions used to provide has also been leveled.

Related: 5 Reasons Why Writing a Book Is a Smart Move for Entrepreneurs

Lack of trust makes us feel less secure

Influencers have been caught doing everything from making racial slurs to shilling mascara while actually wearing fake lashes. And yet entrepreneurs spend thousands of dollars on social media marketing.

Given what we have experienced over the past few years, it means that we have chosen to prioritize real authorities over fake authorities. Dual board-certified psychiatrist Dr. “When you live in a society that always considers people who aren’t educated about a subject to be ‘experts,’ it makes us feel insecure,” says Josh Lichtman. “After surviving the pandemic, people are tired of feeling insecure, and so they turn to real authorities for guidance.”

Books are the ultimate authority builder

“A book is like the world’s best business card. It gives you that local authority,” Nick Lauper said recently. Write about Now Podcast. “It implies that this is what I know because I wrote a book on the subject.”

Using books to establish authority is nothing new. Even before the time of the seven-second attention span, how books were a form of currency that gave the author instant legitimacy. After all, Robert Kiyosaki went from struggling entrepreneur to expert in real estate investing when he quit. rich dad poor dad In 1997.

Tim Ferriss, meanwhile, transformed from a behind-the-scenes entrepreneur to someone who will probably surpass “Does my mom know who he is” levels of fame upon release. 4 hour workweek In 2007. Although he appears to work at least 400 hours a week, the book makes him an expert at spending four hours doing nothing (including cooking and working out).

What a book gets you

Most business owners aren’t going to jump into the top podcasts, TV shows, and most read blogs on the Internet.

But any founder or CEO who creates a book that shows how they were able to build their business will be able to break into the public discourse with a high-quality book.

“Every once in a while, someone booking an event will choose a published author over someone who hasn’t written a book,” says speaking coach and author Topher Morrison, “even if the other person is a better speaker and has a demo reel and more.” Fun.”

The same is true when it comes to traditional media. When I published a humorous novel about my recovery from addiction in 2007, I immediately found myself today show and CNN as an expert.

I don’t see trust in influencers growing anytime soon. And given that books have been building authority for nearly 600 years, I don’t see that diminishing anytime soon.


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