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Why you need the help of your employees to create winning returns in the office plan

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Picture this: You’ve just worked remotely for a year, and now your company is transitioning A hybrid work model. Yet they didn’t ask you to help build the model: no surveys, no focus groups, no all-hands meetings where you had a voice. How would you feel? Perhaps the way many employees at Amazon, Starbucks, Disney, Apple, and Lyft do: outraged and frustrated, Resistant and non-compliant.

Imagine wearing a dress made for someone else. It’s uncomfortable and inappropriate, isn’t it? That’s what happens when organizations impose a one-size-fits-all hybrid work model on their employees. In a recent Gartner survey, 14% of digital workers prefer to mandate their work environment. However, the majority (77%) would like to ask for their hybrid work model to be created.

It is crucial for leaders to allow their employees to co-create A hybrid work modelAs I always do Tell my clients, returned to the office. Why? Because engagement, retention and productivity are at stake — and that means the future of your company.

Hybrid work models: One size does not fit all

Like an orchestra with musicians playing different instruments, a hybrid workforce consists of employees with different needs and preferences. The key to a cohesive performance is a conductor who allows each musician to contribute their skills and create a masterpiece. In the same vein, when organizations involve employees in their design Hybrid SchedulesThey unlock the potential for a truly harmonious work experience.

Organizations must recognize that employee needs have changed and respond thoughtfully to retention Productivity and avoid friction. After all, a well-tailored outfit makes you feel confident and ready to conquer the world. By co-creating a hybrid model, employees feel more invested in their work, driving their engagement and productivity to new heights.

Finding the right hybrid model is like cooking the perfect dish. Creating a delicious culinary experience requires the right combination of ingredients to suit individual tastes. When employees contribute to designing their hybrid schedules, they can find the perfect balance between them Remote work and office days, meeting their personal and professional needs. This results in a more satisfied, motivated and productive workforce.

A successful hybrid model is like a well-prepared potluck, where everyone brings their favorite dish to the table. By encouraging employees to participate in creating their hybrid schedules, organizations promote its spirit Cooperation and mutual understanding. This leads to more engaged employees, as employees feel that their opinions are valued and taken into account.

Additionally, involving employees in the process builds trust and motivation Transparency. This level of openness can reduce the likelihood of miscommunication or misunderstanding, further boosting employee satisfaction and commitment to the organization.

Related: You should let your team decide their approach to hybrid work. A behavioral economist explains why and how you should do it.

Unleash the power of a fully hybrid meeting

If hybrid meetings were a dish, it would be a poorly mixed salad, with soggy lettuce and too much dressing. They are ranked as the second-least productive type of meeting by respondents to a Gartner survey, with 47% of digital workers preferring virtual meetings with audio and/or video. On the other hand, in-person meetings are seen as the most productive (46%). It’s time to make it Hybrid seats As charming as a well-prepared meal.

Leaders of the digital workplace Hybrid meetings should facilitate productivity by ensuring that all participants can see and hear each other clearly, interact with meeting content sharing and conversations, connect with just a button or link, and move seamlessly across operating systems and devices. So, let’s toss that salad right and enjoy every bite.

By allowing employees to contribute to shaping their hybrid work model, organizations can better understand their work. Employee preferences When it comes to meetings. This, in turn, can help improve the approach to hybrid meetings, making them more effective and enjoyable for all involved. When employees create their hybrid schedule, they can allocate their time to virtual and Personal meetingsOptimizing productivity and engagement.

Employee supervision: a double-edged sword

Employee supervision It’s like having a camera crew around you, capturing your every move. It can be aggressive and worrisome, especially when it is driven by mistrust. However, when approached with the highest level of trust, employee monitoring can provide valuable insights into productivity and work outcomes. In fact, a Gartner survey found that 96% of employees are more willing to accept monitoring if it helps them benefit. So, let’s turn that aggressive camera crew into a supporting production team.

Progressive organizations are chasing Radical transparency Around data collection, giving employees the opportunity to choose information and data collection. When monitoring is seen as a tool for support rather than control, employees embrace it and thrive.

By involving employees in the development of their hybrid schedules, organizations can foster a sense of trust and collaboration. This, in turn, makes employees more receptive Monitoring initiative The aim is to improve their work experience.

Back to the office: a smorgasbord of motivators

Returning to the office is like attending a buffet with a variety of dishes. Gartner’s survey revealed a variety of motivators for digital workers to return to the office, including “FaceTime” (40%), workplace amenities (45%) and results (10%). Companies need to recognize that different employees have different tastes and should not force them to eat the same sour dish.

As the workplace evolves, so does the employee experience. HR must partner with digital workplace leaders to craft the desired digital employee experience that meets individual needs and preferences. When employees can choose their favorite recipes, they will be more motivated, engaged and productive.

By involving employees in the creation of their hybrid schedules, organizations can better understand their employees’ motivations for returning to the office. This understanding can help tailor the office environment and experience to accommodate each worker’s unique needs and preferences, ultimately Increase employee satisfaction and retention.

Related: 78% of employers are using remote work tools to spy on you. Here’s a more effective (and ethical) approach to tracking employee productivity.

Invisible barriers to co-creation

When it comes to involving employees in creating their work schedules, some leaders can unwittingly fall prey to it. Cognitive biases. This Mental shortcuts Can cloud judgment and hinder effective decision making, leading to suboptimal outcomes. Let’s examine two specific cognitive biases that can prevent leaders from getting employee buy-in Co-creation of work schedule: Status quo bias and empathy distance.

Status quo bias is a cognitive bias that causes individuals to prefer the current situation to change. It’s like eating the same dish every day because you know you like it, even if there is a tastier alternative. This bias may prevent leaders from considering new approaches to hybrid work schedules, as they may feel that maintaining existing practices is safer.

Leaders influenced by status quo bias may be reluctant to ask employees to shape their work schedules, fearing that it may disrupt established routines and procedures. However, by sticking to the familiar, leaders can overlook the significant benefits to employee engagement, retention, and productivity that come from co-creating work models.

To overcome status quo bias, leaders should remind themselves of the importance of adapting to a changing work landscape and the potential rewards of involving employees in the decision-making process. By embracing change and stepping out of their comfort zones, leaders can create an environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and success.

The empathy gap is a cognitive bias that causes people to struggle to understand the feelings and needs of others when they do not feel the same emotions themselves. It’s like trying to describe the taste of a delicious dessert to someone who has never tried it before. This bias can create a disconnect between leaders and employees, leading to a lack of understanding of the importance of co-creating work schedules.

Influenced by leaders Sympathetic distance Employees may underestimate the value they place on having a say in their work schedules, assuming that their preferences are aligned with those of the organization. This can result in A top-down approach Hybrid work models, which can negatively impact employee engagement, retention and productivity.

To bridge the empathy gap, leaders must make a conscious effort to empathize with employees and understand their perspectives. This may include engaging in active listening, seeking feedback, and properly considering employee input when making decisions about the work schedule.

By identifying and addressing the impact of Cognitive biases Similar to status quo bias and empathy distance, leaders can make more informed decisions and ensure that they are not inadvertently hindering employee buy-in to co-create a hybrid work schedule. By doing so, they can create an environment that supports collaboration, innovation and growth, setting the stage for a truly successful work model.


The hybrid work revolution is here, and it’s essential for organizations to allow employees to create their hybrid schedules. By doing so, they will boost engagement, retention and productivity. By transforming hybrid seats, adopting a Collaborative approach By monitoring employees and understanding the various motivators for returning to the office, organizations can create a harmonious and effective work environment. Co-creating a work model with employees is like composing a beautiful symphony. It allows everyone to play their part, contributing their unique skills and expertise to create a cohesive and productive work experience. by Empowering employees By participating in shaping their hybrid schedule, organizations will reap the rewards of having engaged, motivated and high-performing employees ready to meet the challenges of the modern business landscape. Embrace the work revolution and let your employees be the drivers of their own success.


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