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Will Apple change VR forever?

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Potential of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) is certainly not a new topic of conversation, but it may become more relevant again this year. Despite prolonged VR optimism in 2016, adoption rates have so far failed to meet expectations, Less than one in five Americans have never used VR until 2023.

To be sure, 2016 was a watershed moment for VR, with the long-awaited consumer edition of the Oculus Rift and Sony’s PSVR prompting tech journalists to declare that “year As VR moves from virtual to reality.” Businesses buzz around the tech’s potential, industry leaders describe in a variety of ways. VR can revolutionize their marketing.

Google Trends shows that VR and virtual reality searches peaked in 2016 — only to begin declining from 2017, marked by the occasional spike prompted by new industry announcements. However, with WWDC Just around the corner once again, 2023 could be the year VR re-enters the mainstream consciousness. Apple Its pioneering marketing and pricing strategies, acclaimed hardware design and engaging UX (user experience) in the virtual world.

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1. Pricing Power

Apple’s impact on Smartphone market is universally known. I fondly remember 2007 when the first iPhone was introduced – it cost $499, but this was offset by a network deal that offset the cost, subsidizing payments in exchange for a 2-year contract. Apple took this genius step, making it a de facto standard to sell expensive consumer devices in exchange for forced loyalty. Some $499 for a phone, even an inflation-adjusted $720 today, doesn’t seem unreasonable anymore.

In 2023, Apple VR could try to replicate the success of this model by subsidizing the $3k price of the device, offering a 12-to-24-month repayment period. However, even with a pricing strategy that has historically locked in consumers and iPhone user demographics is constantly increasing Given the cost of living crisis in key markets including the US and UK each year, $3k in consumer spending could not be more timely.

2. Comfort and content

However, it is very likely that one of the key factors in the success of Apple’s device will be how long people can actually use it without discomfort. For many, this is currently only around 15 minutes, and it seems that Apple cannot afford to release a device with such a high fatigue potential. The weight of the device on the head, how it stays in place when the person moves and how it rubs against the skin and reacts to sweat are all concerns, and before that we consider some experiences of motion sickness in VR – which There are some. Two-thirds of people, according to 2021 study 4,500 German VR users. Given all that, tackling this long-standing industry barrier to making VR headsets more comfortable to use should be a priority.

Another important factor is that content is still king with a medium like VR. Focusing on hardware Alone – however elegant and refined – will fail, so even if the headset is a technological marvel, the question remains: what are we expected to do with it?

A cornerstone of VR There are games, but not all gaming genres translate well to VR. Fast-paced, frantic movement will cause nausea very quickly, so a different pace and approach is required. Besides, Apple’s Gaming Prestige has faced some criticism of late, mostly because of what the App Store has to offer.

Sure, Apple Arcade — a paid service — has been praised for curating a quality list Mobile Gaming experiences, but for the rest of the App Store, shallow free-to-play games designed to extort money from players and games with more ads than actual gameplay, can all be quickly experienced and then forgotten.

when Apple Games While the strategy appears to require a significant overhaul, streaming and other content can provide a secondary audience. VR is useful, but still niche, in education, manufacturing, shopping and healthcare. Currently, it’s unclear what use cases Apple will focus on for its core capabilities, other than perhaps streaming TV into a VR headset.

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3. Leisure time and closet space

Another battle that Apple faces globally is the lack of free time that many people experience today. The 4-hour life concept suggests that the average worker only has four free hours a day, and Apple’s VR headset will fight extreme saturation for a fraction of that time. entertainment technology Bazaar (besides other amusements). The user experience is essential for the device to be used repeatedly, even in short sessions, without it suffering the same fate as a tennis racket, which is often used three times before resting in the back of the closet.

Speaking of closets, another issue is space. When the VR headset is not in use, it needs to be stored somewhere. While the dimensions of the device are unclear, we can use a human head as a reference. Therefore, it is fair to assume that the headset will become another thing sitting in the living room or, God forbid, the bedroom. As a fan of declutteringI’m already worried.

So, as Apple prepares for WWDC in June, its throws headset In the ring, we will almost certainly see an increase in VR-focused discussion and debate. However, unless content, comfort, technological advances, costs and strategy are all perfectly aligned, this launch and mainstream interest in VR may just be another short-lived spike.


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