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Will ChatGPT and Bard Take Over SEO? AI Explained

Learn how the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, Sydney, and Google’s Bard might impact the future of SEO.

36 thoughts on “Will ChatGPT and Bard Take Over SEO? AI Explained”

  1. This man will always downplay AI because his platform is not ready for the new AI paradygm. The more he will make people stay old fashion the more his platform will make money. But do not make mistake AI will be the foundation of search and internet. There is no way back.

  2. Ads will become even smarter because they now have an AI that could understand language.

    Won't be surprise if they add, Ads responses on top of chat before the actual response. But as for seo, blogging and adsense. Really hard to tell.

    Since bing chat, i have never ever used Google search again. These chatbots could just understand what I'm looking for and provides it swiftly.

  3. Your content is GOLD, Sam 🤩🤩🤩 If you could recommend ONE Digital Marketing book for 2023, what would that be? Please answer me, I need your opinion on this 🙏🙏

  4. Please comment: Another reason traditional SEO will stay partly the same is because SEO can be updated rather quickly but AI has to train the models and will take longer time? Information that is CURRENT will be reflected more in traditional SEO than with LLMs?

  5. Great video Sam,It got me thinking about how AI is becoming more mainstream, and honestly, I think it's a pretty cool thing. It's a game-changer because it saves us so much time on those boring article tasks. Now we SEO folks can focus on creating more detailed, exciting, and real-life content that requires research and maybe even some travel adventures.

    The future is looking super exciting, but I do have a small worry for the next generation of SEO professionals. With AI doing a lot of the heavy lifting, they might miss out on the foundational stuff like keyword research and other important SEO tasks. It's like they'll be doing SEO without fully grasping the basics because AI will handle it all. That could make those foundational skills seem a bit redundant down the line.

    But hey, overall, I'm optimistic and pumped about what lies ahead. We just need to make sure that the next generation gets a solid understanding of the foundations, so they can adapt and make smart decisions as AI continues to advance. Just my thoughts and ironically this was edited by Chat GPT😂

  6. I think you, guys, need to hurry up with releasing Yep. So we, as content creators, can include Google, Bing and OpenAI to the list of bad bots and block on a server level 🙂

  7. Always liked your content, Sam, but I think you're wrong this time. Auto-GPT other autonomous agents leveraging Langchain libraries do an incredible job researching, collating, and creating new content. It's spooky watching the agents thoughtfully consider, search by itself, digest, take action, download software, assess, take more action, and then deliver. I say 3 years before everything changes, big time.

  8. AI has been evolving very fast recently. People are predicted to use AI agents for content search and discovery, drammatically reducing the number of querries. Goole might change their ranking algorithm accordingly. E.g. "experience" can be reproduced by LLMs (prompt: "act as…" ).

  9. The issue would be then if AI can do SEO all SEO would be equal meaning parts of SEO would be standardised but other areas would become the forefront of an SEOs job like advising and human relationships (like mentioned) and helping get the strategy for the business right to focus on. I see it in time changing but it’s got a while yet before it can heavy lift the majority. Plus someone will have to manage the AI tools to ensure the brand is kept on the right track.

  10. I understand the frustration, AI is disrupting a lot of industries not just SEO. I can't imagine the panic within a successful organization that is threatened at this level.

  11. Thanks for the video. @ahrefs, this has cleared some of my thoughts that people are talking about. 😊 I really appreciate your knowledge and support for the SEO community. 🎉

  12. My website got doomed due to Chatgpt Content on 19th April. I had an active website with a blog with consistently good organic traffic. Then, on the 18th of April, I pushed 2 subdomains on that website with buddyboss forum with all content in Q&A format with questions taken from Quora and answers where written with the help of Chatgpt. [Copy paste]. From 19th April 2023 till today 24th May 2023, my website dropped more than 80% in organic traffic from Google. Bing search traffic is still increasing but Google has already started deindexing pages that were earlier ranking on top.

  13. I am sorry but I have to disagree. I got early access to google new search experience where generative AI answer takes your entire screen. the blue links will be pushed down further. it's not the same at all with the snippet answers that you mentioned in the video because those snippets only took half (or even one-third) of your screen, and the same snippet still provides URL to the top ranking, while generative AI does not provide any URL except on the right columns (and even this, I highly suspect Google will replace them with ads).

    What matters about SEO is visibility. If your blue link is placed way down below the generative AI answer, most users won't bother to scroll down just to click your website URL, and that will greatly decrease the CTR.

    Sure, you can say SEO won't be dead, but if the potential traffic to get from SEO will be far lower, you have to start wondering, is it even worth it anymore? You might be able to get more traffic from the likes of twitter and even TikTok nowadays

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