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Will ChatGPT Take Your Job?

The rise in new generative artificial intelligence tools has the potential to rock industries staffed by white collar workers in the …


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25 thoughts on “Will ChatGPT Take Your Job?”

  1. I am not replaceable but I am simultaneously meaningless in the grand scheme. So is every other sentient creature. So… ultimately, it doesn't matter. 🙂

  2. I had a debate about ChatGpt and AI with my wife the other day….. my view…. l believe we are a tardbit overplaying the impact of AI on some aspects of our lives. DON'T GET ME WRONG, AI is a very big deal. I however feel human's relevance will always be #1.

  3. Year-over-year inflation stood at 6.5% in December 2022—the lowest that figure has been in more than a year. Inflation was in line with what economists expected and gave many of them a reason to believe that the peak of inflation may be behind us. I have approximately $150k stagnant in my port_folio that needs growth. What is the best way to take advantage of this downturn?

  4. Almost any conversation about AI right now:

    "AI won't take MY job… at least in the foreseeable future… But YOUR job, oh boy duddy, youre ducked. Guess you die!" Then AI takes both jobs. No UBI. You can eat each other.

  5. I work with OpenAI and chatgpt models, it’s mostly improving applications rather than replacing jobs. Seems more about productivity improvement and making more money w/ it. I’m smart with AI though.

  6. The company with which I work as a "partner" has decided to implement AI and although they say "it will be a sea of new opportunities" it is evident that all the artists of the company will be replaced, I feel sad, angry, shocked, maybe hopeful but I am afraid. I am truly afraid of the uncertainty of how I will be able to support my family

  7. As someone who works in the machine learning space, I think it’s a good thing. Most western economies are beginning to have a population crisis where there are more old people who don’t work coupled with a low birth rate. Eventually, there won’t be enough people to do mundane jobs. You’re still going to need a mechanic, doctor, or an engineer and AI can help aid in things like cancer detection and problem solving. The jobs that’ll probably disappear are jobs related to the supply chain like truckers and warehouse workers.

  8. There were a few industrial revolutions before. Every time until now more jobs were created than the ones which dissapeared. Not this time.

    No surprise the big techs are advocates of a so called „universal minimum wage”. If you can make extra on top, good for you.

    Because in reality WHO IS GOING TO BUY ANYTHING? How much is a Google Ad worth if no one has money to buy? And Microsoft Office? And the latest iPhone?

    This monster they created impacts everyone and everything.

    And don‘t forget the jobs at risk because of development in other fields of AI, like self driving cars, etc.

  9. The video discusses the rapid emergence and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like Chatgpt and Midjourney, which allow anyone to create content such as essays and art without the individual skills and training normally associated with such tasks. The video addresses the legal and societal consequences of this emerging technology, including concerns about the impact on the workforce and the potential disruption to multiple industries. Educators are also concerned about students using AI to complete assignments, while some companies have already embraced forms of AI as a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The video also explores the risks associated with the misuse of AI, the need for regulatory measures to increase transparency, and the potential for legislation to address these issues. Finally, the video touches on the possibilities of AI's role in the economy, including its potential to increase productivity and efficiency while also potentially causing job displacement in certain sectors.

  10. You just need tax robots/automation just like we tax humans. If you tax based on efficiency, companies we start hiring humans as we would be cheaper.

    People often think that new tech will always make huge disruptions which may be true – but look at the invention of the calculator we just learned how to use it as a tool. Now if that tool turns out to be very useful and displaces 2/3 of the population we just need to tax the tool to pay for the displacing.

    But given the US and the word Tax hate each other it might indeed be a problem 🙂

  11. All the people in tech industry say it’s not going to affect their jobs to satiate their ego but in reality it might not remove all the jobs but will replace most of them.
    Eg(programming) : if there are 10 people working on a project in the current state, After 4-5 years from now we will be needing only 3-4 people to complete the same project. I myself was in awe when Chat gpt came out for how useful it was it increased my performance drastically…and it will only get better 😢

  12. I asked this in other comments sections and I can’t seem to get an answer. For the jobs that AI will supposedly create, what jobs exactly will AI create in this AI revolution? And Prompt Engineering doesn’t count

  13. This is what I love about A.I. You can automate/replace your average $25,000/yr barista but the machine will cost you $100,000+ and a technician to maintain the machine for another $50,000/yr (approx). However, lawyers, writers, accountants, architects, engineers, managers, doctors, ect. can all be replaced with a $3000 pc each.

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