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Will The Money You Make In GTA 6 Transfer To Real Life?

GTA 6 has been rumored to pay you real money far you in game play! Is this True? Even tho this rumor is debunked i cant help but …


48 thoughts on “Will The Money You Make In GTA 6 Transfer To Real Life?”

  1. They might pay us in SATs…takes 100mil SATs to equal one Bitcoin so they rewards/jobs payment might be more closer to real life payments…if you won or get paid $100 in-game it would be 0.00000100 btc

  2. I heard that in gta 6 if you get a strippers phone number, you get a real strippers phone number in real life. They will even come over to your moms basement and dance for you

  3. The only way Gta 6 could pay out irl money would be if it was one world – one server and you own property, cars etc etc in game and can sell them to other players – so if a house is owned by a players only they can own it – its just 1 map – but imagine that map would need to be 1000x the size of gta 5

  4. There is no “job” attached to playing video games as a consumer.

    Money used to be used as a way of showing one’s work ethic….Now people want money to play games.

    People are a fucking JOKE!!!

    Greedy, lazy, stupid assholes.

    At least in America.

  5. This is r* we're talking about. Just thinking about how they act over in game currency makes me doubt there'll be any real world payouts. But you never know.

  6. I think this is a great idea because for game grinders should get some money for playing live service games for hours on end and people who don't get the fun of grinding for what you and they say you have no life. Which I don't know about you guys but I love playing video games and I hate when people say I have no life. This would even playing field of games paying us to play irl and I can tell that group of people that im making money of just chilling on my favorite game. This would be awesome.

  7. Honestly im pretty sure Rockstar wont put this ind the game and if they do i belive it a pretty dumb move since Modders and Hackers always finds a way around there network projection imagine being able to make free real life money like that or even steal it from players. No i dont think it be added

  8. I'm pretty sure that's it's bs because someone could easily cheat the game and get tons of money in the game so it would be pretty stupid to make that a legitimate thing tbh…

  9. Ya know what I want. I want missions to pay out reasonable to the games economy. 5k 10k 20k mission will take you forever to save up and buy anything. Maybe thats a direct off set to money glitching and hacking. Let's say you do a heist that pays out a mil. It takes you and hour and a half to two hours to complete. But theres an hour to 2 hour cool down. Which you have to wait until being able to do it again. How many hours will it take you to do that 10 times. So that you can buy your oppressor? Jim Bob over here has one fully upgraded even has a money livery on it he'll dub it for you. Take em 30 seconds.

  10. If it’s true, the economy will be making back its money in no time, due to how many people who play this game in many different countries. It would be cool if you could real money from playing games.

  11. they better not award players with damn stupid crypto currency as payment in missions, no to hell with that crap i want to be paid with cash. of course bank transfer is also fine. bringing stock market back is great as long as u pay with gta $ its all good.

  12. Sorry but this is the biggest piece of dog 💩I ever heard,I mean they're being milking that cow for years now,do we really think that at this point they would just share that precious milk and lettuce making formula with someone else,if this becomes fashion the pope will start a farm and there will be cows flying in the sky instead of UFOs 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸

  13. The only problem with this is that there will be haters lets say a hacker views your balance and wants your money, now your a target. So i doubt it.

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