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Woman Wakes Up in Coffin At Her Wake, The Growing Problem With “Going Electric”, & More

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20 thoughts on “Woman Wakes Up in Coffin At Her Wake, The Growing Problem With “Going Electric”, & More”

  1. Please discern that there is no heartbeat at 6weeks. The chambers of the heart are not complete until 17weeks. Please refer to the American college of obstetrics for correct language.

  2. I think one of the alternatives I would appreciate being addressed is improvements in bike and public transit infrastructure as alternatives to car ownership in medium/big cities. There are more than two options in the EV debate.

  3. On the Reddit story.

    I'm neutral towards the blackout. I don't use a 3rd party app, so I can't say that I understand why it's so important. But I respect that other people feel very strongly about it, and I support them protesting the change.

    In general, I'm inclined to support the users.

    Having said that, I really hope they implement that feature to remove a mod. I've seen multiple communities where they turn against a mod, and that mod starts banning people left and right. It would be really nice to have a feature for the community to oust mods like that.

    I hope both outcomes happen. That communities gain the ability to remove a mod they dislike AND that the blackout/protest are successful in getting what they want.

  4. To make a better world, we must recognize that change starts with us as consumers. By becoming more mindful of our consumption habits, supporting ethical and sustainable businesses, and demanding products that prioritize worker welfare and environmental stewardship, we can gradually shift the priorities of big businesses. Only by addressing the root cause of consumer demand can we effectively encourage responsible practices throughout the supply chain and work towards a more equitable and sustainable future.

    However, it's also important to consider the role of government subsidies in shaping consumer demand. While incentives for electric vehicles, for example, have positive environmental intentions, they can inadvertently contribute to increased demand for certain resources and products. The rush to adopt electric vehicles without proper consideration of the entire lifecycle of these vehicles, including the sourcing and disposal of materials, can lead to unintended consequences. Therefore, it is crucial for governments to carefully evaluate and design policies that balance environmental benefits with the broader sustainability implications, ensuring a holistic approach that addresses both consumer demand and the long-term impact on the planet. By combining responsible consumer choices with thoughtful governmental policies, we can strive for a more balanced and sustainable future for all.

  5. Be aware, the expression "manganese poisoning" is contextual. The human body needs a small dietary amount of manganese to form connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors, and sex hormones. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation. Manganese is also necessary for normal brain and nerve function. Poisoning in this context is that the body is overdosed with an excessive amount of manganese through prolonged exposure to manganese dust.

  6. I think my favorite side effect of the Reddit blackout stuff is the fact that one of the more popular subreddits r/interestingasfuck realized Reddit doesn't put ads on NSFW subs and so now most of the posts on that sub are just straight porn. And the rest are memes and posts about the porn takeover.

  7. 7:29 and their customers. Companies don’t give a damn. They are protected far more than American citizens are, and never suffer consequences.

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