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Women’s Health Care Providers Find Innovative Ways To Help Evade Red State Abortion Bans

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Dr. Meg Autry, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at U.C. San Francisco, talks with Rachel Maddow about a plan to build a …


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49 thoughts on “Women’s Health Care Providers Find Innovative Ways To Help Evade Red State Abortion Bans”

  1. America appears to have a malign talent of constantly poking their populations in the eye to satisfy their crazy politically/religiously inspired fringe groups.

  2. Just wondering, if a woman has her regular period, is that a crime? After all, they wasted that egg (potential baby). Plus, that period may be evidence of a possible homicide. She may have had an intentional miscarriage.

  3. I believe we want to keep abortion as an issue and we don’t want to offer solutions. Why don’t we have a bill ready for debate in Congress? I know for a fact that there are abortion in Abortive procedure bills already available and sitting in several desk drawers of many of our Democrat law makers. These bills are not being introduced because our leadership wants this to be a campaign issue and to allow us to have talking points. We tried to blame the Republicans for this constitutional issue. We haven’t proposed any legislation even though it is available simply to have a talking point.

  4. I know when I think of shaping our future I consider purple haired women the epitome of societal shaping. 😂 Hot mess with no tp anywhere.

  5. WaPo is reporting that activists are are paying for scotus judge sightings… I like that.
    Make the pukes live their edict every-GD-time the leave their home.

  6. Good idea. I also think that European countries with strong abortion rights can set up embassies in red states and allow abortions to be done on embassy property.

  7. Biggest mistake of the right to birth side… tell women that they CAN NOT do something.. my faith in humanity is being restored and my faith in women is taking over… warms my heart

  8. Democrats are smarter than republicans in general, even the dishonest Yale and Harvard-graduate senators who hypocritically support the previous narcissistic leader. Republicans have no platform, avoid debates, and support an insurrection of democracy. Vote them out!

  9. Abortion rights….shame men don't have any rights re abortion. Men should have right to financial abortion… Only fair right…you know that thing called equality…. sadly women only want equality when it benefits them

  10. I wonder if foreign embassies, meaning foreign soil where US law does not apply, are located in some of the larger cities in these states. …. Texas for example

  11. The fact that they have to be unmarked and armour plated ( bullet proof) , is frightening, yet alone for the women who may be given a set of co ordinates ( gps to drive to) clandestinely, they I am sure would be scared

  12. Biden should open access to already existing VA hospitals and clinics for abortions. Veterans hospital are federal lands, and provide healthcare for female veterans, abortion is still legal federally.

  13. "Abortion should be safe, legal, & rare" (Bill Clinton) It is the "Rare" part that got abused. Women (and men) taking no precautions because they can always see a doctor made it routine. If there is going to be a compromise, only rare abortions should be the standard. Being stupid is not an excuse.

  14. The Republicans just put forth the bill to restrict travel of women within the United States. So how long till they have checkpoints at borders? This is terrifying and real and happening right in front of our eyes. Now what?

  15. The Gulf boat will have some great eats on it too, all spirit cooked tender BBQ'd human infant remains (Hillary's recipe). Hey! After they have dismembered your baby, you can even take your murdered baby's feet home with you and put them on a key chain.

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