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Women’s Health Expert Debunks the Worst Myths About Hormones | Alisa Vitti on Women of Impact

Hey guys, Lisa here! If you didn’t already know, I am super frikin excited to share that I’m writing a book! To be the FIRST to get …


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35 thoughts on “Women’s Health Expert Debunks the Worst Myths About Hormones | Alisa Vitti on Women of Impact”

  1. I’ve been battling chronic symptoms for 14 years, it took most of my adolescence from me. The last three years I’ve only listened to the doctors that it makes sense to me and have solely relied on my own body communicating its needs to me. This confirms everything that I’ve been saying and doing, the results are real and continuous

  2. Number of reddish patches could be found inside my genitals and also legs. It is been with me for nearly all of my life. If my very first few days of making use of it, I could see my skin area flakes. There is no longer swelling quickly after employing this unique Herpes remedy from Dr Agbonifo i great herbalist, I notice that my very own cheek don`t have any flakiness as well as the part has fully treated..Immediately after 3 weeks of applying the remedy, I discovered the flakiness to be disappeared, the affected area are treated and i am completely cured from my herpes virus,kildly contact him on WhatsApp +234 903 474 9874 for your healing herbs.

  3. The guest’s content is awesome.

    I wish she would have been considerate of her gracious hostess 🌹 Would have liked the guest to speak about the hostess mentioning not having a cycle for 10 years. She talked over her, a lot.

    Informative talk, would have liked guest show more consideration to her hostess.

  4. I’d have to disagree on men’s energy dropping after 3pm. That’s not normal. It’s a sign of dysfunction.

    I had this problem back when I ate a standard American diet. No longer.

  5. Vygiene is a device that connects to your smartphone where you can test your vaginal health from the comfort of your own home. You simply take a swab and place it into the device where our software will analyse your sample to detect pH, bacterial and yeast growth from which we can warn you about potential infections and how to prevent them from occurring. Clink the link below to check out our Kickstarter!

  6. Love the idea and the concept, the more women I find who tell me that women should do things like fasting and LC different the more I trust in Mindy Pelz.
    Sorry, but the App btw is far from good. I bought it (the only App I ever paid for) and find it mostly useless. It's more a shop gate, everything I would be interested in beside tracking my period costs about 50 bucks extra.

  7. I wonder if women were doing the same and naturally following their rhythm BEFORE we needed to prove equality and joined the work force… Back when we stayed home to raise children, I'll bet no two days were the same.

  8. Thank u so much Lisa for this video. I have policistic ovary syndrome I had periods every 9month's so went on pill. My periods regulated now when am 38year's old. I stop a pill but I gained 6 sized up from size 8 to 20. I wish I never when on pill. Now whatever I do I can't loose weight, my hormones r really bad

  9. Finally an answer to how to increase my energy for acheiving more. I can only listen to so many mens videos about success and energy levels and the "mush mush, huskies" kind of go go go attitude for so long. How do We even keep up! My period is debillitating some times and I want a way to deal with it and achieving all my goals. Thank you for this info.i feel so relieved

  10. I went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution, so that my body can be okay. Until one faithful day as i was browsing on the internet I saw a testimony on how Dr OGBEIFUN has helped people in curing Herpes you can contact him on WhatsApp +2348111501056 or email him DROGBEIFUNHERBALHOME@GMAIL.COM

  11. Have you tried natural herbal medicine and body cleanser, reach out to Dr Isibor on youtube his herbs works perfectly well in removing facial hair growth 😊😊💯

  12. PREACH! Thanks so much for this video Lisa. It's so true, there is so much over-simplification and ignorance surrounding women's health and as a result we get misdirected treatments offered by doctors and a 'band-aid' approach instead of tackling the root of the issue. I hope that women's health can have some serious and much needed reform – in the west in particular.

    For 3 years I had no obvious symptoms of anything wrong (a 'normal' flow/period pain/pms) yet my life was taken over by worsening mood swings, ADHD, brain fog, anxiety, anger and days of suicidal depression. Western doctors diagnosed PMDD and told me to take the pill or anti-depressants which I rejected, then Chinese doctors helped with acupuncture and herbs. Reading balance-your-hormones-balance-your-life by Claudia Welch helped me to treat myself further by switching to chemical-free wholefoods, vegetarian diet, more rest & sleep, reducing stress, moving soon to a less polluted country, cutting out toxic people etc. has helped a lot in recent months. I am slowly improving my health.

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