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Women’s Health Lecture and Marathon Q & A | Chef AJ LIVE! with Dr. John and Mary McDougall

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36 thoughts on “Women’s Health Lecture and Marathon Q & A | Chef AJ LIVE! with Dr. John and Mary McDougall”

  1. Dr. McDougall, you're a hero of so many people. You have nothing to regret. Even if all the thousands you have saved are still eating one turkey a year, they are far more significant to animal welfare and the planet than the religiously active vegans who alienate thousands of people a year by antagonism. They should be ashamed – not you!

  2. What a treat to watch and listen to Dr McDougall for 3 hours. Absolutely love it. He's so generous with his time and knowledge. To give away a book for free, wow it's amazing. Love it Chef AJ

  3. Thank you Dr John and Mary my husband is diagnosed
    with type 2 diebetic and he is on medication we want to join your team but he is an African man eating African diet most of the time he is a Nigerian and he is not so keen with English diet, is there any chance
    that he can be off meds and reverse the diebetis please advise.
    Thanks London

  4. I see veganism in the same way that I see any social injustice. I’m very passionate about animals and their suffering. I also feel very passionate about the BLM movement – I see neither of these as a religion. Just my view, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for everything the wonderful Dr does 🙌🏼

  5. Sorry..but many raw fooders eat low fat…lots of fruits and greens and they thrive. I respect Dr. M enormously…but he hasn't really done a deep dive into raw food eating…because he never needed to…but he can't speak authoritatively about raw food.

  6. Ive been a vegetarian since I was 12 and vegan for 3 years. I'm launching myself into Mary's Mini and looking forward to better health. I really appreciate Dr McDougall's remarks about some of the cultish thinking about veganism. I have a problem with some of this way of thinking. I have heard some vegans say they are superior to others as vegans, in its most extreme version almost like Aryan racial purity and superiority ideas of Hitler, which I've found truly disturbing.
    1. SOME interesting historical info re vitamin C and long sea voyages during the time of scurvy. In order fo achieve a trip – historically long, since it was headed by Captain James Cook to discover "the great south land"* and for Cook to observe the transit of Venus from Tahiti. James Cook was an extraordinary, scientific explorer. So, quite different to Columbus (Cristoforo Colombo/Cristóbol Colón) by comparison ws a maritime explorer who thought he'd reached Asia (he was aiming for what is today Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines for a quicker route to the spice trade of Asia). When he landed in the Bahamas, then later Cuba, Haiti, the Antilles and the east coast of north eastern South America, he was bumping into places with no real idea of navigating and discovering North America. But that's another story. Cook was an exceptional surveyor and surveyed the St Lawrence River, Newfoundland and southern Labrador. When given the job of observing the transit of Venus from Tahiti and seeing if there was a southern land, Cook knew he would lose crew on such a long voyage. Sailors were scared of long voyages and scurvy. Cook packed his first trip south on HMS Endeavour with barrels of sauerkraut. He used sauerkraut on subsequent voyages too. After the transit of Venus he headed south and mapped New Zealand and later the Australian east coast. His maps were so accurate they were still used relatively recently, until satellite maps were introduced, which are used today. He was killed in Hawaii on his third voyage and had gone further south than any other voyage, finding eastern Australia but never the great southern continent. Australia is actually a continent btw. On the three voyages James Cook made, not one sailor was lost to scurvy. Everyone on board was given a ration of sauerkraut daily unless they had picked up fresh fruit and vegetables along the way.
    2. A SECOND point of interest occurred during WWII when Japan used Allied prisoners to build the Thailand/Siam – Burma railway. Over 200,000 prisoners of war were enslaved under cruel conditions to build what became the Burma – Thailand Railway including the bridge over the River Kwai of movie fame. It is again a long story. Of Australian prisoners of war over one third died and those who survived did so under truly appalling and putrid conditions under the leadership of Dr. Edward "Weary" Dunlop. He was a legendary figure, but the POWs who survived were given rations of around a third of a cup of white rice, documented by Weary, who ordered sharing of rations if POWs were weak or sick. They lived on a "soup" of rice, grassy vegetables and anything they could steal of kill, eg snakes. It was hard to store food and cook in the tropics because of the rain so much of the food was rotten and spoiled. But when comparisons were made with other POWs of those who had been given rice and those from Europe, it was found the POWs on rice were better off. Yes, they looked like sticks at the end of WWII but after the war they had fewer ongoing health problems than POWs from other places (injuries notwithstanding). I've always thought if the POWs could do relatively "well" on rice as rations, then the benefits of rice is remarkable.

    * at the time Europeans believed there was a southern land to balance the size of Europe and North America.

  7. A good topic for Dr.McDougall to speak on is how numbers prevail over real results in the global healthcare system. He touched on it a bit here: a low cholesterol, which can be done with statins, won't keep you from suffering the effects of your bad habits.

    I would structure such a lecture like this: provide examples of what a person can do (for example eat fat), while sustaining the numbers on a "normal" level (by taking insulin or statins etc.); what that person can suffer from while taking or not taking these drugs; and what that person could do instead (eat starch) to get better; plus which numbers may still be "bad" in spite of the health being good.

  8. I’ve been on a whole food plant based diet for six years, normal weight, low cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. I am fully vaccinated as well as the booster. Got Covid twice since February but no symptoms at all. I only knew because I get tested every two weeks at work. But so thankful I had the vaccine

  9. I ditto the comment "I love you all!" Endless THANK YOU's. I listen to every word, and know my life's direction is changed because of your generous work. I am forever grateful!

  10. Love listening to the 2 of them. Thank you Dr. McDougall. I did email your daughter 3 years ago trying to get information on Lyme and the Alfa gal allergy. Your daughter sent a few sites to read,. Do you have anything new that you may share to help?

  11. Durrell and his story – what a great speaker! I hope he does have the time and opportunity to do some speaking at the V.A., his church – if he goes. Seeing and listening to real people like "ourselves" is powerful. A thumbs up for the video just for the intro alone.

  12. I adopted a plant based diet 5 years ago and 2 years later my partner hopped on and he doesn’t eat as much Whole Foods as I do he eats allot of processed foods but he still changed his blood work so much his doctor took on a plant based diet 😁😘

  13. Durrell you’re story about stumbling on mcdougalls diet, listening 24/7 to his resources and the thanking him ( and chef AJ who opened the door for me ) for saving our health is the same journey I have been in now since mid 2022 . Likely undiagnosed diabetes in my case wasn’t obese but overweight.Many advice from similar educators but always return to mcDougall. Chef AJ mcdougalls you are my family.❤

  14. My next grocery haul will be potatoes, rice and corn. l believe l can do this. ln 67 and never having heard of the Mcdougall's lm a firm believer on not talking supplements. Meat products l haven't eaten in a long time….only because l can't afford. l maybe on the right track. And who doesn't like bread

  15. So grateful to Dr McDougall for all he has done and STILL does to help us! It’s beyond amazing that he is spending so much time putting together his material and science based data to teach us this critical information. We are so fortunate to be able to plug into this webinar to continue to learn how to live a healthier life, free from avoidable diseases. Also, thank you so much Chef AJ for your channel and ALL that you to to help the world 🌍

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