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Women’s Health Matters | HERe, Healthier happens together | CVS Health

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Here, at CVS Health, we’re working to eliminate taxes on period products nationwide, and covering the cost on period products …


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46 thoughts on “Women’s Health Matters | HERe, Healthier happens together | CVS Health”

  1. Yet another WOKE, dishonest corporation trying to distract from their union busting, their overpaid white executives, the fact that they source a lot of their products from Chinese slave labor, the fact that they over-charge for products and hurt consumers. What a disgrace.

  2. Ever notice how there are
    Children's Hospitals
    Women's Hospitals
    Elderly Care Communities

    But the single demographic missing is also the ones who pay the most taxes, likely those who built the structure but are nowhere to be seen by medical professionals.

  3. Scapegoating. Men aren't charged less because we're men. Some of our products tend to be less expensive because they're utilitarian. There's nothing preventing women from adjusting their buying habits and choosing comparable items found on that tiny corner shelf called the men's health section. Did you learn nothing from Gillette?

  4. Ladies I’m begging you to please stop believing these pandering lies. Yes you pay more for products because you consume them at a higher rate than men. This is called capitalism, the more you buy the more they raise the prices it’s not a women’s oppression issue

  5. Mens razors 🪒 are heck expensive from the jump 🤔

    And men need to shave more often because we have facial hair, that’s why it’s a (few) cent cheaper than leg shavers for women who only use it maybe twice a month 🤦🏼‍♂️

  6. Dafucks this. Maybe you should cut us sum slack since dealing with women like you is hard enough for the damn world to handle peacefully. You should do that for us. Regardless you talk about equality yet you practice the total opposite. You know why? 'cause in reality everything is not equal and shouldnt be treated as so. The equality part was meant for how one treats snother. Not in being the same as the others.These kinda actions deserve some damn punishment.

  7. I have had my prescription filled at CVS for yrs. TodY I will cancel it and move to #Walgreens were they don't feel the need to create more division and separation. Funny, I don't see any other pharmacy claiming "women don't matter" as your ad suggests.

  8. CVS, you really went out your way to pit Men against Women & position a price disparity? This is the exact reason why I don't support CVS. Nonsensical divisive marketing…

  9. Here men are drafted and die in wars..Here men are statistically more likely to commit suicide..Here, there are no crisis centers or homeless shelters for men..Here, men are more likely to be homeless & victims of violent crimes like murder…Here, woman initiate divorce over 75% of the time..Here we have horrible & unjust laws where agencies like the department of revenue & child support that incentivize states to destroy men financially. Here men are less likely to graduate highschool & college..Here men are working all of the physically demanding & dangerous jobs that no one else wants to do…Should I keep going?


  11. If the "women's product " is more expensive for no reason, then buy the "men's product " then, after all, it's THE SAME, right?…fuck are women really this stupid,or just the target audience for woke commercials

  12. This video has 33 million views and zero dislikes and 17 likes. What an absolute joke. You are fraudsters and liars. Working with YouTube to control your like count. I'll never shop at one of your stores again.

  13. What a crap commercial. Men should pay taxes on health needs but women should not?. Who is supposedly dismissing women at pharmacies anyway? My razors are super expensive too. Not even sure what the point of this commercial is other than to show how woke they are. There are plenty of pharmacies that don't insult me, so I can go there

  14. I guess this commercial is telling me, as a woman, how I cannot see the striking similarly between men's and women's razors. That I'm actually too stupid to make a decision based on actual price. I do not buy my razors from CVS, I buy the cheap bag of blue razors from Walmart or dollar general. I will avoid CVS like the plague in the future . Thought their commitment to the mythological "pink tax" is absurd and insulting .

  15. Yet another company and commercial dividing people. So women are discriminated somehow at other pharmacies/stores? And not paying taxes on period products…seriously? Why should those be different if you are fighting for equality? I dont shop at CVS often but wont any more from now on. Support Local Businesses. 👍

  16. CVS liberal pos's so from what I can tell from your video I need to do all the shopping now because my wife pays more for products then I do.. GTFO 🤡🤡🤡🤡 I'll pay double for products elsewhere before I give u my business c-ya

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