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Women’s Health Matters | HERe, Healthier happens together | CVS Health

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Here, at CVS Health, we’re working to eliminate taxes on period products nationwide, and covering the cost on period products …


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22 thoughts on “Women’s Health Matters | HERe, Healthier happens together | CVS Health”

  1. Let's pretend for a second that paying more for "feminine" versions of the same product was true, even then this commercial would still be bullshit. Nobody is forcing you to buy said gendered product.

  2. This commercial is so infuriating!!! Women need to understand that having a f**** vagina doesn’t make you more important than anyone else!!! Why shouldn’t you pay taxes on period products!!!!?? Men pay taxes on condoms, on shaving products! And by the way if men do more work and a better job than YES they should get paid more!! Stop using your vagina as an excuse to be lazy! I’m a women and I’m annoyed by this garbage! Stop being woke CVS, you look stupid

  3. CVS is buying into the gynocentric feminist movement. IF a store charged more for a product based on gender, it would be a major offense with multi-million dollar lawsuits. I am sure box wine, cat food and anti-depressants are on sale at this chain too! This commercial is "cringy" and complete rubbish.

  4. So the people selling the women’s products for higher then the men’s products are subliminally blaming all their men customers for them doing it. Got it CVS, you charge more for women’s razors because your male customers told you too.

  5. When the hell did any of these women had to pay more than a man for the same product? Such a woke piece of crap commercial. It's why I don't buy anything from CVS. I would rather go to Wal-mart.

  6. Shameful comercial. Men should not buy at cvs given that cvs has decided to endorse one of the most disgusting movements as is the feminist move. They should be ashamed of using men as scape goat to justify their high prices and exploitative wages paid to their employees. What does men has to do with their decision to sell items at a higher tag price, it is their decision, yet men is at fault. Very stupid claim. But then again, it is the same lame rhetoric that suggest that men are tyrants and at fault for all the misery women goes through in this beautiful world for men. It is time for men to stand up this bullying.

  7. CVS Pharmacy, I really want you to bring back white pantyhose in sizes A and above. My cousin Elizabeth always wore white pantyhose up until the day she died. Elizabeth Anne Emery used to work at the CVS in Wayne, PA. She was such a beautiful and sweet young lady. She was just like Snow White, except for more extreme. She loved those big scary roller coasters. During her final days on Earth, she looked like a 1920's flapper girl with her short hair, skinny body, and knitted hat. Elizabeth was only 36 years old when she died, so please, in memory of my dear cousin Elizabeth, please bring back white pantyhose.

  8. Gah! New America, Yes! you should pay more, then men if you don't know any better. If womens razors are the same as mens but women are paying more for razors, then buy mens razors. I don't know what is more pathetic, New America or New Women. The only reason you are paying more for your razor is because you want it in pink or the glory of it's marcketing. This is why I say New America doesn't have any common scene. Do like most of us men, stop buying the razors and buy trimmers. It's amazing to me, a toilet is a F*&*ing toilet use it.

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