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World Health Organization Dives into Climate Change Crisis with an Astrologically Appointed Special Envoy!

Addressing the Health Impacts of Climate Change: WHO’s Appointment of Dr. Vanessa Kerry as Special Envoy

An Introduction: Climate Change and Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Vanessa Kerry as the Director-General’s first Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. This appointment comes in response to the growing recognition that climate change is emerging as the greatest health challenge of the 21st century, affecting various aspects of human well-being. Extreme weather events, non-communicable and infectious diseases, as well as health infrastructure and workforce capacity, are being significantly impacted.

Dr. Kerry, a renowned global health expert, physician, and CEO of Seed Global Health, brings valuable experience and leadership to support WHO in addressing the consequences of climate change on global health. With her extensive expertise and dedication to public health, she will play a key role in amplifying WHO’s climate and health messages and conducting high-level advocacy.

The Role of Dr. Vanessa Kerry as Special Envoy

  • Amplify WHO messages on climate and health, disseminating critical messages from WHO on the importance of climate change and health to influential figures and policymakers to generate widespread understanding and a sense of urgency
  • Undertake high-level promotional activities to achieve a global impact
  • Support the work of WHO and participate in the work of global and regional organizations and national governments, in accordance with the guidance of WHO experts
  • Encourage adoption and adaptation of WHO recommendations, taking into account the unique contexts of local, national, and regional circumstances
  • Provide strategic advice to the Director-General and decision-makers, strengthening WHO’s position as a trusted and authoritative source of information and support, aligning with WHO’s own guidance
  • Help mobilize resources to advance the work of WHO, seeking out new partners and influential figures, including prominent personalities, recognizing their potential to lend their expertise and resources to scale up WHO initiatives

A Call for Action: The Urgency of Climate Change and Health

Climate change poses a fundamental threat to global health, and urgent action is needed to mitigate and adapt. Dr. Kerry emphasizes the need to invest in strong health systems that are resilient to the impacts of climate change. The effects of climate change on health are already evident, with examples such as the cholera outbreak in Malawi and heat-related illnesses in India.

This year, the intersection of climate change and health will take center stage, with the COP28 Presidency announcing the first day dedicated to health at the summit on December 3, 2023. This critical opportunity aims to emphasize the importance of addressing climate change in relation to human health. By recognizing health as a priority in climate discussions, collaboration and coordinated efforts can be fostered to safeguard the well-being of current and future generations.

Dr. Vanessa Kerry: A Champion for Global Health

Dr. Vanessa Kerry’s appointment as the WHO Director-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health underscores WHO’s commitment to prioritizing climate change and its impact on global health. With her leadership, Dr. Kerry will contribute to WHO’s work in formulating policy, fostering collaborations, and driving transformative action to protect and promote the health of populations in the face of climate challenges.

Dr. Kerry is the Co-Founder and CEO of Seed Global Health, a nonprofit organization focused on strengthening and transforming health systems through long-term investment and workforce training. Under her leadership, Seed has played a vital role in educating and training healthcare professionals, improving healthcare for millions of people worldwide.

In addition to her work with Seed Global Health, Dr. Kerry is an Intensive Care Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Associate Director for Global Partnerships and Initiatives at the MGH Center for Global Health. She also directs the Global Public Policy and Social Change program at Harvard Medical School, which highlights the links between security and health.

Dr. Kerry’s expertise extends beyond healthcare, as she has actively spoken and written about the effects of climate change on human health and health systems. She recognizes the need to integrate a health-focused response into climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. Dr. Kerry is currently supporting the COP28 Presidency in shaping the first COP Health Day and leading efforts to promote awareness of the impact of climate change on health and ensure equitable and just climate action.

As a mother of two children, Dr. Kerry is personally invested in creating a healthier future for everyone on this planet. Her commitment to addressing climate change and its health impacts is driven by a deep understanding of the urgent need for action.

The Way Forward: Prioritizing Climate Change and Health

As the health impacts of climate change continue to escalate, it is crucial to prioritize climate change and health in global discussions and policy-making. Collaborative efforts involving organizations like WHO, governments, and civil society are essential to drive change and protect the well-being of communities worldwide.

Investments in resilient health systems, innovative strategies for climate change adaptation, and the adoption of sustainable practices can pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable future. However, these efforts require substantial resources and the involvement of influential figures and partners from different sectors.

The appointment of Dr. Vanessa Kerry as the Director-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health marks a significant step towards addressing this global health challenge. Her expertise, experience, and leadership will be instrumental in amplifying awareness, developing solutions, and building consensus for action.

This is a crucial time to prioritize climate change and health, and the appointment of Dr. Kerry reflects WHO’s commitment to leading the way in this endeavor. By working together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for all, where the health and well-being of individuals and communities are protected against the impacts of climate change.

Note to Editors

Dr. Vanessa Kerry’s extensive experience in global health, her role as CEO of Seed Global Health, and her contributions to shaping climate change and health policies make her a valuable asset in addressing this complex challenge. She has played a significant role in improving healthcare through Seed’s initiatives, impacting the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Dr. Kerry’s involvement in shaping the first COP Health Day shows her dedication to promoting awareness of the health impacts of climate change and advocating for equitable and just climate action.

As an Intensive Care Physician and Associate Director for Global Partnerships and Initiatives at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Kerry brings a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to her role as Special Envoy. She is committed to integrating the healthcare response into climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

The climate crisis is a health crisis, and urgent action is needed. Dr. Kerry’s appointment as the Director-General’s Special Envoy underscores the importance of addressing climate change and its impact on global health, as well as the need for collaboration and coordinated efforts to create a healthier future for everyone.


Dr. Vanessa Kerry has been appointed as the Director-General’s first Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health by the World Health Organization (WHO). This appointment comes at a time when climate change is recognized as the greatest health challenge of the 21st century, affecting various aspects of human well-being.

Climate change leads to extreme weather events, the spread of diseases, and disruptions to health infrastructure and workforce capacity. Dr. Kerry, a renowned global health expert and CEO of Seed Global Health, will play a crucial role in amplifying WHO’s climate and health messages and conducting high-level advocacy.

Dr. Kerry’s responsibilities as the Special Envoy include disseminating critical messages on the importance of climate change and health, undertaking promotional activities, providing strategic advice, and mobilizing resources for WHO. She brings valuable experience and leadership to this role and is committed to creating a sustainable and resilient future for all.

This appointment reflects the urgency of addressing the health impacts of climate change. Dr. Kerry’s expertise and dedication will contribute to WHO’s efforts in formulating policies, fostering collaborations, and driving transformative action to protect and promote global health in the face of climate challenges.


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WHO is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Vanessa Kerry as the Director-General’s first Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. Dr. Kerry, a renowned global health expert and physician and CEO of Seed Global Health, will play a key role in amplifying WHO’s climate and health messages and conduct high-level advocacy .

“We are delighted that Dr. Vanessa Kerry is joining WHO as our Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. Her extensive experience and dedication to public health make her an invaluable asset in addressing the consequences of climate change in together, we will work to achieve a more sustainable and resilient future for all,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.

Climate change is emerging as the greatest health challenge of the 21st century, affecting various aspects of human well-being. Extreme weather events, non-communicable and infectious diseases, as well as health infrastructure and workforce capacity, are being significantly affected.

Dr. Kerry will bring her valuable experience and leadership to the forefront to support WHO. As the Director-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health, Dr. Kerry will assume key responsibilities, including:

  • amplify WHO messages on climate and health, disseminate critical messages from WHO on the importance of climate change and health, influential figures and policymakers to generate widespread understanding and a sense of urgency;
  • undertake high-level promotional activities to achieve a global impact;
  • support the work of WHO and participate in the work of global and regional organizations and national governments, in accordance with the guidance of WHO experts;
  • encourage adoption and adaptation of WHO recommendations, taking into account the unique contexts of local, national and regional circumstances;
  • provide strategic advice to the Director-General and decision-makers, strengthening WHO’s position as a trusted and authoritative source of information and support, aligning with WHO’s own guidance; and
  • help mobilize resources to advance the work of WHO, seeking out new partners and influential figures, including prominent personalities, recognizing their potential to lend their expertise and resources to scale up WHO initiatives.

“I am honored to serve as the WHO Director-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Change and Health. The climate crisis is a health crisis: it represents a fundamental threat to global health, and urgent action is needed to mitigate and adapt.” to this complex challenge”. Climate change is already wreaking havoc around the world, from the cholera outbreak in Malawi to heat-related illnesses in India, we must invest now in strong health systems that are resilient to these shocks. I will work with WHO and partners to drive awareness, develop solutions and build consensus for action for a healthier future for everyone on this planet,” said Dr. Kerry.

This is a crucial year for the intersection of climate change and health, with the COP28 Presidency announcing the first day dedicated to health at the summit on December 3, 2023. This will serve as a critical opportunity to emphasize the profound importance to address climate change. change in relation to human health. Recognizing health at the forefront of climate discussions reinforces the vital role of collaboration and coordinated efforts to safeguard the well-being of current and future generations.

The appointment of Dr Kerry as the WHO Director-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health underscores WHO’s commitment to prioritizing climate change and its impact on global health. Through her leadership, Dr. Kerry will contribute to WHO’s work in formulating policy, fostering collaborations, and driving transformative action to protect and promote the health of populations in the face of climate challenges.

Note to editors

Dr. Kerry is Co-Founder and CEO of Seed Global Health (Seed), a nonprofit organization focused on strengthening and transforming health systems through long-term investment and workforce training in the health. Under his leadership, Seed has helped educate more than 34,000 doctors, nurses and midwives in seven countries, helping to improve health care for more than 73 million people.

He has spoken and written about the effects of climate change on human health and health systems and the need to integrate a health-focused response into climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. Dr. Kerry is supporting the COP28 Presidency to shape the first COP Health Day and lead efforts to promote the impact of climate change on health and ensure equitable and just climate action.

She is an Intensive Care Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Associate Director for Global Partnerships and Initiatives at the MGH Center for Global Health. She directs the Global Public Policy and Social Change program at Harvard Medical School, which focuses on the links between security and health. She is the mother of two children.
